History Revealed 2017-01 - PDF Free Download (2025)




The bomb that changed the world

RED HUND S’ WAR R YEA ward III’s triumph Ed


at Crécy

How maverick tactics made him the ultimate admiral




10 books they tried to ban Meet the woman who freed slavess

The Destination for Militar y Histor y

At War on the Gothic Line ‘ ‘Superbly told through the eyes of the men and women who fought there, this m outtstanding book admirably recounts one of the bloodiest chapters in the longest o military campaign of World War II.’ Carlo D’Este, author of Patton: A Genius For War

‘Jennings evokes with great narrative skill the triumph and tragedy of the brutal fighting in Italy. A vital contribution to a great gap in our knowledge.’ Paul Ham, author of Hiroshima Nagasaki

‘Vivid, enthralling and authoritative, At A War on the Gothic Line is military history at its pacy best.’ John Hooper, Rome bureau chief for The Economist, and award-winning author of The Italians


FROM THE EDITOR Survivors make their way thro ugh the streets of Hiroshima in the aftermath of the atomic bom b


A rebel with a cause If asked for a list of famous Britons, many of us would get to Admiral Horatio Nelson while still in single figures. But, aside from his famous victory at Trafalgar, how much could most of us say about this heroic figure, whose statue stands proudly atop London’s most famous column? While his heroism and patriotism are well documented, his rebellious nature is probably less well known, while his private life would raise eyebrowss even today. Turn to page 28 to uncover the story of England’s greatest rebel. We have plenty more great characters, such as Harriet ( 9, who freed so many slaves in the US that Tubman (p49 she became known as the ‘Moses of her people’. Further back in time, don’t miss the extraordinary tale of Theodora ( 4, a one-time prostitute (p24 e who rose to become Empress of the Holy Roman Empire, no less. Along the way, we stop off ff at some of the places that have made history. Machu Picchu u in Peru is particularly impressive (p38 ( 8. This breathtaking Inca fort lay

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undiscovered di d ffor almost l t 500 years. IIn E Egypt, t we unlock l k the mysteries of Abu Simbel, Ramesses II’s temple on the Nile (p84 ( 4. We also explore the birth of Australia ((p69 9, and the Hiroshima atomic bomb attack k (p60 0, an event that changed the world forever. Do keep your le etterss coming, oming, and enjoy the issue!

Paul McGuin nness Editor

Don’t miss our February issue, on sale 2 February


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ON THE COVER Your key to the big stories… 38


Email us: haveyoursay@ historyrevealed.com Or post: Have Your Say, History Revealed, d Immediate Media, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN Subscription enquiries: Phone: 0844 245 6943 Email: [emailprotected] Post: FREEPOST IMMEDIATE MEDIA Editorial enquiries: 0117 314 7354

60 Digital t l versions i off Hi History Revealed d are available for iOS, Kindle Fire, PC and Mac. Visit iTunes, Amazon or zinio.com to find out more.



The number of babies born at the hospital on Ellis Island, New York. See page 22.


The number of oxen used by Ottoman sultan Mehmet II to take a 20-tonne siege cannon to Byzantine Constantinople in 1453. See page 87.


The average range, in metres, of a medieval longbow used at Crécy in the Hundred Years’ War. See page 58.


74 69 84 83






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JANUARY 2017 69 How convicts built a colony in Australia

Hiroshima in ruins after the nuclear attack


Charles ‘Lucky’ Lindbergh starts a flight trend

A Byzantine rags-to-riches tale


87 bout ab Find out about nge ran these strange ablets bronze tablets

The stormy affair of the Th u unconventional admiral





Nelson, Naval Maverick

Ask the Experts

Take a look at the big picture ....................... p10

Britain’s most famous sailor was a great leader, but was he a great lover? ............p28

Your questions answered.................................... p81

January, through the ages................................. p16

Machu Picchu


Yesterday’s Papers

The impressive Inca fort, rediscovered by the real Indiana Jones ............................................p38

I Read the News Today

In a Nutshell

Charles Manson’s murder cult ...................... p18

What Happened Next… The Metropolitan Railway..................................... p20

How Did They Do That? The magnificent Abu Simbel........................ p84

Top 10: Banned Books Forbidden texts that have enraged, and aroused, readers the world over ............. p46


Graphic History

History Makers: Harriet Tubman

On our Radar

Ellis Island immigration station .....................p22

The amazing woman who freed fellow slaves and became a spy .................................. p49

Our pick of this month’s exhibitions, events and entertainment................................ p88

The Extraordinary Tale of… Theodora, the courtesan empress........... p24

LIKE IT? SUBSCRIBE! More n subscription details on page 26

Battlefield: Crécy

Britain’s Treasures

A true tale of the underdog English defeating the might of the French....... p54

The surprising history of London’s Kew Gardens......................................................................p90

In Pictures: Hiroshima


Photos from the destroyed city ...............p60

A look at the best new releases................p92

The Birth of Australia The First Fleeters arrive in New South Wales ........................................................ p69


Great Adventure: Charles Lindbergh

Letters......................................................................................... p7 Crossword....................................................................... p96 Next Issue.........................................................................p97 Photo Finish .............................................................. p98

Inside his transatlantic flight

....................... p







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READERS’ LETTERS Get in touch – share your opinions on history and our magazine

POINTS OF INTEREST I greatly appreciate your fine and accurate American history coverage. I was enthralled by the article on Little Bighorn (Battlefield, October 2016 – the largest battle loss and defeat that the US Army suffered ff during the wars against Native Americans, specifically the Lakota and Cheyenne in June 1876. The fight cost Custer his life, plus those of his entire 1st Battalion, and many from the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 7th US Cavalry Regiment.

With regards to weapons, the 7th Cavalry had, at an earlier date, turned in their repeating Spencer carbines in exchange for the Springfield single-shot carbines they had at the battle. Custer’s executive officer, Major Reno, had been a member of the War Department Cavalry Board that approved this inexplicable decision. The new Springfields also had copper ammunition casings, which easily jammed, hindering them at the time of the battle. Custer also refused to

“It was not a question of whether Custer would be defeated, but when” Here are a couple more details of interest that supplement your article. Firstly, Custer ignored the intelligence on the huge numbers of enemy warriors that his small regiment would face, which was provided by his Native American scouts. Additionally, the battle was fought on Crow land that the Lakota and Cheyenne had taken from their Crow enemies in tribal warfare.

NATURE VS NURTURE E Newton’s upbringing mightt go some way to explaining g his famous personality y

take a pair of automatic Gatling guns, as well as swords for each trooper, along with him on his movement to make contact with the Native Americans. Accordingly, his regiment was outgunned by enemy warriors with repeating rifles, as well as nearly helpless in the hand-tohand combat that evolved against tomahawks, clubs and knives. A fatal combination that spelled disaster for Custer.


STUBBORN Custer was a difficult man, and there are a number of reasons for his defeat at the hands of Native Americans at the Battle of Little Bighorn

The men themselves had their own problems. The officers of the 7th were cliquish, and many hated each other as well as Custer, so the command environment was totally dysfunctional. I think that the executive officer and 2nd Battalion commander Major Reno were also very probably drunk during the fight. As for their training, the troopers had not been on the rifle or pistol ranges for a year, nor had they had

any horsemanship training in six months, so the noncommissioned officers of the regiment were totally negligent in their training duties. Custer’s men were totally illequipped for battle. In sum, it was not a question of whether Custer and the 7th might be defeated, but one of when n they would be defeated. Wayne Long Maryland, USA A

Wayne wins a copy of Hero of the Empire: The Making of Winston Churchill by Candice Millard (£20, Allen Lane). As a young man, Churchill always dreamed of becoming prime minister, but knew he would have to really impress on the front lines. As a journalist, he entered into dangerous Boer territory – where he was captured.

P PRECOCIOUS PHYSICIST P Th is the first time I’ve read This History Revealed, and I think it is H a truly great publication. I found tthe Newton article (December 2016 of particular interest – his 2 personal life was tough. After p all, he had a difficult childhood, a and his relationship with his a sstepfather was never good. So, he was raised by his grandmother, w but he never showed much b rrespect to her due to his rrebellious, and at times bipolar, behaviour. Newton also had many b

quarrels at school. Science and religion were truly his salvation. Juan Carlos Reyes Diaz Havana, Cuba

CHARACTER ASSASSINATION Marie Antoinette was not responsible for the French Revolution. The Bourbons were, to say the least, extravagant, and Louis XVI was not in tune with his subjects. She was neither streetwise nor politically experienced. The Revolution was going to happen whether Marie




EDITORIAL Editor Paul McGuinness [emailprotected] Production Editor Alicea Francis [emailprotected] Staff Writer Alice Barnes-Brown [emailprotected] ART Art Editor Sheu-Kuei Ho Picture Editor Rosie McPherson Illustrators Jonty Clark, Esther Curtis, Sue Gent, Chris Stocker

HER-STORY H History may have been overly unkind to Marie H Antoinette, A ette, but doesn’t pay enough attention to women liike Sac cagawea

INSPIRATIONAL I’m a big fan of History Revealed, and I always love to see it on my doorstep each month. I found History Revealed d is a first rate publication, with high production values and smart writing that strikes a good balance between entertainment and serious insight. We need more of this here, especially now! Nate Therien, Massachusetts

ARE YOU A WINNER? The lucky winners of the crossword from issue 36 are: G Gee, Suffolk B Wyman, Walton-on-Thames E Zhelezina, Cambridge Congratulations! You’ve each won a copy of Digging for Hitler. Dr David Barrowclough reveals the story of archaeologists, hired by the Nazis, tasked with ‘proving’ the superiority of the Aryan race.



your informattion about Shoshone explorer Sacag gawea (Q&A, Christmas 20116 really useful – after all, not much is really y known about Native American A women outsid de of films and the mediia. Sacag gaw awea ea was as clearly a toug gh, resil ilient woman n who (in spite of her difficult lt life) actively contrributted to o Am Amer e iccan a history, actin ng as an am mba basssador for her peoplle and helping to map out the ‘great unknown’. It is also in nteresting that Lewis and Clark saw w Sacagawea’s primary value as being a woman. This was because, if she accompanied the men, it would immediately show that their mission was a peaceful one. She also rightfully earned their high esteem, particularly Clark’s, who raised her son Jean-Baptiste and paid for his prestigious education after she died. Maureen MacDonald Perth

CIRCULA ATION Circulatiion Manager Helen Seymour

MUSIC MAKER This Ancient Egyptian sistrum was an instrument used in worship

WHAT IS IT? ? I have just found your magazine on the bookshelves, bookshelves and I find it very interesting. Regarding your ‘What is it?’ in the December issue (Q&A), I think the sistrum was used for pleasure not war, as the goddess Hathor might be the carving on the handle. She was the goddess of love and fertility, and is also connected with Horus, the famous falcon god. Don Gibbs, Waterlooville, Hampshire


HOW TO CONTACT US haveyoursay@history revealed.com facebook.com/ HistoryRevealed twitter.com/HistoryRevMag Or post: Have Your Say, History Revealed, Immediate Media, Tower House, Fairfax Street, Bristol BS1 3BN

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Basic annual subscription rates UK £43.85 Eire/Europe £59 ROW £62 © Immediate Media Company Bristol 2017. All rights reserved. No part of History Revealed d may be reproduced in any form or by any means either wholly or in part, without prior written permission of the publisher. Not to be resold, lent, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade at more than the recommended retail price or in mutilated condition. Printed in the UK by William Gibbons Ltd. The publisher, editor and authors accept no responsibility in respect of any products, goods or services which may be advertised or referred to in this issue or for any errors, omissions, misstatements or mistakes in any such advertisements or references.

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had been there or not. Being Austrian was something the antiforeign French used against her – just look at Robespierre. I read a book on Marie Antoinette, and it was heartbreaking how she was kept from her beloved children. A shameful blot on the history of the French Revolution. Maggie Rickards Newbury

CONTRIBUTORS & EXPERTS Emily Brand, Louisa Carpenter, Julian Humphrys, Greg Jenner, Pat Kinsella, Sandra Lawrence, Rupert Matthews, Miles Russell, Mark Simner, Rosemary Smith, Richard Smyth, Johnny Wilkes, Sue Wilkes, John Wright



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WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR? Seven centuries after they were formally closed down, after years of torture and the burning alive of their leaders and captive knights on absurd charges, the many survivors and ‘what happened next’ still constitute one of European history’s longest lasting mysteries. In 1314, seven years after the shock arrests in France the leading characters: Pope; King and Templar Grand Master were all dead. Less than half of the Templar personnel, located all over the map of Christendom were ever accounted for. Their treasure, international banking and trading operations were out of reach of those that had conspired to destroy them. Some believe that the Templars remain in being even today. So what did happen? Templar Knights: their Secret History takes the story from the arrests of Black Friday 13th October 1307, to include the surviving Templars fighting for Scotland and for Switzerland in their wars of Independence, years after the Order was formally terminated.

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Frances Densmore, a Smithsonian ethnomusicologist (a person who studies the music of different cultures), plays a song in Indian Plains language to Blackfoot Mountain Chief for him to interpret. Her work was of major importance, as at a time when the US government was trying to assimilate Native culture, she fought to preserve it and dispel negative stereotypes.







A butcher cuts out coupons from ration books on the first day of rationing in World War II Britain. To alleviate wartime supply problems, the government set per-person limits on certain foods. An adult was allowed four rashers of bacon, one egg and eight ounces of sugar per week, among other rationed products. Customers could get leftovers if they were friendly with their shopkeeper, so many took this approach.







Every winter, the River Tay in Scotland opens up to anglers for the year’s salmon fishing. Local resident Duncan McGregor had a unique way of catching his dinner. The ‘amphicar’, nicknamed Ay-Ell, was a descendent of the Volkswagen Schwimmwagen, a World War II concoction used by the German military. Another famous amphibious-car owner was President Lyndon B Johnson, who played practical jokes on his guests by driving head-first into the lake, screaming about broken brakes.



TIME CAPSULE JANUARY HOT IN HERE The Ball of Burning Men was held to celebrate the marriage of a lady-in-waiting, but it soon went up in smoke.

“I READ THE NEWS TODAY...” Weird and wonderful, it all happened in JANUARY PLAYING WITH FIRE

1393 CHARLES VI’S PARTY GETS OUT OF HAND One winter’s night, the French Royal Court hosted a ‘wild men’-themed masquerade ball. King Charles VI and five lords performed http://www.notonthehighstreet.com/ paper-and-string/product/cat-mini-kit /cat-mini-kit a dance, dressed d in highly flammable costumes. mes. Along came the drunken Duke of Orléans, who allegedly held a torch h too close l to the h d dancers, setting them ablaze. The King was saved d when h his h aunt her a t threw th h skirts over him ki hi to s ffo su ffocate the fire, fi e,


1 40 HENRY VIII 1540 VI IS MARRIED AT FIRST SIGHT This unhappy union has gone down as one of the most infamous marriages in history. It is often claimed that upon meeting Anne of Cleves for the first time, Henry VIII wailed, “You have sent me a Flanders mare!” He instructed his lawyers to get him out of it as soon as possible, because he was “unable to perform his husbandly duties”.


1616NOTORIOUS OU US CAPE IS ROUND D D DED The dramatic cape at the end off S South th d Atlantic America, where the Pacific and oceans meet, has become notorious orious for its high winds, rough currents t and choppy waves. The challenge of successfully navigating it was completed by Dutch explorer Willem Schouten in 1616, naming Cape Horn not after its shape, but after his hometown of Hoorn.


1 1799INCOME TAX INTRODUCED They say nothing is certain in life except death and taxes, but income tax was only introduced in 1799. William Pitt the Younger said it was “temporary”, to pay for the war against Napoleon. Incomes above a certain level were taxed at a graded rate. Though the next PM got rid of the unpopular measure, it was reintroduced in 1803, becoming a permanent fixture in British society.

age to the Some dam eversible, irr area was with high ls ai and sn ity are still radioactiv d today being foun


1935 FIRST CANNED BEER ON SALE Until the 1930s, nobody had quite worked out how to can beer, as its fizziness would react with the metal. A breakthrough came when American Can produced a vessel that was both pressurised and coated with a special lining to keep the beer’s delicious effervescence locked in. By 1935, 200 million cans had been sold.

“…OH “ HB BOY” OY” Ja anuary events that ch hanged the world 1 JA ANUARY 1863 EM MANCIPATION PROCLAMATION Ab braham Lincoln issues a proclamation frreeing all slaves in states that have seceded ffrom the Union. It also encourages black men to fight for the Union side.

22 JANUARY 1905 BLOODY SUNDAY A peaceful petition to the Tsar turns nasty w when around 100 people are killed on the steps of the Winter Palace, a key event in th he lead-up to the Russian Revolution.



Afte er winning just 37 per cent of the vote, Ado olf Hitler is elected as leader of Germany, beg ginning the ‘thousand-year Reich’.


1966 PALOMARES ATOMIC INCIDENT A catastrophe was narrowly avoided in 1966 when the US dropped four nukes on Spain – by accident. A B-52 bomber had collided with its refuelling plane mid-air, causing the explosive cargo to fall to the ground. Though there was no nuclear blast, the warheads began leaking radioactive waste, so a ground operation reacted to recover the bombs. But only three bombs were found. Where was the other one? There were fears that the Soviets had got their hands on it, which could have accelerated the arms race. Luckily, it was found undamaged in the sea a few months later.

1 JA JANUARY 1942 ‘UNITED NATIONS’ COINED Twenty-six countries, known as the ‘United Nations’, sign a pledge to continue fighting the Nazis, and agree that no country can make an individual agreement with them.

19 JANUARY 1966 INDIRA GANDHI ELECTED Third Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, begins her 15-year rule, characterised by war with Pakistan and harsh autocracy. She is assassinated in 1984.

16 JANUARY 1979 SHAH OF IRAN DEPOSED The westernising Shah of Iran, Mohammad Pahlavi, succumbs to violent pressure to leave his country. Ayatollah Khomeini is invited to return and lead on a religious platform.



Fifty years after Magna Carta, England’s first-ever parliament sa at in Westminster Palace. Convened by Simon de Montfort, a reformist, t, it included knights, plus religious and political leaders from every region. It gave judicial help to people suffering under feudalism, but it only lasted a month, and de Montfort was killed at the Battle of Evesham later in the year.


On 5 January 1759, the British Museum opened its doors, the first institution of its kind. Entry was free to all “studious and curious” persons, but servants and the lower classes were rarely let in.





HATE PREACHER Born Charles Maddox in Cincinatti, Ohio, the charismatic Manson accumulated followers by posing as Jesus and targeting vulnerable, troubled young women

YESTERDAY’S PAPERS On 25 January 1971, Charles Manson and his disciples are found guilty of seven murders




Sharon Tate was only 26 years old when she was murdered, two weeks before her baby was due. She was in the company of her friends, who Roman Polanski had asked to stay with her until the birth.


illions may have air-guitared to the Beatles song ‘Helter Skelter’, but it acquired sinister undertones after serial killer Charles Manson appropriated it. He and his followers, known as the Manson Family, believed that the band was instructing them to start an apocalyptic race war, one that they would survive to become rulers of the new world order. Their spree of brutal murders shocked the world, and brought a dark end to the Swinging Sixties. To add fuel to the fire, Manson participated in the decade’s counter-culture, but grew bitter when his career as a songwriter failed. Producer Terry Melcher refused to give him a record deal, so in August 1969, Manson decided to take revenge, leading his disciples to Melcher’s California house. His chilling words were to “destroy them, as gruesome as you can”. However, Melcher was away, and had rented his home to actress Sharon Tate (the wife of Roman Polanski) and her friends. After killing everyone else, the Mansons butchered the terrified actress, despite the fact that she was over eight months pregnant at the time. She begged for the life of her unborn child, but they would hear none of it, and stabbed her 16 times. The next day, the Family murdered Leno and Rosemary LaBianca – attempting to initiate ‘Helter Skelter’ by framing local black people for the crime. On 25 January 1971, the Mansons were brought to justice. The trial had lasted an agonising seven months. Family members showed no remorse for their actions, and even giggled at each other in court. Manson is still locked away today in Cocoran State Prison, in the middle of the desert. d

CRIMINAL MINDS ABOVE: Charles Manson is arrested and taken into custody RIGHT: Three off Manson’s mostt devoted followers s are led from theirr jail cells to the e courtroom. All took part in the e Tate-LaBianca a murders s

GIRL GANG Charles Manson convinced young women to join him using techniques he’d picked up from pimps in prison. They were persuaded to give up their individuality, in exchange for ruling the new world order.

1971 ALSO IN THE NEWS… 3 JANUARY The Open University admits its first 20,000 students. The concept pioneered ‘distance learning’ – lectures were shown on BBC2, and textbooks were sent through the post.

15 JANUARY The Aswan High Dam is officially opened in Egypt, giving the country an extra third of farmland, with hydropower providing a great deal of villages with electricity for the first time.

25 JANUARY Ugandan General Idi Amin stages a coup and ousts the absent President Milton Obote, ushering in a brutal eight years of dictatorship, race violence and terror.





Farringdon was the only station on the Metropolitan line to be at ground level, on the site of the old City Cattle Market. Despite its name, 55 per cent of the Underground is actually over ground.

The Tube seemed like a crazy idea at first, but the public loved it

1863 WORLD WORLD’S S FI FIRST UNDERGROUN UNDERGROUND TRAIN OPENS The oldest stretch of subterranean railway opens in London, revolutionising transportation in the capital


ix hundred railway executives attended a unique banquet on 9 January 1863 at Farringdon Station. What they were celebrating would transform capital cities forever. Guests of the banquet were, after all, being whisked to their feast by London’s new subterranean train, the Metropolitan Railway. The investors in attendance never got their promised returns, but they were rewarded with this opulent celebration, a jolly affair. ff Hats were waved and tributes were made to the man behind it all. Unfortunately, he had died just five months prior to his masterpiece’s completion.


GOING UNDERGROUND Though the line was only three miles long, between Paddington and Farringdon, it was a worldfirst. The concept was the brainchild of English solicitor Charles Pearson, who proposed trains running beneath the city to reduce congestion on London’s roads. Having explored other options, and running out of inspiration, the government agreed to it in 1853. Like most new-fangled ideas, it had its critics. The Times claimed the idea of steam trains operating



underground was “an insult to common sense”. Londoners themselves were equally disparaging, calling it the “trains in drains” – an unfortunate epithet acquired when, in 1862, sewers flooded into the open tunnels, causing a great stink and a delay in completion. BIRTH OF AN ICON In spite of this, the sceptical public were eager to try it out. 38,000 people – in a scene not unfamiliar to today’s Londoners – jostled for a place on the packed trains. It proved to be far more than just a novelty, and even The Times changed its tune, hailing it “the great engineering triumph h of the day”. As the network expanded into the suburbs, working-class Londoners benefitted. Rather than living in the inner city, they could afford ff to be further out, providing more space and a better quality of life. Other companies saw the success of the Metropolitan Railway and followed suit. The Hammersmith and City and District lines started within a decade, and the London Underground slowly developed d into the iconic network we love ve to hate today. d

YARD! NOT IN MY BACK houses on The destruction of hostility the rail path brought

TRAVEL FOR ALL This Edwardian advert stresses the recreational uses for the Tube, as well as its commuting purpose

“The whole idea… is an insult to common sense” The Times, 1861

HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES Future Prime Minister William Gladstone joins other wealthy folks in the third-class carriage.

ON TRACK Guests celebrate the opening of the Metropolitan Railway






It was important to the American government that the arrivals had enough money to start their new life, so they were only allowed to enter if they had at least this much money

US immigrants get luke-warm welcome

1892 ELLIS ISLAND OPENS ITS DOORS With the dawn of transatlantic steam travel came new horizons. Those who lived in areas of poverty or religious intolerance no longer had to suffer – they could simply relocate to the Land of the Free. Between 1821 and 1840, immigration to the United States increased by almost 600 per cent, in part because of the Great Irish famine. Immigration policy had originally been left to individual states, but eventually the government decided to step in. Ellis Island was designated as a federal immigration station, and between 1892 and 1954, 12 million immigrants were processed here. For some it was an island of hope, but for many others it was an island of tears.

1897 In June of this year, a fire broke out on the island, destroying almost all of the buildings. The station didn’t reopen until 1900


DORMS If an immigrant failed the legal inspection, they would be detained in dormitories for days or d even ve w weeks.

FERRY TERMINAL By 1910, 70% of those entering the US came from southern and eastern Europe, and would often have to trek across land nd fo for hundredss of miles m on foot or horseback ho back k before boardin arding ding g a ship. p.

1/3: The proportion of the American population who can trace their ancestry to the immigrants who first arrived at Ellis Island






WALL OF HONOR CONTAGIOUS DISEASE WARDS First opened in 19 1902 902 with th 12 120 20 0 beds, be the t hospital later almo most st qua quadrupled drupled d in size to deal with the huge ge influx nflux of infected infecte migrants. Maladies include clude ded tuber tu tuberculosis, scarlet fever and whooping ng co cough.



FORT GIBSON Before Be efore it was an inspection station, Ellis Island was an important part of New York Harbor’s defense system. A fort was built there, which helped to defend the city during the War of 1812 against the British.

An exhibit now displays the names of 700,000 immigrants to the United States.

355 The number of babies born in the hospital on Ellis Island. Many were named after the doctors and nurses who delivered them



The number of immigrants that were processed at the station’s peak in 1907 – up to 11,747 a day d








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GRUESOME G TREATMENTS T Chloric a acid was poured onto scalps to cure ringworm, and buttonhooks were used to peel back eyelids to check for trachoma.




EMPRESS OR TEMPTRESS? Theodora was a controversial figure. Though some admired her, others such as Procopius sought to tarnish her reputation, calling her “the most depraved of all courtesans”.

THE EXTRAORDINARY TALE OF… Theodora, an ex-prostitute whose rags-to-riches tale made her arguably the most powerful woman in Byzantium

527 THEODORA BECOMES EMPRESS OF THE EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE “The Empress from the Brothel” is crowned along with her husband, Justinian, marking the start of a truly turbulent 20 years


hen faced with death, the Byzantine emperor Justinian was a cowardly figure. The same could not be said of his wife, Theodora. During a revolt in Constantinople in the year 532, Justinian was ready to make a run for it, but the audacious empress implored him to stay to save his reign. She arose from her throne and uttered the phrase “If you wish to save yourself, my lord, there is no difficulty… As for me, I agree with the saying that royal purple is the noblest shroud”. But Theodora had not always been so majestic. Born in the hippodrome to a bear keeper and actress, she came from the lowest rung of society. Nonetheless, Theodora’s involvement with politics began at a young age. Her family were members of the Green faction, supporters of the corresponding Green hippodrome team, whose followers from the working classes possessed a degree of political influence. Their rivals were the Blues, a team backed by the upper and ruling classes, who also held considerable political leverage.

Her father died when she was young, so Theodora’s mother quickly remarried in order to avoid destitution. She attempted to get her new husband into the vacant bear-baiting position by parading her downtrodden children in front of the Greens. However, her emotional appeal was ridiculed and laughed at. Sensing an opportunity to steal support from their rivals, the Blues gave Theodora’s stepfather a job, saving the family from poverty. From this moment, Theodora’s loyalty remained with the Blues, a switch that would define her destiny. SHUNNED BY SOCIETY As she grew up, Theodora took to the stage to earn money. Her childhood was spent performing circus tricks with her sister, and as she blossomed into a teenager, she moved onto more risqué performances. Soon, Theodora was known throughout the Empire for her interpretation of Leda and the Swan, the infamous Ancient Greek myth of Zeus turning himself into a swan to sleep with a young woman.


“May I never see the day when those who meet me do not call me Empress” Theodora, to her husband Justinian as he was preparing to flee

Theodora provided a colourful version of the story by scattering grain on her nether regions and encouraging geese to peck it from her. Off ff stage, wealthier clients would pay for her sexual services, and though it provided a source of income, it meant she was shunned by society. At the tender age of 16, Theodora believed she’d found an escape from her former life when she journeyed with civil servant Hecebolus to his new posting in Libya. Here she lived as his mistress for four years, but he abused her and eventually threw her out onto the streets, penniless. Her determination saw her through, and she scraped together enough money ney to get herself and her infant daughter to Alexandria. She encountered two influential religious leaders, who identified as Monophysite Christians. These so-called ‘heretics’ stood at loggerheads to the mainstream Orthodox Church, as they believed that Jesus never had a mortal form, and wass an entirely divine being. Theodora’s interactions with them moved her so

NOT SWAN LAKE a notably



Theodora performs of the low-budget version myth an avi ek Gre nt Ancie

RUSTIC REGNANT Justinian and his uncle Justin came from a peasant family in the Balkans. Justin rose up through the army to become emperor.


T? Theodora points ou t to her husband that a great escape may not be so wise after all much that she converted, and remained steadfastly committed to Monophysitism.

THESPIAN TEASE Actresses in Byzantium were a far cry from the highly trained masters of the stage we know today. Their job included performing salacious plays, dances and sexual favours for paying customers.

PEARLY QUEEN This mosaic in Ravenna, Italy is one of the few contemporary images of Theodora

BACK TO CONSTANTINOPLE Theodora’s luck began to change when she befriended Macedonia, a dancer and member of the Blue faction. With her help, Theodora was able to return to Constantinople, and even land a respectable job as a wool-spinner. Macedonia also introduced Theodora to future emperor Justinian, a valuable Blue ally. He was instantly infatuated with her beauty and wit, and desired to make her his wife as soon as possible. However, Theodora’s past haunted her, and an old Roman law prevented high society from marrying former actresses. Justinian took advantage of his elderly uncle the Emperor in AD 525, and changed the law to let ‘truly repentant’ actresses wed those of high rank. They married almost immediately. Two years later, Justinian and Theodora sat as rulers of the mighty Eastern Roman Empire. Theodora proved her worth during the Nika riots of 532. A fight between the Blues and Greens at the hippodrome culminated in a violent uprising, in which the teams both attempted to overthrow the dynasty and proclaim the unwitting commander Hypatius as emperor. Theodora was ruthless. After convincing her husband to remain in the city and face the rioters, they sent loyal

soldiers to the place where she grew up. The exits were sealed off, ff and in the massacre that ensued, 30,000 people were slaughtered. Hypatius was brought to the palace, and though Justinian was willing to spare the rioters’ figurehead, Theodora wanted to make an example of him, and he was promptly executed. In the aftermath, the royal couple set about restoring the stability of the Byzantine world. Theodora’s work as empress was characterised by an increase in women’s rights and religious tolerance. She fought for laws that banned pimps, proscribed the death penalty for rape, and gave mothers custody rights over children. She also ensured religious protection for Monophysites within the palace walls, even though Justinian himself was Orthodox. Theodora died at age 48, probably of breast cancer. In her memory, Justinian continued to protect Monophysites throughout the Empire, despite his personal beliefs. The couple’s mark on Constantinople is still visible today at Hagia Sophia, the breathtaking church they built together after the Nika revolts – a lavish display of their wealth and influence over the Empire. d

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Which other rags-to-riches tales should we feature in History Revealed? d email: [emailprotected]




History Revealed d is an action-packed, image-rich magazine with zero stuffiness. Each issue takes a close look at one of history’s biggest stories, such as the Tudors or Ancient Egypt, to give you a great understanding of the time. And the amazing tales just keep coming, with features on the globally famous, the adventures of explorers and the blood spilt on well-known ell-known battlefields, plus plu much more, in every edition.






Julian Humphrys looks at the life and complex character of one of Britain’s most-loved military heroes


TROUBLED WATERS MAIN: Nelson attacks a polar bear while searching for a north-east passage to the Pacific BELOW: His estranged wife, Frances Nisbet


lson says The 12-year-old Ne mother nd gra his to e goodby Navy the g nin joi upon

FAMILY TIES The graves of Nelson’s mother and father are situated on the north side of the chancel, while his brother and sister are buried in the churchyard.



ritain has had its fair share of heroes, but very few have commanded the same affection ff that Nelson did. “We do not know whether we should mourn or rejoice. The country has gained the most splendid and decisive Victory that has ever graced the naval annals of England; but it has been dearly purchased. The great and gallant NELSON is no more.” With these words, The Times summed up the mood of the nation, for the news of Nelson’s death at Trafalgar was met with an outpouring of public grief that wouldn’t be matched until the death of Diana, Princess of Wales, nearly 200 years later. His loss was felt particularly keenly in the Navy. Admiral Collingwood, Nelson’s normally reserved second-in-command, wept at the news, while a boatswain’s mate on board Victory cried so much that he was unable to pipe the men to quarters. When Nelson’s coffin was taken for burial in St Paul’s Cathedral a few weeks later, huge crowds of mourners showed up to line the streets. Horatio Nelson was born seven weeks prematurely, on 29 September 1758 in the Norfolk village of Burnham Thorpe, where his father was the parish priest. Although he was hurriedly baptised



because nobody expected him to live, Nelson survived, but in 1767, when he was just nine, his mother died. It was an event that would leave a permanent mark on his personality. He developed into an engaging, impulsive boy with a strong religious faith who craved affection, ff attention and approval – characteristics that he would carry with him to his grave. In 1771, aged just 12, he joined the Royal Navy with the help of his uncle, Captain Maurice Suckling. He spent most of his teenage years at sea, sailing thousands of miles from the Bay of Bengal to the Arctic, and surviving not only a severe bout of malaria but also, if the stories are to be believed, a brush with a polar bear. Promoted to captain at the age of 20, Nelson spent eight years in command of a succession of frigates – fast, lightly armed warships that were the Navy’s eyes and ears. As they frequently operated independently, Nelson gained valuable experience in decision-making.

WHERE IT ALL BEGAN Nelson was baptised at All Saints’ church in Burnham Thorpe, north Norfolk

Nott that those decisions were always righ ht. When the American Revolution end ded, he was given command of HMS Bore reas and sent to the West Indies. He so soon alienated the locals by overzealously enforcing a trade embargo with the newly independent colonies, and annoyed his superiors by lecturing them on their duty. General Shirley, the governor of Antigua, was unimpressed, replying “Old respectable officers of high

“He was hurriedly baptised because no one expected him to live” rank, long service and of a certain life are very jealous of being dictated to in their duty by young Gentlemen whose service and experience do not entitle them to it.” He also mishandled a delicate situation involving the commander of HMS Pegasus, Prince William Henry





His age when he became a captain

The num Royal Nav ber of Nelson se y ships during his rved in career


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HMS Victory at Trafalgar

Admirals attended Nelson’s funeral


(later William IV), who was involved in a dispute with his first lieutenant. Unwilling to alienate a potentially powerful patron, Nelson allowed the young prince to flout naval rules. This time it was the Admiralty who were unimpressed, and between 1788 and 1793, Nelson found himself lingering on half pay in England, and without any naval employment.

Nelson’s age when he joined the Royal Navy

5 Ser wereious wou Nels suffere nds on d nava during by l car his eer

REPENT AND RESENT While in the West Indies, Nelson had married Frances Nisbet, an attractive young widow he’d met on the island of Nevis. According to Prince William Henry, who gave the bride away, Nelson was “over head and ears in love”, but he privately doubted whether it would last, writing that he hoped Nelson “may not repent the step he has taken.” The couple spent the next five years in England together, much of it at Burnham Thorpe. Frances, who had lived all her life in the West Indies, hated the bitter Norfolk winters, while Nelson became frustrated

The amount of ft to money Nelson le e, his estranged wif Fanny, in his will

5,000 of Nelson’s letters still survive



as the years passed without a ship to command. Moreover, although Frances already had a son by her first marriage, the couple were still childless. Nelson’s years of inactivity ended in 1793 when war broke out with Revolutionary France. He was given command of a battleship, HMS Agamemnon, and sent to join the Mediterranean fleet under Lord Hood. It was Nelson’s big opportunity, and he was determined to seize it. “If it is a sin to covet glory,” he wrote, “I am the most offending ff soul alive.” In 1794, Nelson took part in the capture of Corsica. While fighting on land at Calvi he lost almost all the sight in his right eye when he was hit in the face by gravel thrown up by a French cannonball. It was the first of a number of serious wounds suffered ff by Nelson – proof that while his thirst for glory might expose the men under him to risks, they were risks that he himself was willing to take. In March 1795, Nelson took part in his first fleet battle, off ff Genoa, and gave the much larger Ça Ira a such a pounding that she was easy prey to the British on the following day. The British had the upper hand, but when Admiral Hotham broke off ff the action after only two ships had been captured, Nelson was frustrated and angry. Nelson wasn’t interested in damaging the enemy; he wanted their complete annihilation and, as he would prove in the future, he was prepared to take risks to achieve it. The following year saw Nelson given command of a small squadron of ships off ff the Italian coast. He blockaded French-held ports and captured the islands of Elba and Capraia. These exploits earned him the respect of men like Sir John Jervis, the new commander of the Mediterranean fleet, but Nelson believed that his achievements were being ignored back at home.

NATIONAL HERO The year 1797 gave him the opportunity to secure the public recognition he craved. On 14 February, Jervis took on the Spanish at Cape St Vincent. Displaying the kind of urgency so lacking in Hotham, he ordered his ships to make straight for a gap in the Spanish line, splitting the enemy fleet in two. Nelson played a leading role in the ensuing victory, taking his ship, the Captain, out of the line to thwart a dangerous Spanish manoeuvre. More was to come. When Nelson saw that two Spanish ships, the San Nicolás and the San Josef, f had collided and become entangled, he brought the Captain alongside the San Nicolas and then led



“The pair did little to hide their affair, and soon it was the talk of a scandalised London”

SITTING DUCKS The French flagship explodes during the Battle of the Nile, securing British control of the Med

JUST A FLESH WOUND Despite losing his right arm in battle, Nelson returned to work half an hour later

a boarding party to capture her before crossing her deck to seize the San Josef. f It was a quite unprecedented feat. Nelson was well aware that none of this would have been possible without the support of his captains, and was quick to thank them. But he was equally quick to ensure that this time his actions were not overlooked. He wrote his own, unofficial, account of the battle and sent

it for publication back home. It instantly captured the public imagination and made him a national hero.

IN DEEP WATER Five months later, Nelson suffered ff his worst ever defeat when he led a naval force in a disastrous land assault on Santa Cruz de Tenerife. A quarter of his men became casualties, and Nelson himself had his right arm amputated h after it was shattered by a musket a ball. Racked by guilt at the losses b he’d incurred and in great pain from h his wound, Nelson sank into a deep h depression. His mood wasn’t helped by d his belief that “a left-handed admiral h will never be considered useful”. w But Jervis stood by him, the wound B eeventually healed and, helped by the popular adulation he was now receiving, p Nelson’s flagging spirits revived. The N ffollowing April, he was sent to the Mediterranean with 13 battleships to M hunt down the French. On 1 August h 11798, he found their fleet anchored in Aboukir Bay and immediately prepared A tto attack. The battle that followed was Nelson’s most decisive victory. Whereas most m admirals at the time looked to keep a a ttight control on their fleets, Nelson was tthe opposite. He trusted his captains iimplicitly and, after making sure they

NOT-SO-EXPECTED The British victory at Cape St Vincent was a happy surprise – just 15 ships had defeated a Spanish fleet of 22, which also had more guns and men.


England Expects E


SWORD The captain of th e San Nicolás surrenders to Ne lson after the Battle of Cape St Vincent

understood his plans, he allowed them the flexibility to decide how best to carry them out. It was a philosophy that paid dividends. When Captain Thomas Foley of the Goliath h realised that the water between the French and the shore was deep enough to sail in, he led his ship down the landward side of the French fleet. Three other ships followed him while Nelson led a second attack down the seaward side. One by one, the French vessels were overwhelmed by superior numbers and gunnery and, with the wind against them, the ships at the other end of their line could do nothing but wait for their inevitable destruction. In the end, 11 out of the 13 French battleships were destroyed or captured. The victory secured British naval supremacy in the Mediterranean and left Bonaparte’s army stranded in Egypt. The nation went wild with delight. It seemed that the ‘Hero of the Nile’, as Nelson was now dubbed, could do no wrong. Nelson had been wounded in the head during the battle, and he sailed to Naples to recuperate. Greeted as a hero and feted by the Neapolitan court, he stayed with the British ambassador, Sir William Hamilton, and Emma, his beautiful wife. What was initially intended to be a short visit lasted nearly two years, and cast a cloud over both Nelson’s personal life and his professional career. Neglecting

his wider military responsibilities, he became increasingly embroiled in the murky world of Neapolitan politics. In doing so he found himself drawn into a vicious civil war, and his involvement in the execution of Francesco Carriacolo, a prominent republican leader, further tarnished his reputation. Eventually, Nelson was summoned home, having been pointedly told by Earl Spencer: “You will be more likely to recover your health and strength in England than in… a foreign court, however pleasing the respect and gratitude shown to you for your services.”

A the British ships closed in on their enemies at As Trafalgar, Nelson ordered a signal to be displayed T aboard his flagship HMS Victory: “England expects a th that every man will do his duty”. Nelson originally w wanted the message to read “England confides”, in th the sense that England was confident, but because ‘e expects’ was in the code book and ‘confides’ would h have to be spelled out, he agreed to change the m message. Either way, Admiral Collingwood, Nelson’s se second-in-command and close friend, was not im mpressed. “I do wish Nelson would stop signalling,” he muttered, “we all know well enough what to do.” In fact, Collingwood’s acerbic comment contained an important truth: Nelson’s captains did indeed know what to do, for in the days leading up to the battle, he had met with them and personally explained his plans. He then relied on his captains’ intelligence and experience and their crews’ superior fighting abilities to carry out these plans in the heat of battle. Trusting his ‘band of brothers’ (as he’d dubbed his captains before the Battle of the Nile) to do the right thing, he reminded his captains, “In case signals can neither be seen or perfectly understood, no captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of an enemy.”

NO WORDS The signal was relayed using the numeric flag code

THE OTHER WOMAN And then there was Emma Hamilton. She nursed him back to health, they shared dangers together, and eventually became lovers. The desire for an unblemished hero led later generations to blame Emma for the affair, ff but the reality was more complicated. Nelson was certainly not innocent, and had already had at least one lover since his marriage to Frances. In any event, the attraction was more than sexual. Emma doted on Nelson, mothering him and encouraging him. They also seem to have shared a sense of humour. When Nelson was rewarded for his victory at the Nile with a barony rather than the viscountcy he thought he deserved, Emma wrote to him, “If I was King of England, I would make you the most noble, puissant Duke Nelson, Marquis Nile, Earl Alexandria, Viscount Pyramid, Baron Crocodile and Prince Victory.” The pair did little to hide their relationship, and soon it was the talk of a scandalised London. When Nelson returned to England with both the Hamiltons in tow, Frances demanded that Nelson choose between her and his lover. Nelson chose Emma, who by now was carrying his child. After arranging a JANUARY 2017



NELSON’S TRAVELS In a naval career that llasted t d almo l st 35 years, N on travelled across Europe, fighting Nelso fi the Frencch, Spanish and anyone else in his way



SEPT 1758 Birth of a hero h o

Born prematurely rematurely in Burnham Thorpe Parsonage, Norfolk. He’s the sixth of 11 children of Reverend Edmund Nelson and his wife Catherine.

AUGUST 1801 Raids on Boulogne


Defeated in two attempts to destroy a flotilla of French ships anchored in the port of Boulogne.


MARCH 1795 Battle of Genoa

Commands HMS Agamemnon during the Battle of Genoa. He attacks the much larger Ça Ira and damages her so badly that she is easily captured the following day. He is furious when Admiral Hotham breaks off the fighting after only two ships had been taken.


FEBRUARY 1797 Battle of Cape St Vincent

Captures two ships during Admiral Jervis’s victory over the Spanish at Cape St Vincent and is subsequently knighted.


JULY 1797 Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Suffers the worst defeat of his career as he loses a quarter of his force in an unsuccessful attempt to storm Santa Cruz de Tenerife in the Spanishcontrolled Canary Islands. His right arm is shattered by a musket ball and has to be amputated.


OCTOBER 1805 Battle of Trafalgar

Confirms British naval supremacy by winning a decisive victory over the combined FrancoSpanish fleet at Trafalgar. Eighteen enemy ships are captured or destroyed without the loss of a single British ship, but Nelson is mortally wounded by a musket shot as he paces the quarterdeck of HMS Victory. Public rejoicing at the victory is overshadowed d by grief at his death. His body is pickled d in rum and brought back to England forr burial in the crypt of St Paul’s Cathedral..


JULY 1794 Siege of Calvi

Loses the sight in his right eye whilst leading land forces during the capture of the Corsican town of Calvi from the French.


APRIL 1801 Battle of Copenhagen

Ignores a signal to withdraw from the fleet commander, Sir Hyde Parker, and defeats the Danish at Copenhagen.

THE NELSON TOUCH Naval battles were traditionally fought with the opposing fleets drawn up in two parallel lines. Such actions were rarely decisive, as the losing side could usually sail away. At Trafalgar, Nelson led his fleet in two columns to cut the enemy line. Dubbed the ‘Nelson Touch’, this tactic gave him an advantage in numbers where it mattered, and brought about a close-quarter melee where superior British gunnery proved decisive.




THE MARY AN 1771 – 1772




SEPTEMBER 179 98 Scandal in Italy

Goes to Naples to recover cover from the wound he suffered at the Nile. Over the next two years he neglects his wider command and becomes increasingly involved in Neapolitan politics. When the French establish a republic in Naples in 1799, he helps the King to recover his throne and is involved in the execution of Francesco Carriacolo, a prominent republican leader. He also begins a highly public affair with Emma, the wife of the British envoy, Sir William Hamilton.


AUGUST 1798 Battle of the Nile

Destroys the French fleet in the Battle of the Nile, leaving Bonaparte’s French army stranded in Egypt. Wounded in the head.




2 1

3 TOKENS OF LOVE 1: A painting by acclaimed artist George Romney 2: A caricature satirising the rrelationship between Nelson and Hamilton, casting them in the roles of Dido and Aeneas, the Trojan hero 3: Nelson’s last letter to Emma, written two days before his death 4: His betrothal ring 5: Merton House, their London home

5 ARTIST’S MUSE Emma became the subject of many of Romney’s paintings; in four years she sat for him at least 100 times.




The life of Em mma Hamilton ton The woman who would inspire artists, charm an Italian royal family and earn the love of one of Britain’s greatest military heroes was born c1761, the daughter of a Cheshire blacksmith. Although her actual name was Amy Lyon, she preferred to be known as Emma Hart. Emma originally moved to London to work as a maid, but her striking beauty soon attracted plenty of amorous attention. After reputedly working as a scantily dressed attendant in Dr James Graham’s bogus ‘Temple of Health’, where infertile couples paid to use a ‘celestial bed’, she became the mistress of Sir Harry Fetherstonhaugh. She bore him a daughter and is said to have entertained his friends at his Sussex mansion by dancing naked on the dining room table. In 1782, Emma became the mistress of Charles Greville MP. He set her up in a



house in Paddington Green, where she lived for four years and sat for a series of artists, notably George Romney. But in 1786, in financial trouble and looking for a rich heiress to marry, Greville packed Emma off to Naples to ‘visit’ his widowed uncle Sir William Hamilton, the British Ambassador there. It’s clear that from the very start the plan was for Emma to become Hamilton’s mistress. Despite her dismay at the way she had been treated, the pair became lovers and eventually married in 1791. The new Lady Hamilton thrived in Naples, where she became a close friend of the royal family. She was a talented singer, and her ‘attitudes’ (theatrical performances based on classical scenes) were a must-see for gentlemen on the Grand Tour. She and Nelson first met in 1793; by 1799 they were lovers. The following year, Nelson, Emma

and Sir William returned to England. In 1801, she bore Nelson a daughter, Horatia, and organised the purchase of a house for Nelson at Merton in Surrey. She, Nelson and her ageing husband often lived there in an amicable ménage à trois until Sir William died in 1803. Just before sailing into action at Trafalgar, Nelson amended his will, asking the government to give Emma the money necessary to ‘maintain her rank in life’, but her debts soon mounted. She was forced to sell many of her possessions, including her beloved Merton, which Nelson had left to her. Eventually she found herself imprisoned for debt, and in 1814 her reputation suffered a further blow when some of Nelson’s letters to her were published. That July she fled to Calais with Horatia, and six months later, penniless and alcoholic, she died.

SHIPSHAPE & SHINY Y RIGHT: The lower gun deck of HMS Victory y as it looks today BELOW: The freshly painted ship is docked in Portsmouth


“It was impossible not to be inspired by this brave, earnest little man” generous financial settlement for her, he cut his heartbroken wife out of his life and refused to see her or even write to her again.

A NATION IN MOURNING The Naples affair ff had done Nelson’s reputation no good whatsoever. Many considered his infatuation with Emma undignified and ridiculous, while the Admiralty saw him as a loose cannon, not to be trusted. As a result, when a fleet was sent to Copenhagen in 1801 to break up an ‘armed neutrality’ among the Baltic States, the cautious Admiral Parker was given overall command with Nelson as his deputy. When negotiations with the Danes failed and the British resorted to force,, it was Nelson who led the attack. It was a tricky battle. The Danes fought stubbornly, and some of Nelson’s ships ran into difficulties in the shallow waters. Parker hoisted a signal ordering a withdrawal. Nelson ignored it and continued the action, gaining the upper hand over the Danes and then securing a favourable truce. He returned home with his professional reputation restored, and for the next 18 months he spent much of his time with Emma, Sir William and his daughter, Horatia, in the house Emma had found for him in Merton.

HERO’S BURIAL BELOW Nelson’s death mask, cast upon his death on Victory BELOW RIGHT: His tomb in St Paul’s Cathedral

When in May 1803 a brief peace with France came to an end, the stage was set for Nelson’s last campaign. For 18 months, Nelson, now commander of Britain’s Mediterranean fleet, blockaded the French fleet under Admiral Villeneuve in Toulon, but in February 1804 the French slipped away. Their plan was to create a diversion by threatening Britain’s Caribbean possessions before heading back to unite with other French and Spanish ships and sailing up the Channel to support an invasion. Nelson chased them to the West Indies, causing them to sail back to European waters where, blocked by Admiral Calder, they took refuge in Cádiz harbour. The invasion was cancelled, but the French and Spanish ships in Cádiz remained a threat, and Nelson was given the job of destroying them. After spending a breathless 25 days on shore with Emma, Nelson rejoined his fleet and on 21 October 1805, at Trafalgar, he won his last and most famous victory. HMS Victory lost 57 men that day. One of them was Ne Nelson.

The nation mourned a hero; those who knew him mourned a man. Contemporaries might smile at his vanity, frown at his love life, and worry about his impulsiveness, but it was impossible not to be inspired by this brave, earnest, passionate little man. Nelson was a true leader, warm and friendly to his brother officers and approachable to his men. Captain Duff of HMS Mars summed up the views of many people when he wrote: “He is so good and pleasant a man, that we all wish to do what he likes, without any kind of orders.” d

GET HOOKED MUSEUM A visit to HMS Victoryy in Portsmouth’s Historic Dockyard is a must for every Nelson fan. You can walk the gun decks, see Nelson’s cabin and stand on the spot where he received his mortal wound. Complete your visit by exploring the nearby Museum of the Royal Navy. www.historicdockyard.co.uk

EXHIBITION Find out more about the love of Nelson’s life at Emma Hamilton: Seduction and Celebrity, y an acclaimed special exhibition which runs at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich until 17 April 2017. www.bit.ly/2dokvCh




At the Battle of Trafalgar, the ship carried 104 guns spread over four decks. Today, only eight survive, with the majority on board being replicas.

DID YOU KNOW? The Inca kept records with an elaborate series of knotted strings, called Quipu


THE CITY IN THE SKY B REAL INDIANA JONES After studying history at Yale, Hiram Bingham III was able to pursue his dream – finding the lost city of Vilcabamba

ingham had been scrambling ever upwards – often on hands and knees – for hours now. His legs ached, his clothes were damp with sweat, and his lungs struggled to take in the increasingly thin mountain air. And for what? A vague promise from a local man called Melchor Arteaga of Inca ruins at the top of a nearby precipice. For all Bingham knew, Arteaga could have been sending him on a wild – and exhausting – goose chase. But then Bingham’s weary legs felt a surge of energy. For he and his guides suddenly came across what he later described as “an unexpected sight, a great flight of beautifully constructed stone terraces, perhaps a hundred of them, each hundreds of feet long and ten feet high”. Then, “suddenly I found myself confronted with the walls of ruined houses built of the finest quality of Inca stonework”. He had discovered the long-lost Inca city of Machu Picchu, and – though he couldn’t have known it at the time – it was to prove one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.

KINGDOM OF GOLD Hiram Bingham III is sometimes hailed as a kind of proto-Indiana Jones – a

buccaneering archaeologist-turnedadventurer who felt more at home in the middle of a jungle than buried in a textbook. He developed a passion for Latin American history as a boy and, armed with a PhD in the subject, made the journey to Yale University to pursue a career as a lecturer. He might have stayed at Yale, had he not met and married Alfreda Mitchell, an heiress to the Tiffany ff jewellery fortune. Bingham now had the financial security to fulfil his dream – embark on his first expedition to South America. That first adventure, in 1906, saw him trace the celebrated political leader Simón Bolívar’s routes through Venezuela and Colombia in 1819. But it was a people who dominated South America 300 years before Bolívar who really fired Bingham’s imagination, and ultimately led him to that first, historic sighting of Machu Picchu. They were the Inca. Over the course of a few hundred years from the 12th century AD, the Inca forged one of the greatest empires the world had yet seen. They were warriors, conquerors, architects and road-builders extraordinaire, presiding over a vast swathe of territory that ran 2,500 miles down South America’s western seaboard. Unfortunately for them, however, they also developed JANUARY 2017



The Inca stronghold of Machu Picchu lay abandoned for over 350 years, until a whip-cracking archaeologist stumbled across it

MACHU PICCHU: THE CITY IN THE SKY DID YOU KNOW? In 2007, Machu Picchu was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in an internet poll


SACRED PLAZA This was the political centre of the city, where rituals and ceremonies took place.


Y BEGGING FOR MERC pleads for his life


Inca emperor Atahualpa ncisco Pizarro before conquistador Fra



HIRAM BINGHAM If Hiram Bingham III’s parents – both missionaries – had gotten their way, then instead of stomping around Peru in search of Inca cities, their son would have carved out a living spreading the word of God. But Bingham was more interested in South American history than the scriptures. And so he embarked on a series of expeditions to Peru in search of long-lost Inca cities. Following his landmark discovery of Machu Picchu in 1911, Bingham went into politics, serving as a member of the US Senate for the state of Connecticut and, later, helping President Truman’s administration identify communists working in government. He died in 1956.



an obsession with gold. For in 1532, a ruthless Spanish conquistador named Francisco Pizarro stepped onto Inca territory, accompanied by around 180 followers. Pizarro shared the Inca’s infatuation and, hearing tales of their vast and exquisite stores of yellow metal, made a beeline for their emperor, Atahualpa. In the long, and sometimes undistinguished history of European colonialism, what happened next has gone down in infamy. In November 1532, Pizarro invited Atahualpa to a meeting in the town of Cajamarca. But the conquistador had a nasty surprise for his host. Having lured Atahualpa and his followers into a plaza, Pizarro’s men attacked, unleashing volleys of gunfire into the unarmed Inca masses. Many were killed and Atahualpa was taken hostage. To earn his freedom, the Emperor reportedly offered ff Pizarro a ransom that would make the conquistador fantastically rich – a room full of gold, and two full of silver. Almost immediately, gold started pouring in from across the Inca Empire. But the Spanish reneged on their promise to release Atahualpa, and instead had him executed.

It was an act that triggered all-out war; a triumph of military technology over weight of numbers. The Spanish could only call upon a couple of hundred men – far fewer than the thousands that the Inca had at their disposal. But what the Spanish did possess was armour, firearms, cannons and horses. Against an enemy that possessed clubs and spears – and which had already been weakened by civil war and smallpox – these were to prove decisive. Within a few short years, the Spanish had utterly ravaged the once-great Inca Empire, levelling towns and temples wherever they found them. And it was what happened as Pizarro and his men slowly but surely squeezed the life out of Inca resistance over the following decades that brought Hiram Bingham III back to Peru on another expedition in 1911.

Two floors The Inca had no furniture, but slept on llamaskin blankets



WONDERS OF STONE The city was built stone-bystone in perfect unity.

2 3



Stones with 8 angles

WRONG TRACK What drew Bingham to South America was the long-lost Inca citadel of Vilcabamba. It was from here, deep in Peru’s mountains, that the emperor Manco Inca had led an audacious guerrilla campaign against the Spanish. And it was here that the very last embers of Inca resistance were extinguished in 1572.

4 5



The stones fitted together without any use of mortar or binding material. The stones were not rectangular, but instead they had many angles. Each stone was cut so as to fit in perfectly.

TERRACES A system of stepped terraces on the mountainside m helped to slow down erosion, provided d a level surface for farming, and controlled the flo ow of water. INTIHUATANA


IRR RIGATION CH HANNELS The Inca could control the am mount of spring watter that was divertted along the terraces


Layers of soil and sand HILLSIDE E

GRAVEL Facilitated drainage and oxygenation.






RETAINING WALL R Th he stone absorbed heat during the day and ra adiated it at night

CANALS Water from a mountain spring was collected and made accessible through a series of fountains.

Walls made of stone High roofs made of straw

LEANING IN All the walls of the city are s slightly slanted for extra a supprt.











This magnificant carved rock – often called the ‘hitching post of the Sun’ – was almost certainly some kind of astronomical clock or calendar, designed to track the Sun’s passage across the sky.

The Temple of the Sun was a huge, semicircular place of worship aligned to catch the Sun’s rays on the winter solstice. It boasts some of the finest stonework in all of Machu Picchu.

Sited in the eastern corner of Machu Picchu’s main plaza, this stone hall – containing three windows along one wall – offers extraordinary views.

4 THE TEMPLE OF THE CONDOR This bird had great significance for the Inca people, as it was believed to represent the ‘upper world’. This rock was carved to look like a condor in flight, and acted as a ceremonial centre.



The Inti Punku (or ‘Sun Gate’), dedicated to the cult of Inti, was a main entrance point into the citadel from the Inca capital, Cusco, and would have been heavily guarded during its 15th-century heyday.

A six-metre gap in the trail to Machu Picchu spanned by four or five planks of wood above a 600-metre drop make up its ‘secret’ back entrance. The planks could be removed to deter unwanted visitors.

ROOM WITH A VIEW Bingham’s expedition team camp at the foot of Mount Salcantay

Bingham was determined to find this tragic city. The thrilling possibility that he had done just that must have raced around his head as he explored Machu Picchu for the first time in July 1911. But this wasn’t Vilcabamba; it was somewhere far more spectacular still. Bingham would return to Machu Picchu on numerous occasions over the following years. He took hundreds of photographs, excavated scores of graves, and transported thousands of objects – among them pottery, tools and bronze knives – back to the United States (in doing so, he sparked a longrunning spat between Yale and the Peruvian government, which accused the university of profiting from Peru’s cultural heritage). But it was what Bingham left behind him that led UNESCO, when appointing Machu Picchu a World Heritage Site in 1983, to declare it “an absolute masterpiece of architecture and a unique testimony to the Inca civilisation”.


LONG WAY UP The team ride mules through the Urubamba canyon

Archaeologists believe that somewhere between 300 and 1,000 people lived up here in the city’s heyday. As subsequent excavations would reveal, the city was divided between an agricultural and an urban sector, the latter made up of major temples, housing and workshops, and an open central plaza where the

population would DID have congregated YOU KNOW? to worship. And, In the Quechua (Inca) as Bingham soon language, ‘Machu Picchu’ means ‘Old Peak’ or realised, these ‘Old Mountain’ were no ordinary buildings – they were masterpieces of engineering, edifices of almost mind-boggling beauty and complexity. They may have had nothing more than stone and bronze tools at their disposal, but Inca craftsmen were masters of their art, constructing the walls and buildings that sit atop Machu Picchu with almost surgical precision. Of these, none is more impressive than the Temple of the Sun, a huge, semicircular place of worship aligned to catch the Sun’s rays on the winter 1 solstice. It was constructed around what the Inca would have regarded as a sacred rock, which may have acted as an altar. Worship of the Sun God was clearly important to the residents of Machu Picchu, and this is borne out by the presence of a famous ritual stone known as the ‘Inti Watana’. Archaeologists believe that the Inca performed a ritual here at winter solstice, in which they ceremonially tied the Sun to the post so that it couldn’t fall permanently below the horizon. If the Temple of the Sun and the Inti Watana were the spiritual hubs of

CLOUDY VISION After ten days of deforestation, the ruins of Machu Picchu became clear


SW WALLOWED BY THE JUNGLE AB BOVE: The terraces off the upper city were ex xposed by the ex xpedition team LEFT: A photo of Machu Picchu taken M by Bingham himself b


KEEP COOL These grain stores were built higher up, where the temperature was lower, to better preserve the crops.



3 4

5 6


More than a century M y before a ‘British’ empire was a mere twinkle in Queen Elizabeth I’s eye, a mighty Inca warriorking named Pachacuti wa as presiding over one of the grea g a atest polities in the w world. Att its height in the mid d-15th century, the Inca Em mpire encompassed m Emp p much of South America’s we estern seaboard, a 2,5 e 500-mile-long, 500-milewide swathe of land that, from its glittering capital of Cusco, ruled 12 millio on people from more than 100 0 ethnic groups. In te g erms of reach and power, it putt even the mighty y Az ztecs of Mexico in the shade. The T Inca first appea pp red (in modern southeastern Peru) in the 12 e 2th century. They began seriously y expanding their territory at the end of th he 14th century, y but itt was during the reign of the eir eighth emperor, Viracocha V e Inca, that they trul t y started to become a superpower. Not only was Virac a successful wa V cocha c arrior, he was also a shrewd e pire-builder, leaving military garrisons to keep the em peac landss. p ce c in conquered q Yet Viracocha’s achieve ements paled in comparison to he aforementioned Pa t th h achacuti, who extended the empire e both north an t p nd south. Pachacuti was a ruth hless h e ruler e who o ordere o e ed the forced resettlement of conquered peoples to o prevent uprisings. He wass also a canny y one. His masterstroke was to intro oduce a policy o y where eby rulers were prevented from m inheriting g their pred decessors’ possessions. This ensu u ured that they y were hungry to accumulate new lands l s and wealth e for o them emselves. o only y were the Inca brilliant warriors, they No ot ngineers, and constructed were also consummate en w panned their enormous a netw work of roads that sp emp pire. Furnished with way w stations every mile p and a half, these coulld cope with anything the a highest mountains or deepest ravines could throw at them. Those roads connected an incredibly diverse array of subject peoples, most of whom were self-sufficient farmers who produced everything from corn to squash and – critically to the building of Cusco and Machu Picchu – provided labour. It was this toil and sweat on which the Inca emperors’ fantastic wealth was built. And that wealth was to have catastrophic consequences for the Inca when Francisco Pizarro first made contact with the hapless Emperor Atahualpa in 1532.

REMAINS OF A NATION 1: The ruins of Ollantaytambo, Pachacuti’s royal estate 2: Inca salt mine at Salinas de Maras 3: Irrigation channels at Tipón, a 15th-century Inca complex 4: A silver-cast Inca male of elite status, as indicated by his stretched earlobes 5: Agricultural terraces at Moray 6: Ear ornament made from gold and shells 7: An Inca vase 8: One of the best-preserved Inca roads in Cusco JANUARY 2017




MACHU PICCHU: THE CITY IN THE SKY DID YOU KNOW? Hiram Bingham III has a crater on the moon named after him

TOP OF THE WORLD LEFT: Bingham stands among the newly discovered ruins ABOVE: Despite its remote location, Machu Picchu is now one of the world’s most-visited sites

Machu Picchu, then a series of exquisite buildings containing a royal palace – known as the ‘king’s group’ – appear to be the secular centre. This was clearly the residence of someone very important, for not only is it the most elaborate of Machu Picchu’s buildings, it was also sited next to the city’s most impressive fountain, serving up water delivered by a 760-metre-long stonelined canal. If that was an amazing hydraulic achievement, then the city’s famous terrace system was perhaps even more impressive. Twelve acres of fertile farming land provided maize, potatoes and even avocados for the population’s palates. And, by soaking up the 2,000 millimetres of rainfall that fell from the sky each year, the terraces would have served another critical purpose: stopping the city from sliding off ff the side of the mountain. m


CITY IN THE CLOUDS To appreciatee the true genius of Ma achu Picchu, you have h to consider not ju ust what it conta ains, but where it is: 2,430 metress above sea level; 450 metres m above the riv ver Urubamba, which races past the feet of the cliffs ff below. This truly is i a city in the clouds, and the fact that t its inhabitants ha ad to transport 20-tonne stones up the side s of this moun ntain with perhaps notthing more sophistticated at their disposa al than wooden sled ds turns it from a specttacular engineering achievement into an astounding one. o But the qu uestion is, who was the driving force fo behind this



“Perhaps they felt isolated up there in their lofty home”

labour that would have been required to attempt such a massive undertaking. What has also proved persuasive is the suggestion that Machu Picchu was a royal retreat where the Emperor and his closest advisers would have repaired each winter when the climatic conditions in his capital city, Cusco (at an even more dizzying altitude of 3,400 metres), became too harsh. This elite party may have entered the city via a secret, grass rope-bridge over the river at its base before taking up residence at Machu Picchu’s impressive royal palace.

LEFT TO RUIN awesome achievement, and why did he or she have it built? It was a question that Bingham took to the grave. Now, 60 years after the great adventurer breathed his last, we appear to have an answer. The breakthrough came when University of California, Berkeley, anthropologist John Rowe discovered an Inca document that contained references to a royal retreat called ‘Picchu’ Picchu . That document also made mention of a legal claim to ownership of ‘Picchu’, laid down by descendants of Emperor Pachacuti. The inference is clear: if the Emperor’s successors were claiming Machu Picchu as their own, then it must have once been his. The theory that Pachacuti ordered the building of Machu Picchu (in around 1450 has proved persuasive. As a fearsome warrior-leader who presided over the Inca empire at its very height, he certainly had the power to assemble the most talented people and the unlimited

EMPIRE BUILDER A monument to Inca emperor Pachacuti, who was supposedly pp y responsible for building Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu outlived its probable creator – who died in 1471 – but not by much. Pizarro’s men never discovered the site but, a decade after they deceived the unsuspecting Atuahalpa in 1532, its residents were gone. Perhaps they felt isolated up there in their lofty home, perhaps they didn’t have enough supplies to sustain themselves. E Either way, they left it to be swallowed up p by the Peruvian forest, where it lay llargely forgotten, until Bingham stum mbled across it more than mb 350 years lateer. Today, Macchu Picchu is anything but forgotten – hu und dreds of thousands of tourists visit it every year. Like Pachacuti and Hiram Biingham III before them, these visitorss ha ave to make an arduous journey up th he m mountain. But, within seconds of ca astin ng their eyes on this wonder of th he w world, they surely know that their effo ffort was worth it. d

WHHAT DO YOU THINK? Does Machu Piccchu deserves its place as one of the New Seven W Wonnders of the World? Email: [emailprotected]



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When D H Lawrence died in 1930, his public reputation was that of a pornographer who had wasted his talents

Books From misunderstood titles to manifestos of hate, these texts have struck fear ear into the e hearts of governments all over

BLACK BEAUTY B ANNA SEWELL A Baanned in: South Africa

, which Hitler’s manifesto prison, he wrote while in in was republished s tion ota ann h wit 2015 by historians, copy a £50 at sold to be




What could possibly be controversial about a touching, t heartwarming tale narrated by an eld derly horse? As it turns out, touchy censors in apartheid-era a South Africa took one look at tthe title, and believed it was about a black wom man, not an ailing stallion. Clearly, they’d neve er actually opened the book, but it was briefly banned regardless.

HITLER Banned in: Russia, Austria

SALMAN RUSHDIE Banned in: India, Pakistan, Iran…


Hitler’s notorious autobiography preaches hatred of Jews, democracy, Communists and just about any non-Germans. After World War II, it was strictly banned in former Axis countries, to prevent his disciples from using the book as a guide to seizing power once again. The e 720 720page manifesto is still till unavailable in Russia a and Austria, and wass recently prohibited in n Germany. This was unt nttil d last the copyright expired year, meaning it could d be published for the firstt time in over 70 years.

This story of a Bollywood star and his friend, who have strange experiences after their plane is hijacked, provoked a lot of controversy among Muslims. Some saw it as blasphemous. Ayatollah Khomeini placed a fatwā on the author in 1989, calling for Rushdie’s execution. The book was banned in many countries, and the fatwā is still valid.

JUNG CHANG Banned in: China


Rus Rushdie shd gets a note each Valentine’s to remind him of the fatwā

Chang’s 1991 bestseller is an autobiographical story of three generations of wome en. It takes the reader on n a moving journey from m o g the ough the Imperial age, thro Cultural Revolution and Chang s book has Chang’s up to the present day. been widely praised However, it also revealed outside of China some of the more brutal aspects of Chairman Mao’s regime, even though her family originally supported him. That is, until they were tortured. All of Jung Chang’s books are banned in China.

LADY CHATTERLEY’S LOVER D H LAWRENCE Banned in: UK, Australia Arguably the epitome of novels banned in the UK, this 1928 novel caused a scandal because it depicted an adulterous love affair between an upper-class woman and her gardener. Featuring highly descriptive sex scenes and an awakening of female sexuality, the full version was banned for obscenity until 1960. As soon as the ban was lifted, the book sold out, me a hallma ark moment and this became hallmark ging Sixties. of the Swinging

took The government for Penguin to court k, but boo the ing publish the n the company wo landmark case

GOETHE Banned in: Germany, Denmark, Italy Entertainment may be the most st common cause of ‘moral panic c’, and 18th-century readers were no less susceptible. Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young g Wertherr, a lament detailing love triangles and unrequited feelings, ending with the main character’s suicide, was banned in some European countries. As suicide is often considered a sin, a rise in people taking their own lives, like the romantic Werther, lik alar armed governments, and publlication was forbidden.

J D SALINGER Banned in: USA Aristophanes’ plays provide the only examples of Ancient Greek comedy

Aristophanes’ play about a group of women who try to end the Peloponnesian War by refusing sex to their husbands, was censored after its release in 411 BC because it was “unacceptably subversive”. The controversy surfaced again in Junta-era Greece, when the military rulers banned it for its anti-war themes. It was also banned in the US from 1873 to 1930 under the Federal Anti-Obscenity Act.

A classic 1950s novel, symbolising angst and rebell ellion, made American families anxio ous us. The protagonist, a teenage runa away ay living a corrupt life in New York, uses swearwords, slang and allege edly blasphemy. Learning that their children were exposed to this, parents acro oss the US succeeded in removing it from classsrooms and libraries for decades. That’s no ot all – John Lennon’s assassin claimed that he deeply related ated to the troubled teen, and was found with a copy after the m murder.



V VLADIMIR NABOKOV Banned in: France, Australia, B Argentina, A S Africa, N Zealand, UK

Nabokov initially published Lolita e, but under a fake nam ian the character ‘Viv an ed Darkbloom’ provid clue atic mm gra ana

A chain off similar suic cides is now kno own as the ‘Werther e effect’, after reactions to o the book




L Like many on this list, Lolita a was banned because it was seen as b ““sexually obscene”. The nowclassic novel is told from the c view of a middle-aged man, v who lusts after his 12-year-old w sstepdaughter. France was the first country to w impose a ban in 1955, and other countries soon followed suit, with some officials calling it “sheer pornography”. Today, the book is freely published, and is viewed as one of the 20th century’s most innovative novels.

BO ORIS PASTERNAK Baanned in: Soviet Union Hig ghly critical of the October Rev volution, the 1957 Doctor Zhiivago o was, unsurprisingly, ban nned in the USSR. Despite this, MI6 6 and the CIA secretly distributed cop pies of it behind the Iron Curtain. Passternak won the Nobel Prize in Lite erature in 1958, but was forced to d decline it after pressure from the Sov viet authorities. The work was sm muggled out of the USSR o tto Italy, where it was w published p

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Should they have been banned? Any incendiary books out there that didn’t make the list? Email: [emailprotected] JANUARY 2017



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CHAINS THAT BIND US The Civil War saw many slaves attempt escape to fight for the Union – those who were caught suffered grave consequences



The Underground Railroad saved thousands from the hell of slavery, but one name will always stand out as the symbol of courage, selflessness and freedom, writes Jonny Wilkes 49



he had escaped from hell. The hell of bondage, racism, terror, degradation, back-breaking work, beatings and whippings that marked the life of a slave in the United States. Harriet Tubman ran away from her Maryland plantation and trekked, alone, nearly 90 miles to reach the free state of Pennsylvania. The treacherous journey meant travelling at night through woods and across streams, with little food, and fearing anyone who would happily send her back to her owners to collect a reward. If not for a clandestine network of routes and safe houses, organised to aid ‘fugitive slaves’ heading north, Tubman may have never made it to Philadelphia. “When I found I had crossed that line, I looked at my hands to see if I was the same person,” she recalled of her 1849 escape. “There was such a glory over everything. The Sun came like gold through the trees and over the fields, and I felt like I was in heaven.” The Underground Railroad delivered Tubman to a place where she could live relatively safe from bondage, yet while others faced brutality and despair, she would risk her life as the network’s most famous conductor. Tubman escaped hell, only to turn and walk back into it.

plantation in Dorchester County, Maryland, almost as soon as she learned to walk. Her eight brothers and sisters faced the same brutal introduction to their lives as slaves. The exhausting field work, and long hours of domestic service as a maid and later a cook, left her malnourished and occasionally ill. Like the millions of slaves in America, the young Minty became all-too familiar with horrific physical and emotional abuse from her masters. While working as a nursemaid at the age of just five or six – thought to have been around 1825-30 – she was whipped and beaten as punishment whenever the baby cried. Yet from Minty’s violent early years came a devout Christian faith, built on being read Bible stories by her mother, as well as a remarkable strength, courage and willingness to put herself in danger to help others. These qualities served her so well on the Underground Railroad, but almost led to her death as a child. One day, when she had been sent to fetch supplies from a dry goods store, Minty found herself caught between a slave who had left his plantation without permission and his pursuing overseer. Not only did she refuse orders to help restrain the runaway, but she blocked the white man’s path, causing him to hurl a heavy weight in frustration. It struck Minty in the

head, knocking her unconscious in a bloody heap. With no medical care forthcoming for a damaged slave, Minty suffered ff from seizures, sudden sleeping episodes similar to narcolepsy, and began having vivid religious visions. These continued throughout her life (although she claimed them to be premonitions from God). Her head injury elicited no sympathy from her owners, who put her right back to work following a failed attempt to sell her. Years rolled by with no relief from the terrible conditions, though all the hours of hard labour made Minty surprisingly strong for her diminutive five-foot frame. It was about 1844 when she became Harriet Tubman – having married a free black named John Tubman and choosing to adopt her mother’s first name – yet it was a further five years before she took her first steps to freedom. What makes Tubman’s escape from slavery more extraordinary is that she had to do it twice. On 17 September 1849, she headed north with two of her brothers, only to return to the plantation when Harry and Ben had second thoughts. Instead of going on without them, Tubman made sure they got back before making her second attempt. On foot, the 90mile journey could have taken her anywhere between one and three weeks.



Araminta Ross, Tubman’s birth name, would have been put to work on her owners’

“Tubman escaped hell, only to turn and walk back into it”

BRIDGE TO FREEDOM THIS IMAGE: Tubman escorting escaped slaves into Canada LEFT: A photograph of Tubman taken between 1871 and 1876, when she was in her 50s

RMINED BOUND AND DETEvin g for work in the THIS IMAGE: Slaves lea South Carolina fields on a plantation in offered to anyone re we s ard Rew : OW BEL away slave who could return a run



But soon after reaching Philadelphia and proclaiming it to be “heaven”, Tubman came to the realisation that her work had only just begun – she now wanted to rescue her family and friends from the evils of slavery too. So in 1850, she travelled back down to Maryland in order to bring back her niece Kessiah and her husband, and their two daughters. That was the first of 13 trips Tubman made as a ‘conductor’ of the Underground Railroad over the next decade (some accounts say she went as many as 19 times). Her success with using and expanding the network to get escaped slaves to safety led leading abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison to call her “Moses of her people”. It is thought that she rescued around 300 slaves directly – including some of her brothers, their families and her own parents – and gave instructions to help dozens more. Tubman used to boast that she never lost a single passenger. Being a conductor meant walking through slavery territory, where she could be snatched by armed slave hunters, meaning Tubman voluntarily risked her life each time. It only became more dangerous with the Fugitive Slave Act, which meant escaped slaves could be captured in the North and returned to their owners. As this led to a rise in black people, slave and free, being abducted, even the free states increasingly became an unsafe final destination for the Underground Railroad. Tubman, therefore, had to find routes to Britishowned Canada. Yet her fortitude and belief that God watched over her never wavered. Fellow

conductor William Still once wrote of Tubman: “Great fears were entertained for her safety, but she seemed wholly devoid of personal fear.” Time and time again, the uneducated, illiterate Tubman proved her ingenuity to keep slaves in her care safe and fed on the long journey. She would often travel in winter, when the nights were longer, and set off ff with her ‘passengers’ on a Saturday evening – as runaway notices wouldn’t appear in newspapers until Monday morning. While on route, Tubman carried a pistol, both for defence and to keep the slaves going. “You’ll be free or die,” became her resolute message. Tubman became the Underground Railroad’s most famous conductor, known to abolitionists and activists, such as John Brown. Before his doomed 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry in the hopes of sparking a slave revolt, he consulted who he

FREDERICK DOUGLASS, ABOLITIONIST AND FRIEND OF TUBMAN’S “I know of no one who has willingly encountered more perils and hardships to serve our enslaved people”

There is a popular story about the Underground Railroad stating that songs had secret messages in the lyrics, which helped slaves find their way to freedom or act as a warning. So ‘Follow the Drinkin’ Gourd’ actually refers to the North Star, ‘Wade in the Water’ is an instruction to hide, and the words ‘I am bound for the land of Canaan’ could be used by a slave to announce his or her intention to escape and head to Canada, their Canaan. In her biography of Harriet Tubman, Sarah Hopkins Bradford names two songs that she used on the Railroad: ‘Go Down Moses’ and ‘Bound for the Promised Land’. Tubman would later change the tempo to alter the meaning of the message. There are historians, however, who question the idea that songs contained codes, saying that there is no clear evidence from the time and that the story originates not in the 19th century, but the 20th. A similar theory, which claims that quilts were made with certain patterns to represent hidden instructions, has also been questioned. The truth remains unclear, and isn’t helped by the fact that detailed records are sparse when it comes to the lives of slaves in America. Yet songs certainly formed a strong tradition for those in bondage, whether used as prayers (known as ‘spirituals’), to offer a beat to their work or as oral history in a society where many were illiterate. They offered hope where there seemed to be none and a sense of community when everyone sang together.

dubbed ‘General Tubman’, and allegedly wanted her to be part of the attack. Such was Tubman’s reputation that she bought a small piece of land near Auburn, New York – where she lived with her elderly parents, who she rescued in one of her final trips – from anti-slavery senator (and future Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln) William H Seward.

HEROISM AND POVERTY Although the Underground Railroad essentially ended when the American Civil War broke out in 1861, it did not signal the last of Tubman’s heroic deeds. Never thinking of her own wellbeing, she served in the Union Army as a cook, laundress and nurse, tending to wounded JANUARY 2017




WHAT WAS THE UNDERGROUN RAILROAD? The name doesn’t mean actual trainss ran n up and down America in tunnels (nott in the early 19th century, at least) but refferss to a system of hidden routes, there to he elp escaped slaves reach the free states off th he North or Canada. Guides led them alon ng the indirect routes, which often meant walk kin ng through the wilderness, crossing rivers and climbing mountains to avoid detection. Sometimes, though, a route included transportation, such as boats or wagons. Safe houses would be dotted alo ong the routes, managed by sympathisers. It was all kept a secret, hence ‘underground’, and used terms from the burgeoning railway. So the slaves became ‘passengers’, safe houses became ‘stations’, and the guides, like Harriet Tubman, were called ‘conductors’. Although often represented as meticulously organised, with maps of set routes and elaborate systems of communication, co u cat o , the t e Underground U de g ou d Railroad a oad was a loosely connected network. Those involved – who ranged from escaped slaves to wealthy white abolitionists and church leaders – tended to stay in small groups. This meant that they mastered certain routes and stations without ever knowing the Railroad’s full extent. In the larger cities of the North, like New York, Boston and Philadelphia, ‘vigilance committees’ co ttees sp sprang a g up and a d supported suppo ted the t e Railroad. They provided food, supplies, money and job recommendations to the arriving slaves, and even held fundraising bake sales under the banner, ‘Buy for the


1 3 2 sake k off the th slave’. l ’ There Th iis no way of knowing exactly ctly how many ny were sav saved, with estimates ranging from 40,000 to 100,000, but the Railroad gave hope to millions of slaves who dreamed of one day reaching the ‘promised land’.

4 ALL ABOARD 1: Map showing routes (in red) taken by fugitive slaves into Canada and the free states 2: A rattle used to warn of danger 3: Levi Coffin, a Quaker dubbed ‘President of the Underground Railroad’ 4: An 1844 advertisement for the ‘Liberty Line’ – a thinly veiled reference to the Railroad 5: Runaways defend themselves from slave catchers


“The recent decision to put Tubman on the $20 bill sees her join presidents and Founding Fathers” soldiers and fugitive slaves, who were referred to as ‘contrabands’. After Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation – laying the foundations for the abolition of slavery – Tubman led a band of scouts into Confederate territory, utilising the skills she had mastered as a conductor. The information that she gathered allowed Colonel James Montgomery to attack enemy positions with devastating effect, ff and saw her become the first woman to lead an armed assault. On 2 June 1863, Tubman guided Union steamboats along the Combahee River to raid plantations in South Carolina. More than 750 slaves were freed. But what did Tubman receive for three years of loyal service? Such little pay that she had to support herself by selling homemade

pies, ginger bread and root beer, and no compensation at all for three decades. Tubman spent years struggling in poverty, made only worse in 1873 when two men scammed her out of $2,000, but that did not mean that she faded into obscurity. Still a popular symbol of the antislavery movement, she was the subject of two biographies (published in 1869 and 1886, with all of the proceeds going to help pay her bills. Regardless of money troubles, Tubman continued to fight for others for the rest of her life. She gave speeches supporting women’s suffrage, ff and was invited to be the keynote speaker at the first meeting of the National Association of Colored Women in 1896. Her Auburn home became a haven for orphans, the elderly and freed slaves looking for help, which

BARACK OBAMA, FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES “Harriet Tubman is an American hero. She was… forever motivated by her love of… community and by her… abiding faith”

is how she met her second husband, a Civil War veteran named Nelson Davis. (Back in her conductor days, she had gone back to rescue John Tubman, but he had re-married.) Together, Tubman and Davis adopted a baby girl, Gertie. Tubman’s generosity led to the opening of the Harriet Tubman Home for the Aged on her land in 1908, just a few years before she became one of its patients. On 10 March 1913, she died of pneumonia, surrounded by family and friends. A devout Christian until the end, her final words were, “I go to prepare a place for you”. If her actions and achievements aren’t testament enough, these last words perfectly capture a woman who dedicated her life to others, seeking no glory or fame in return. A woman who became an American icon by hiding in shadows. A woman who escaped the hell of being a slave and set about helping others to do the same. Her friend, the revered abolitionist Frederick Douglass, once wrote to Tubman about her time as a conductor on the Underground Railroad: “Most that I have done and suffered ff in the service of our cause has been in public, and I have received much encouragement at every step of the way. You, on the other hand, have labored in a private way. I have wrought in the day – you in the night.” With the recent decision to put Tubman on the new $20 bill, seeing her join presidents and Founding Fathers, it is only right for her labours to be forevermore public, in the day. d

WHAT DO YOU THINK? Just how much do we owe to Harriet Tubman? Email: [emailprotected] JANUARY 2017



FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Tubman, Gertie (her adopted daughter) and Nelson Davis (her second husband), with elderly boarders and family friends

BATTLEFIELD THE BATTLE OF CRÉCY 26 AUGUST 1346 CLASH OF CROWNS The army of King Edward III of England comes face-toface with their French enemies at Crécy

EXPOSED Philip’s unarmoured horses stood little chance against the English arrows.


Triumph of the longbow Edward III’s stunning victory over the French at Crécy marked a new dawn for the humble foot soldier. Julian Humphrys investigates this decisive battle of the Hundred Years’ War 54



he French army that made its way through the Picardy countryside in August 1346 was confident of victory. So confident, in fact, that its leaders had already shared out the potential English prisoners between themselves and worked out what ransoms to charge. After all, what chance did Edward III’s contemptible little army of foot soldiers stand against the flower of French chivalry? Edward III had landed in Normandy in July, and after capturing and sacking Caen, he led his men east towards the Seine, burning and pillaging as he went. However, when he learned that King Philip VI was assembling a large army in Paris, he turned

BATTLE CONTEXT When 26 August 1346

Where Crécy, near Abbeville, northern France

Why English invasion of France

Who Edward III of England: c12,000 men Philip VI of France: c20,000 men

Outcome English victory



The rapid shooting of Edward’s archers took a heavy toll on the advancing French.

French: >4,000; English: c300

IN DEEP WATER Edward leads his troops across the Somme River

north. The French followed and finally caught up with him near Abbeville in Picardy. Edward deployed his men along a ridge near the village of Crécy. He divided his army into three divisions, giving nominal command of the right-hand division, which would be nearest to the French, to his sixteen-yearold son Edward, the Black Prince. The Earls of Oxford and Warwick, both experienced soldiers, were on hand to advise the young prince, as was Sir John Chandos, one of the finest soldiers of his age. The left-hand division was led by the Earl of Northampton, while Edward himself commanded the reserve from a vantage point near a windmill on top of the ridge. Each division was made up of dismounted knights and men-

at-arms, Welsh spearmen, and substantial numbers of archers. Edward’s plan was to use his bowmen to disrupt the attacking French and to maul them so severely that if they did reach his lines, his men-at-arms could drive them back. He completed his preparations by ordering footdeep potholes to be dug in front of his lines in order to trip up enemy horses.

ITCHY NOBILITY The advance guard of Philip's army arrived near Crécy around noon on 26 August. After taking a look at the enemy position, its leaders recommended to Philip that he should wait for his entire army to arrive before launching an assault. Philip probably agreed with this approach, but he was

WHAT WAS THE FIGHTING FOR? In the mid-14th century, because the King of England held lands in France as a vassal of the French king, Edward III owed homage to Philip VI. But the two kings were supposedly equal, which created a recipe for trouble. This powder-keg situation was made even more explosive by French support for the Scots against the English, and English support for their trading partners, the Flemish, against France. In 1337, the simmering tensions surrounding Edward’s homage

boiled over, and Philip declared that he had confiscated the English king’s lands in southwest France. Encouraged by his Flemish allies, Edward hit back by declaring that because his sister was the daughter of the previous French king, he – not Philip – was the rightful king of France. In fact, although he made a lot of this claim, it was primarily a move to strengthen his bargaining position, and Edward never seriously envisaged the total conquest of France.



BATTLEFIELD THE BATTLE OF CRÉCY 26 AUGUST 1346 faced with a fractious nobility same mistake. As the Genoese who were itching to get to grips bent down to begin the relatively with the English. So, despite the lengthy business of reloading fact that his army was strung out their crossbows, the English along the road from Abbeville and archers took one pace forward most of his infantry and supplies and began to shoot. A well-trained d were still miles away, he ordered an archer could easily let off ff a dozen immediate attack. shots a minute, and soon tens of Most of Philip’s infantry were thousands of deadly arrows were raining down on the exposed of a dubious quality, but they did include a substantial contingent of crossbowmen. Without their Genoese mercenary crossbowmen pavises for shelter, the hapless under the command of Ottone mercenaries were sitting ducks. Doria and Carlo Grimaldi. Philip hurried them forward to soften up UTTER CONFUSION the English, before his armoured As their casualties began to mountt, knights launched what he they concluded that discretion wass was sure would be an the beetter part of valour and d unstoppable charge. beg gan to fall back. The These crossbowmen only problem was that o were well-trained tthere was nowhere to professionals who go, for their retreat Ships needed to knew their business, was barred by a mass transport Edward’s but in the rush to get of mounted French o army to France to attack the English, kn nights and men-attheir pavises (the large arm ms, all contemptuous off shields they sheltered behind ehind the Genoese Gen and eager to be while reloading) had been left first to close with the English. Led behind with the baggage. Their by the King’s brother, the Count absence would be disastrous in the of Alençon, they galloped forward events that followed. – straight into the huge mass of The mercenaries advanced in retreating crossbowmen. good order and unleashed a volley The result was utter confusion. of crossbow bolts. Nobody knows While some of the French knights why, but the volley fell short. managed to find a way through Some say that their bowstrings the mob of retreating men, many had been loosened by the rain simply trampled them to the that had been falling, while others ground. Others, enraged by the think that, squinting into the Sun, poor performance of the Genoese, they simply misjudged the range. even cut them down with their Edward’s archers didn’t make the swords. One account claims that

TARGET Having hurried into battle without their large pavise shields, the Genoese were easy targets for Edward’s bowmen.



Philip’s crossbowmen were no match for English archers

Philip shouted, “Quick now, kill all that rabble, they are only getting in our way!” All order was lost as the proud French knights pushed and hacked their way through the despised foot soldiers. Meanwhile, the English poured volley after volley of arrows into the mass of struggling men, and even opened fire with some primitive bombards that they had brought with them on campaign.

KEY PLAYERS Some of the most famous warriors of the age faced off at Crécy


BLACK PRINCE The eldest son of Edward III, Edward of Woodstock was one of the most successful commanders of the Hundred Years’ War. Exactly why he was known as the Black Prince is a matter of debate. Some attribute it to the colour of his heraldry, while others attribute it to his ruthlessness. As he was just 16 at the battle of Crécy, his command of a division there was probably nominal, but a decade later he led his army to triumph at Poitiers. He was a keen exponent of the chevauchée – a method of warfare that involved riding through enemy territory and pillaging and burning it. One of his last acts of war was his capture of Limoges in 1370. The town was then thoroughly sacked, although claims that he put the civilian population to the sword appear to be unfounded. He died in 1376, a year before his father; his son, Richard became king on Edward III’s death.



BLIND KING John of Luxembourg was one of the most admired knights in the French army. He was also one of the most experienced. Since becoming King of Bohemia at the age of 14 in 1310, he’d joined three crusades to Lithuania, campaigned in Italy and northern France, and seen off his enemies in Bohemia itself. He was a trusted ally of the French king Philip VI, and was one of his main financial backers for the campaign of 1346. Although by then he was in his late-middle ages and almost completely blind, he was determined not to miss out on the action, and rode into the thick of the fray at Crécy with his horse’s bridle tied to those of his companions. His lifeless body was later found on the battlefield. Legend has it that the Prince of Wales adopted John’s motto of ich dien (I serve) to honour the courage of the Blind King.

LOST TIME Compared to the English longbows, the crossbows of Philip’s Genoese mercenaries took a long time to load.






FRENCH ARMY Genoese crossbowme crossbowmen menn Cavalry lry





Edward III commanded an integrated army of men-at-arms, men at arms, spearmen and archers who knew how to work together on the battlefield. With the notable exception of the Black Prince, its commanders were mostly battle-hardened veterans. The French army, on the other hand, was disunited. Its soldiers spoke a variety of languages, and its aristocratic commanders valued individual courage above tactical skill, and had little time for the humble foot soldiers or the expert mercenaries who served alongside them.

ENGLISH ARMY Longbowme Longbowmen bowmenn Men-at-arm Men-at-arms t-armss




1. Philip’s crossbowmen are absolutely outshot by Edward’s archers 2. The Count of Al Alençon’s ’ horsemen gallop forward in a disorganised mass to attack the English 3. The Black Prince’s division drives back a succession of French attacks

CLOSE ORDER Edward’s men-at-arms stand ready to deal with any French knights who made it through the deadly arrowstorm they created.

HEAVY LOSSES Dead and wounded men and horses pile up in front of the English lines.

NO MERCY Individual French knights were set upon, and completely cut down by Edward’s men.

“All order was lost as the proud French knights hacked their way through”

BATTLEFIELD THE BATTLE OF CRÉCY 26 AUGUST 1346 them to lead him through the hail Eventually, Alençon’s knights of arrows into the thick of the fray. and men-at-arms extricated Once again, the English arrows themselves from the chaos and hit home in their thousands, charged uphill towards the Prince disrupting the enemy ranks, but of Wales’s division. As they did once again the French managed to so, they became the targets of close with the English. Edward’s bowmen, who unleashed Sheer weight of numbers meant a hail of arrows upon them. Many that the Prince of Wales’s division were protected by their armour came under severe pressure in the from the full effects ff of the archery, ensuing hand-to-hand combat. but their horses suffered ff terribly. Young Edward himself was Jean le Bel, a contemporary beaten to the ground before being Flemish chronicler, described their rescued by his standard bearer, plight: “Some leapt backwards Sir Richard FitzSimon, who is said stung to madness, some reared to have taken the unprecedented hideously, some turned their rear step of putting down the royal quarters towards the enemy, others banner to defend his prince. merely let themselves fall to the The situation became so ground, and their riders could do desperate that Sir Thomas Norwich nothing about it.” was sent to the King to ask for Even so, many of the French reinforcements. Edward (who men-at-arms did manage to close may well have seen that the Earl with the Prince of Wales’s division, of Northampton had already sent where a brief but fierce battle some of his division to help developed. One French thee Prince) famously chronicler claimed that dismissed the request, d the Count of Alençon ssaying: “Tell them actually managed tthat my orders are to to grab hold of the The effective range, llet the boy win his Prince of Wales’s in metres, of a sspurs, for I wish the banner before he was longbow da ay to be his.” He later cut down and his men quieetly sent the Bishop of driven back, leaving Durham with 20 knights to hundreds of fallen men and his son’s assistance, but when they horses littering the ground. The French soon tried again. This arrived, they found the Prince and his companions resting on their time the attack was led by John of swords; they had driven back the Luxembourg, the King of Bohemia. French attack. Although elderly and blind, he was determined to share the dangers faced by his men. He had his PIECEMEAL ATTACKS horse’s bridle tied to those of his The French would make household knights and ordered as many as 13 more


The French kin g Ph asylum at the ne ilip VI seeks ar castle following by Labroye his defeat

“Th pile “The il off d dead d and d wounded men grew ever larger” attacks before the day was done, but they were made in piecemeal fashion by troops as they arrived on the battlefield, and were all either dispersed by the arrows of Edward’s archers or repulsed by his men-at-arms. The pile of dead and wounded men and horses in front of the English position grew ever larger, adding to the difficulties faced by the French when they tried to charge. King Philip himself fought bravely. He had two horses killed under him and was hit in the jaw by an arrow, but as dusk began to fall and his army began to dissolve



War would continue for more than a century Edward followed up his victory by capturing Calais, which would remain in English hands for more than 200 years. Later, Edward agreed to give up his claim to the French throne in exchange for large tracts of land in western France. But the English were overstretched, and the French would recapture much of their lost territory. Henry V, who became English king in 1413, revived



the claim to the French throne. He defeated the French at Agincourt and conquered most of northern France. When Henry and the French king Charles VI died in 1422, Henry VI became King of England and, in English eyes, France. The English had been helped in their conquests by an alliance with Burgundy, but when that ended in 1435,

into flight, he finally allowed himself to be led from the field to safety at Labroye castle. Knowing that several French contingents hadn’t even reached the battlefield, Edward refused to let his men mount a pursuit. The English stood to arms all night, lighting bonfires and burning the windmill that overlooked their position to illuminate the battlefield. It was only on the following day, when the heralds had collected up and counted the heraldic coats of the French dead, that the true scale of the English victory was revealed. As well as an unspecified number of common soldiers, over 1,500 men of knightly rank and higher had been slain, including the King’s brother the Count of Alençon, the Count of Flanders, the Duke of Lorraine, the King of Majorca and the brave old king of Bohemia. The days when the armoured knight ruled supreme on the battlefields of northern Europe were well and truly over. d

GET HOOKED INTO BATTLE Henry V speaks to his army before the clash at Agincourt

Find out more about the battle and those involved

STUDY THE RECORDS the French territories were steadily overrun until only Calais and the Channel Islands remained.

The Soldier in Later Medieval England database contains the names of 250,000 men who served between 1369 and 1453. www.medievalsoldier.org

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A CITY OBLITERATED How a place teeming with people, industry and culture was totally destroyed in a matter of minutes by humankind’s deadliest weapon

HELL ON EARTH RIGHT: The New York Post reports the shocking story MAIN: A man trawls through the wreckage left after the blast. The domed structure was originally the Museum of Science and Industry, and is now a UNESCO memorial to peace



aul Tibbets clambered into his B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, in the early hours of 6 August 1945. Taking off ff from the Pacific island of Tinian, six hours later he and his crew would unleash the deadliest weapon the world had ever seen – the first atomic bomb used in wartime.



The pilot, standing on the right, attends a last-minute briefing

The crew pose for a picture before setting off for Japan


JAPAN KEEPS FIGHTING The arms race was already underway when the US started working on A-bombs. As early as 1940, fears that the Nazis were developing their own nuclear weapons spurred President Roosevelt into action, so the ‘Manhattan Project’ began researching the killing machine in 1941. Over in Japan, the US had been consistently bombing major cities using conventional weapons. Truman grew more anxious by the day. Japan refused to back down, even though they had been threatened at the Potsdam Conference with “prompt and utter destruction”. Left with two options – a full scale Allied invasion of Japan known as Operation Downfall, which could claim millions of lives, or dropping the A-bomb – he chose the latter. The man tasked with carrying out this heavy duty was Colonel Paul Tibbets, an experienced pilot who had joined the air force in 1937, dramatically changing course from his original plan to become a doctor. Next, a target was needed, and one city fit the bill. Hiroshima,

LARGE PAYLOAD The Little Boy is placed into its delivery vehicle, the B-29 Bomber

TAKING OFF Colonel Tibbets waves goodbye. The plane was named after his mother

CULTURAL HUB This pre-war shot of a street in Hiroshima shows that it was home to a traditionally Japanese way of life, steeped in history



DARK CLOUD A snapshot taken from the B-29, showing the growing firestorm cloud



Survivors in Hiroshima await impromptu emergenc y medical care


ed all Leaflets were dropp cing over Japan, announ the nuclear attack



RIGHT: The heat of the explosion made surfaces change colour. The shadows are where objects absorbed some of the heat, leaving permanent scars, like this clock stopped at 08:15, the time of the blast MAIN: The shadow of an elderly person, incinerated on the spot





TRAUMA TEAM The Japanese military care for the injured, many of whom had bad burns

FIELD HOSPITAL The blast killed 90 per cent of the city’s doctors, so treatment was makeshift

DARKEST DAY Most of the hospitals were destroyed, so this bank building was used instead


Schoolgirls wear ma sks to reduce the awful stench of dead bodie s

500 miles south of Tokyo, had so far survived the war relatively unscathed. It hadn’t been attacked in the nightly raids that damaged other important cities, especially Tokyo, which suffered ff the most destructive bombing raid in history. But this was precisely what the strategists had in mind – they needed a place with relatively little bomb damage, so that the damage caused solely by the nuclear bomb could be fully assessed. It was also a bustling port, where over 40,000 troops were stationed. The town was a key part of the Japanese military supply chain, as it produced parts for boats, bombs and handguns. But it was also home to almost 290,000 civilians, and, before the war, had been a cultural hub. Some city officials felt suspicious that Hiroshima hadn’t been attacked yet, so started preparing for a conventional bombardment, including the clearing of buildings to create firebreaks. Unfortunately, such defences were ineffectual ff in an attack of this kind, the likes of which the world had never seen. The entire operation depended on weather conditions, so the bomb may have fallen on a different ff city – the back-up targets were Kokura, the site of a large ammunition factory, and Nagasaki – if the skies were foggy over Hiroshima. Ground zero in the town was supposed to be an easily distinguishable T-shaped bridge, but due to wind, the bomb missed its target by around 250 metres. The 'Little Boy' weapon was burst half a kilometre above ground,

SHADOW LAND The bomb obliterated all infrastructure within a mile, and the natural environment was also severely damaged

INTO OBLIVION TOP: An aerial image, taken after one month, shows the darkened area of total devastation in Hiroshima ABOVE: The remains of a building and a burnt-out tram emphasise the ghostly state of the post-apocalyptic city

BURNING BARRACKS The city’s military base was hit hard, achieving the mission’s main aim





directly over a hospital. The 80 staff ff and patients inside it were killed instantly, as was anyone else within a mile. Eyewitnesses saw a blinding flash of light, followed by a forboding, deep boom. Fires ravaged the rest of the city, killing thousands more. Survivors and the police had established evacuation centres and temporary morgues within a few hours, but the rest of Japan remained in ignorance for almost another day. Though reports of an awful explosion were trickling through, they were assumed to be rumours, until Truman announced 16 hours later that they had dropped the A-bomb. “We have harnessed the basic power of the universe”, he triumphantly declared. It was certainly powerful enough to kill thousands of people and destroy 90 per cent of Hiroshima, but it wasn’t until after the second ‘Fat Man’ nuclear attack on Nagasaki that Japan surrendered. The two attacks wiped out over 100,000 innocent Japanese civilians. The postwar world was shaken to its core. Hiroshima had shown just what nuclear weapons could do, and it was the fear of another strike that fuelled the Cold War for a further 50 years. d

READ ALL ABOUT IT TOP: Newspapers celebrate the war’s end ABOVE: A victory parade is held in New York City, celebrating the men honoured with bringing the war to a swift end JANUARY 2017


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When Captain Arthur Phillip set off with shipfuls of convicts to colonise the ‘southern unknown land’, he could never have imagined the challenges they would face, tells John Wright

TERRA INCOGNITA Having only been ‘discovered’ by Captain Cook less than 20 years earlier, the white settlers had no idea how the indigenous people would react to their arrival




“The First Fleet arrived like campers who had left the tent behind” NINGS s NEW BEGIN illip addresse Governor Ph rs tralian settle the first Aus


The number of ships in the First Fleet



olly sea shanties were not what wa as heard wafting g from the female quarters of the Lady Penrhyn n as it approached the shore. In his journal, ship surgeon Arthur Bowes wrote: “Less than an hour after a fierce storm abated, they were uttering the most horrid oaths that could proceed out of the mouths of such abandoned prostitutes as they are.” The British government had been wise, therefore, to choose a fair-minded optimist to oversee the plonking of 19 shipfuls of cramped, unhappy convicts into a shockingly unfamiliar landscape on the other side of the world, hoping that they would make the best of it. Oddly enough, despite the desolation and possibility of lingering death, many of them did. But the 50-year-old Captain Arthur Phillip had a hard task ahead of him. Somehow he would have to stamp his government’s assumed right of ownership on a land that was already occupied by half-a-million indigenous people, while also tackling its rocky ground, harsh terrain and hot dry



clim mate (not to mention his disgruntled dis charges). Nevertheless,, as the convict ships p glided into Sydney Cove in the heat of 26 January 1788, he vowed to show mercy to the spear-wielding natives who watched on from the land he was to call New South Wales. The First Fleet he commanded – about 750 convicts (a quarter of whom were female), their children, plus around 250 marines and their families – arrived like unfortunate campers who’d left the tent behind. According to Mollie Gillen in The Founders of Australia, on landing Phillip found that they’d forgotten the “musket balls, paper, scythes, axes, crosscut saws, augers, chisels, wheelbarrows, and canvas for sails… sheets, blankets, leather for shoes”, and there was “no list of convicts… or information about their sentences.” Shortly after settlement began, Governor Phillip wrote, “I am without one Botanist, or even an intelligent Gardener in the Colony”. As for supervisors, “they are the greatest villains we have”. He relied heavily on the British government to send skilled

UNWELCOME VISITORS Aboriginal Australians A t li llook k on as more white settlers approach their shores

tradesmen and officials and, accordingly, was slow to realise that they were under his nose all along. g

DIRTY HANDS While most convicts couldn’t farm or fish, he allotted jobs according to their ability – brick-makers, carpenters, nurses, servants, shepherds, cooks, carters and cattlemen. Educated ones did record-keeping and admin work, while women acted as wives and mothers as well as doing factory work or domestic service. Burglar-cum-smallholder James Ruse, from Launceston, Cornwall, was one man Arthur Phillip put great faith in, judging him able to prove that convict families could become self-sufficient. He let him occupy an allotment at nearby Parramatta, 14 miles west of Sydney. The first convict to officially seek a land grant, Ruse proved he could farm and Phillip gave him tools, seed, livestock, a hut and men to clear land. By February 1791, he was supporting himself and his convict wife, and moved to richer soil when the Hawkesbury River, some 37 miles to the west and north of Sydney, was discovered.


Convicts take a break fro m cultivating the land wh ile under the close watch of guards


SCRAP MEDAL The silver disc is reported to have been made from a surgeon’s silver kidney dish. It is believed to have been engraved by Thomas Barrett, a thief and forger.

De erby man Thom as Higgins stol London e a horse in 1788 ner girlffriend El . His eanor McDonal from Ja d stole four lin ames B Butterfield, vint en sheets ne r, Great Sh hire Lane n and was arre where she was a servant in sted trying to drunk, tellling th pawn them whi e judge, “I do no le t know what to Flee eter, she was sim say.” A Second ila rly stuck for w 1806, whe ords on 8 Sept en four men br ember oke into th Sydney)) and se eized 30 shilling eir house (30-acre farm near s in put up co pp p a “vigorou er coins. Her hu o s resistance,” sband reported the Sy “60 ye ears of age, dney Gazette, e assisted by a bo y Thom se ven years old [t mass]”. “Two st epdaughters es heir son, and raissed caped through d the alar a m, forcing th a window e ro grante bb er ed a further 10 0 acres in his so s to flee… Higgins was became H n’s name.” The Hornsby’s first boy later se ttler (16 miles no pioneeriing tim rth-west of Sydn be b r and fruit in ey), dustries. Today, a monument stands for him .


AT ANCHOR R It was here that John Hunter (captain of the Sirius), sent by Phillip to explore the river, one day found a naked 18-yearold aboriginal girl hiding in long grass after her fishing companions had run off. ff “She shed many tears, and the sailors were immediately ordered to bring up some fire to keep her warm,” Hunter later wrote, “then we shot some birds, skinned them, and laid them out on the fire to broil, together with some fish, which she ate; we then gave her water, of which she seemed very much in want.” She called for her friends during the night but no one came, and they thought they might if they left. “We were no sooner gone from the beach than we saw some of them come out of the wood, and they launched canoes into the water and went away.” There were touching moments like this in the first years of colonisation, but also many clashes due to misunderstandings,

The Charlotte Medal, recognised as being Australia’s earliest colonial artwork, and depicting the arrival of the First Fleet convict ship the Charlotte

s arrived Norfolk thieves Henry Kable and Susannah Holme rd Richa Rev to ted entrus s pound y Twent Fleet. in the First g on missin went l, arriva on Johnson, who was to give it to them , Kable Wales South New in heard it lawsu first The e. the voyag won damages astonishingly (convicts weren’t allowed to sue) nder who Alexa the of ir Sincla n Dunca tor naviga t of £15 agains made Phillip nor Gover d; d y they marrie Sydne had stolen iit. IIn S man. watch nightthen ble, consta then er, overse t him a convic ran pub, Horse ing Ramp Within a decade he owned the ble, then Australia’s first stagecoach, was made chief consta visiting a from pigs ting sacked in 1802 for illegally impor ting expor r, owne ship y wealth a ing becom ards ship, afterw month a for jailed was Kable sealskins to the colony. In 1807, today) after and was rich enough to pay a £100 fine (£7,300 y fame) a Bount the on y sending Governor Bligh (of Mutin letter “couched in improper terms.”

perceived threats to traditional hunting grounds, and plain nastiness by some settlers. Violence erupted between them and aboriginal Australians only months after they arrived. In May 1788, two convicts were killed and an aborigine wounded, but even when Phillip himself was wounded by a spear at Manly Cove in 1790, he insisted that the perpetrators be treated well. Nonetheless, both cultures wanted the land (one unfenced, the other fenced) and conflict continued, any attack (often an

overreaction to harmless infringement) being met by similarly forceful reprisal. This friction is reflected in the recording of incidents in 1792. Twentyfirst March: “Natives, especially children, are every day now in the Camp [Sydney Cove] – Two native Girls I have under my roof,” wrote Chaplain Richard Johnson in a letter. Eighteenth May: “Aborigines ransack a settler’s hut at Prospect, and run off, ff wearing stolen clothes. When the settler fires small shot at them they leave behind blankets, some spears JANUARY 2017




THIS IMAGE AND INSET: Conflict between settlers and Aboriginals was inevitable, as the two sides fought for precious farming land

“Not only were aboriginal people seen as sub-human, they were envied”



brotherCheshire and his ear-old Thomas n att an -y m 23 , a 86 ed 17 en h at rc In Ma ilor) “had thre ta (a , 19 , niffe k rry a Pa g, d taken a ba in-law, Joseph a d ildford, Surrey, an n an n Gu in ar an ne at n, d do ste es re Worpl y] and were ar da d to 3 on co 56 e Se [£ e £5 Th ael Flynn in and more than nd according to Mich an d h,” ed at iev de pr to Re . d 0 ce a of 1790 senten d uld im Convict Armad e wou Fleet: Britain’s Gr tead, rough justic ins et Fle nd 24 co 182 y Se r ry ar e th nu in Ja d 25 te rte of or po i ht ttranssp he nig “on th en wh on , oo er go ag lat L s di ar un the Yarram be served 38 ye y at his home near by d a ing de ep ot sle s sh s wa e wa Cheshir ales, he d, New South W nto tthe in outside Richmon d faces who burst ne ke ac bl th wi s lar rg bu n ve se .” one of money house demanding

and nets filled with corn. One Aborigine is wounded.” Twenty-seventh May: “A convict is killed while digging wells. He has thirty spear wounds in his body, his head is cut open and most of his teeth are knocked out.” Outbreaks of fighting would worsen as more settlers arrived and occupied even more land, and killings and massacres on both sides became commonplace. Conflict was inevitable. Not only were aboriginal Australians seen as sub-human by some and encroaching on settlers’ land, they were probably envied as survivors. They knew which plants were nutritious, where they grew and when to eat them. They fished and



trapped animals, whereas the settlers’ food had to come by ship, which meant that before long many were starving. The Hibernian Journall brought word from one Irish convict in Sydney: “Famine is staring us in the face and happy is the man that can kill a rat or crow, to make him a dainty meal. I dined most heartily the other day on a fine dog.”

SUPPLY AND DEMAND Not only was there a shortage of food, the lack of tools made shelter-building difficult, timber being so hard on eucalyptus trees. Sensing that they were cut off ff from the outside world, one of only two ships that hadn’t left, the

Sirius, was hastily dispatched to South Africa in October 1788 to buy food. It was eight months before it returned. By then, the armed tender HMS Supply had been sent to secure Norfolk Island, a 13-square-mile island 1,000 miles northeast of today’s Sydney, in the Pacific. Phillip hoped that Norfolk Island would relieve pressure on Sydney’s stores, and the Supply would make ten trips there. The island’s ground was more fertile, and convicts and marines were sent to build a settlement. Before long, the island produced maize, wheat, potatoes, cabbages, timber and fruit, despite the problems of high cliffs, ff unsafe harbour, sea winds, rats, caterpillars and the Sirius (captained by John Hunter) being wrecked off ff the


HMS SIrius was wrecke d off Norfolk Island while landing sto res

FAR-SIGHTED Captain Arthur Phillip, who led the colonisation, knew that he would be in need of skilled labourers and tradesmen, but his requests to bring them on the voyage were rejected. Instead, he put the convicts to work.

F FOUND DING FATHERS A 1799 painting g of the founding of the settlement of Port J kson at Botany Bay Jacks in N New South Wales

island in March 1790. Considered too far away to be a long-term penal colony, Norfolk Island did produce food long enough to help keep First Fleet settlers from the brink of starvation, until ships arrived from England with extra supplies. The growin ng mainland populatio on then attracted foreign tra ading ships, which would bring supplies too. Not the boost to manpower and supplies everyone expected, the six ships of the Second Fleet – dubbed ‘the Death Fleet’ because it was run by careless private contractors, who treated the convicts so badly a quarter of them died

GREENER PASTURES The penal colony on Norfolk Island, which served as a farm supplying goods to Sydney

on b board – arrived in Jun ne 1790. Chaplain Reverend Richard Johnson went aboard th he Surprizee and wrote, “The smell w wa as so offensive, ff I co ould scarcely bear it. G it Greatt numbers b werre not able to walk… in thee open air some fainted d, some died in the boat befo ore they reached the shore… coveered with their own nastiness, full o of filth and lice.” Thankfully, the cava alry did finally arrive, bringing a touch of optimism that the colony needed to go on. The Third Fleet arrived with, very roughly, 1,700 male and 170 female convicts, marines, senior administrators and plenty of supplies, between the months of July and October 1791.

Governor Phillip’s h ll marines were not all supportive, some writing home about all the hardships and refusing to supervise the convicts. Their commander, Major Robert Ross, Phillip’s deputy, made matters worse by arresting five officers. Tired of the rebelliousness it caused, in March 1790 Phillip packed Ross off ff to run Norfolk Island to keep him quiet, keeping a positive spirit alive by sending favourable accounts of developments back to London’s official circles so that they wouldn’t pull the plug on the colony. It was 1791 when Phillip decided to give more convicts responsible jobs such as supervising and gardening, although he still only had 213 acres under crop and about 120 farm animals, the rest having strayed, died or been eaten. His egalitarianism (he insisted that convicts should receive the same rations as marines) put noses out of joint; it also helped to turn the corner from starvation to self-assurance. In Port Jackson, Phillip concentrated on building g houses and store-houses,, while putting most of his energy into encouraging farming. By October 1792, over 1,000 acres were under crop and 350 convicts were granted their freedom, some returning to Britain. By then, over 3,300 male and 700 female convicts (figures vary wildly) had landed at Port Jackson. It dawned on everyone left that this was now their home. Governor Arthur Phillip resigned in July 1793. Remembered for his colonisation l i ti ushering h i iin decades d d off indelible harm to indigenous society, regardless of his efforts ff to minimise it, at least he had given his own badgered ‘founders of Australia’ a slim chance for a future that they hadn’t had before. d

GET HOOKED BOOKS The Commonwealth of Thieves: The Story of the Founding of Australiaa by Tom Keneally (Chatto and Windus, 2007) mentions the plight of aboriginal peoples entwined in a dramatic, story-like narrative. JANUARY 2017




FLIGHT OF THE LONE EAGLE A trailblazing flight from New York to Paris in 1927 sparked a global obsession for air travel. Pat Kinsella follows Charles ‘Lucky’ Lindbergh on his worldchanging transatlantic adventure



“I was astonished at the effect my successful landing in France had on the nations of the world. To me, it was like a match lighting a bonfire” Charles Lindbergh

LIFTED SPIRITS MAIN: Upon his arrival, a crowd of 100,000 stormed the field, dragged Lindbergh from his cockpit, and carried him around above their heads for “nearly half an hour” BELOW: Linbergh with the Spirit of St Louis, the plane in w which he made his historic flightt



hen a 25-year-old mail-delivery pilot with zero experience of flying over water began his bid to become the first person to fly from New York to Paris, few believed that the barnstorming young punk was about to change aviation history forever. Charles Lindbergh strode across a soggy, rain-ravaged Roosevelt Field on Long Island just after 7.30am on 20 May 1927, holding four sandwiches and two canteens of water. Climbing aboard his newly built bird, the nowfamous Spirit of St Louis, he could hardly have guessed just how much the next 33-and-a-half hair-raising hours would transform his life. Lindbergh was about to attempt to fly further than anyone else had done before – 3,610 miles between New York and Paris. If successful, not only would he make history, he would also pocket a $25,000 purse offered ff by wealthy New York hotelier Raymond Orteig, who had been dangling the dough as a reward for the first to complete the transatlantic city-to-city feat for the previous eight years. But that was a gigantic ‘if’. Already six men – all of them far more experienced than Lindbergh – had died or disappeared in pursuit of this prize. Only a fortnight earlier, a pair of French war heroes, Captain Charles Nungesser and his navigator François Coli, had vanished without trace somewhere west of Ireland while attempting the same feat in the other direction. Torrential downpours had threatened to delay the flight, but Lindbergh spied a window in the weather, and he was determined to fly through it. At 7.52am, ‘Lucky’ Lindy gunned the Spirit’s single Wright J-5C engine into action and began bouncing down the muddy track. Weighed down with 451 gallons of gas, the little monoplane laboured into the air, just about skimmed over the telephone wires at the field’s edge, and disappeared towards its destiny.


EARNING HIS WINGS Lindbergh began his high-flying career as a thrill-seeking show-off, ff barnstorming, wingwalking and parachuting his way across the wild wide-open skies of the American West in the early adrenaline-packed days of the Roaring Twenties. The mechanically gifted, farm-raised boy from Minnesota developed his lifelong passion for flying from afar. In 1922, aged 20 – having been nowhere near an aircraft, let alone experienced flying – Lindbergh quit college and enrolled in Nebraska Aircraft Corporation’s flying school in Lincoln. He took his first flight as a passenger shortly afterwards, and within a few days took to the driving seat. Lindbergh wasn’t able to experience flying alone at Lincoln, however, because he couldn’t afford ff the deposit that the school demanded from solo pilots to cover the cost of their one training plane.




CHARLES LINDBERGH Son of a lawyer and congressman,, who developed a lifelong passion fo or NEED FOR SPEED planes in his 20s. Lindbergh aged 18, His extraordinary riding on his trusty flight in 1927 made e Excelsior motorcycle him an unlikely international celebrity, but Lindbergh’s later life was scarred by personal tragedy and political controversy.

RAYMOND ORTEIG Wealthy FrenchAmerican hotel owner who offered the $25,000 Orteig Prize for the first non-stop transatlantic flight between New York City and Paris, collected by Lindbergh in 1927.

DONALD HALL Pioneering aircraft designer and aeronautical engineer who worked closely with Lindbergh to design, build and deliver the Spirit of St Louis from scratch in just 60 days.

CAPTAIN CHARLES NUNGESSER Famous French air ace (credited with bringing down 83 German aeroplanes in WWI) who disappeared while attempting to fly Paris to New York just weeks before Lindbergh’s successful flight.


Following his pilot training, Lindbergh worked for US Air Ma il



Despite bad weather, Lindbergh’s take-off was seamless

Crowds look on as the Spirit of St Louis is prepared for flight


HOURS He parachuted to the ground safely on both occasions, and set off ff immediately to locate the plane wreckage and rescue the mail. As he approached his 25th year, ho owever, the ambitious airman began to set hiis sights much higher, and by 1926 he had deecided to put his legendary luck to a real test.

The total time Lindbergh went without sleep

SOAR TO FAME ABOVE: Linbergh became an international celebrity overnight, leading to a media frenzy

Chasing wider horizons, Lindbergh went west and began working as a wingman for pioneering pilots and barnstormers such as Errold Bahl in the skies above Colorado, Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming and Montana. Although he was clocking valuable air time and gaining crucial experience (of the sort that would later save his life), he spent more time outside of the planes he was playing in – performing wingwalking and parachuting stunts – than in the cockpit. By May 1923, however, Lindbergh had saved enough money to buy his own bird, a Curtiss JN-4 ‘Jenny’ biplane. In this WWI machine, he finally took to the skies solo, and soon established himself as a barnstormer in his own right under the name Daredevil Lindbergh. The precocious pilot’s flying skills were properly honed not by his time performing death-defying shenanigans for crowds at shows, however, but during a year of disciplined military flight training with the newly formed United States Army Air Service, which he underwent in Texas in 1924. During this period he walked away unharmed from a serious crash, after bailing out when his aircraft was involved in a mid-air collision with another plane while engaged in aerial combat manoeuvres. Scrapes such as this earned him the nickname ‘Lucky Lindy’, and his good fortune followed him out of the army after he graduated top of his class in March 1925. Despite his army pilot’s wings and a commission as a first lieutenant in the Air Service Reserve Corps, the services had no immediate need for full-time flying men, and instead Lindbergh began working for Robertson Aircraft Corporation, flying early mail routes. During ten months with the company, he was twice forced to bail out of his plane while approaching Chicago at night, due to mechanical failures and bad weather.

PLANE SAILING LEFT: A photomontage depicting the Spirit of St Louis over Paris

PRIZE FLIGHT In May 1919, inspired by a speech made by Eddie Rickenbacker – in which the legendary American flying ace waxed lyrical about the connections between France and the United States and envisioned a time when the two nations could be connected by air travel – French-born New York hotelier Raymond Orteig promised $25,000 to the first pilot to fly directly between the Big Apple and Paris. For the first five years no one attempted the epic feat, but when Orteig reiterated his offer, ff a rush of World War I flying aces, adventurers and celebrated barnstormers began throwing their goggles into the ring, including American plane racer Clarence Chamberlin, Arctic explorer Richard Byrd and French war hero René Fonck. In this company, Lindbergh was an unknown upstart with little funding and no experience of flying over water, let alone crossing an ocean. Undeterred, he scraped together $18,000 from his own savings and contributions from several backers, and set about trying to buy a suitable set of wings. His first-choice manufacturer, Wright Aeronautical, wouldn’t sell anyone a plane for the challenge unless they could choose the pilot, and they knew nothing of Lindbergh. In February 1927, he instead struck a deal with the comparatively small Ryan Aircraft Company, and forged a positive working relationship with their chief engineer, Donald Hall. In close collaboration with Lindbergh, Hall built a customised plane from scratch in just two months, working to a budget of $10,580. The design included a deliberately uncomfortable wicker chair, to prevent Lindbergh falling asleep during his marathon journey, and a periscope for looking forward, in the absence of a front windscreen. The soon-to-be-famous Spirit of St Louis (named after Lindbergh’s supporters at the St Louis Raquette Club in his Missouri hometown) was in the sky for test flights by the end of April, and a month later it was ready for take-off. ff JANUARY 2017



engine Lindbergh examines the St Louis of rit Spi the of ers ind cyl






6 Paris





North Atlantic Ocean


GEOGRAPHY Unless you’re tracing the equator, the shortest distance between two points on a spherical globe isn’t a straight line – it’s an arc, known as a ‘great circle’. Plotting a route according to this principle, which also maximised his time over land (providing a much better safety net in the event of a forced landing), Lindbergh navigated eastnortheast from New York before heading out over the Atlantic.

1 7.52AM (NEW YORK TIME), 20 MAY 1927 Roosevelt Field, Long Island, New York

After a period of severely wet weather, Charles Lindbergh guns the engine of the Spirit of St Louiss into action and aims her down the dirt runway towards Europe and a place in aviation history.

2 8.15PM (NEW YORK TIME), 20 MAY Newfoundland

After almost 12 hours in the air above New York, Maine, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, Lindbergh bids terra firma farewell as the Sun sets, and begins his crossing of the Atlantic in the dark.

3 1:52AM (NEW YORK TIME), 21 MAY Mid-Atlantic

Eighteen hours into his flight, engaged in a life-and-death battle against fatigue, experiencing distracting hallucinations and extreme weather, Lindbergh realises he is halfway to Paris. An hour later, dawn breaks.

4 1.52PM (LOCAL TIME), 21 MAY

Off the south-west coast of Ireland

Lindbergh spots several small fishing boats and realises he’s close to the Irish coast. He attempts in vain to communicate, but sights land proper an hour later, and briefly deviates direction to fly over Valencia Island and Dingle Bay.

5 4.52PM (LOCAL TIME), 21 MAY Cornwall, England

As he crosses England’s south-west toe, close to Land’s End, Lindbergh increases his speed to try and reach France in daylight.

6 7:52PM (LOCAL TIME), 21 MAY Cherbourg, France

The Sun sets for the second time as the Spirit of St Louiss begins flying over French soil. Lindbergh traces the Seine river for the final 200 miles to his goal.




4 2,000mi


pe Ca ear Cl











New York


f nd Isle ofoundla New



Dingle Bay

G GREAT ADVENTURES CHARLES LINDBERGH C direction to confirm that this was south-west Ireland. He flew over Valencia Island and Dingle Bay, before returning to his original compass course and following a bearing towards Paris. Maintaining an altitude of 1,500 feet, the Spiritt skipped across the far south-west toe of England, with the clearing weather offering ff glimpses of Cornwall, before crossing the Channel in near-perfect conditions. As nightfall approached for the second time, the coast of France loomed, and Lindbergh could soon see the city of Cherbourg. In the dying light, the exhausted aviator followed the serpentine Seine The size of the crowd who river towards the capital, picking waited for Linbergh at up the beacons of the Paris–London telephone wires, Lindbergh Le Bourget Field in airway. By 10pm, he was circling the suddenly had to bank right to Paris Eiffel ff Tower, looking at the lights of avoid hitting a clump of trees. He Le Bourget airfield but becoming confused then took a compass bearing and by its apparent proximity to the city and the pointed the Spiritt out over Long Island bewildering abundance of illumination. Sound. By the time darkness enveloped him at Eventually, Lindbergh realised that the lights around 8.15pm, he was over the Atlantic. were coming from cars, jamming the roads as Parisians rushed to see his historic landing. BON VOYAGE He flew once over the field, circled into the Fog formed above the ocean, and the terribly wind, and touched down at 10.22pm local time. exposed pilot was soon being bullied by big, Instantly, the 100,000-strong throng pushed black, burly clouds. An attempt to punch through the restraining ropes and rushed his way through the storm resulted in an towards the plane, with French soldiers utterly accumulation of sleet on the Spirit’s wings. unable to control them, and Lindbergh had to After a brief moment of doubt, when he quickly stop his engine to avoid killing anyone. contemplated turning around and aborting Surrounded by a sea of people chanting the attempt, Lindbergh resolved to keep going, “Vive!”, Lindbergh was eventually rescued by flying over and around the clouds. police, who lifted the new hero from his plane While trying to evade the fog, the plucky pilot occasionally found himself skimming across the and carried him through the crowd on their shoulders. Behind him, the Spiritt was being ocean just ten feet above the wave tops, where torn apart by frenzied souvenir hunters, until the salty spray blowing into his face at least authorities intervened to save her too. helped to keep him awake. At other times, he Lindbergh’s achievement represented much was sucking in the rarified air at 10,000 feet, more than a simple act of audacious derringplaying slalom with the biggest storm clouds do. Overnight, a hitherto unknown American and climbing over the smaller ones. had effectively ff shrunk the globe and shone a The night was long, lonely and cold, but spotlight on the future of international travel. mercifully dawn broke early because he was He was now a celebrity – something that would flying forward through time zones. By midcome with very mixed blessings. d afternoon (local time) the adventurer began spotting little fishing boats, and concluded that he must be nearing Ireland. To be sure, GET HOOKED he decided to ask directions, descending and circling around one small craft and shouting SEE out, “Which way is Ireland?” The Spirit of St Louiss is on permanent display in the main entryway’s Milestones of Flight gallery at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Lindbergh didn’t hear the reply, but he soon Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. spotted land on the horizon and changed


HERO’S WELCOME TOP: The homecoming parade along Broadway ABOVE: Lindbergh was awarded the Orteig Prize for his feat – $25,000



7 10:22PM (LOCAL TIME), 21 MAY

Le Bourget Aerodrome, Paris, France

Lindbergh brings the Spirit of St Louiss down to earth after 33 hours, 30 minutes and 29.8 seconds in the air, having set a new continuous-flight distance record in a fixed-wing aircraft and won the coveted Orteig Prize. He receives a hero’s welcome and his life is never the same again.

After his trailblazing flight, Lindbergh’s star burned incredibly brightly. He was awarded the Legion of Honour by the President of France and the first-ever Distinguished Flying Cross by US president Calvin Coolidge. Celebrity came at a terrible cost, however. In 1932, Lindbergh’s 20–month-old son, Charles Jr, was kidnapped and murdered. In the aftermath, which saw the press go into a feeding frenzy, the family relocated

to Europe. After returning to the US, Lindbergh became a spokesperson for the America First movement, and was accused of Nazi sympathies because of comments made about Jews and his opposition to America joining the war. He resigned from the US military after being publically criticised by President Roosevelt, but eventually supported the war effort after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.




YOU ASK, WE ANSWER WHY DO WE SAY... p82 • IN A NUTSHELL HELL p83 • HOW DID THEY DO THAT? p84• WH HAT IS S IT? p87 OUR EXPERTS EMILY BRAND Social historian, genealogist and author of Mr Darcy’s Guide to Courtship (2013)

EVERY CLOUD Viking explorers used something called Iceland spar, a type of calcite, to work out their position in relation to the Sun


AST LEG During the ‘P a brief confl astry War ’ of 1838, ic and Mexico, t between France G lost a leg, w eneral Santa Anna hich garden. Whe he buried in his n he becam e president, he dug it up and gave it a state funeral.

JULIAN HUMPHRYS Development Officer for The Battlefields Trust and author

ADAM JACOT DE BOINOD Author and journalist, worked on the BBC panel game QI

GREG JENNER Consultant for BBC’s Horrible Histories series and author of A Million Years in a Day y (2015)

LAWRENCE Writer and columnist, with a specialist interest in British heritage subjects


NOW SEND US YOUR QUESTIONS Want to know more about cake cutting? Visisted Abu Simbel? Whatever your thoughts, send them in.

@Historyrevmag #askhistrevmag www.facebook.com/ HistoryRevealed editor@history revealed.com

WHAT WAS A VIKING SUNSTONE? The Vikings were superb sailors who got as far afield as Russia and North America, but their navigational techniques haven’t always been completely understood. A mysterious ‘sunstone’, mentioned in a medieval Icelandic saga, was considered mere legend until an opaque crystal, made from Iceland spar, was recently discovered among the navigation equipment of a sunken Tudor shipwreck.

Intriguingly, scientists have proven that Iceland spar, when held up to the sky, forms a solar compass that indicates the Sun’s location, through concentric rings of polarised light, even in thick cloud cover or after dusk. It’s now thought that this was the mysterious sunstone that helped guide Vikings such as ‘Lucky’ Leif Erikson to Newfoundland, and usage of it may have persisted until the end of the 16th century. GJ




Author and senior lecturer in prehistoric and Roman archaeology at Bournemouth University


PROMISING PUD As well as being a delicious after-dinner treat, wedding cakes supposedly bring luck


The nu umber of Texans defend ding the Alamo againstt the Me xicans in 1836. The ey were all kille d.


driven Attackers could be rrific off in a number of ho t oil ho ing lud inc ys, wa

Did defenders of castles really pour boiling oil down on attackers? Clearly, defenders facing death if their castle fell would have used whatever came to hand to drive off ff their enemies. The Jewish defenders of Yodfat in AD 67 poured hot oil on the Roman besiegers, and it is also mentioned as being used against the English at Orléans in 1428-29. However, as oil was valuable, it was probably only used occasionally. There were plenty of cheaper alternatives. Defenders could hurl down rocks, pieces of their own wall, boiling water or heated sand. Attackers may also be blinded with quicklime, a kind of mustard gas that became caustic when it got wet. They could be burned by Greek fire, a mix of resin, pitch, sulphur and naptha, notoriously hard to extinguish. In 1216, the defenders of Beaucaire castle lowered a sack of sulphur, which drove off ff the attackers with its noxious fumes. However, the prize for ingenuity goes to the defenders of Chester, who in 905 allegedly inflicted a stinging defeat on the Vikings by dropping the town’s beehives on them. JH




St Felix of Burgundy (died c648) is believed to have established a bishopric at Dunwich, then a thriving seaport in East Anglia.


Why is cutting the cake an important part of a wedding? Wedding cake, cake or ‘bride’s bride s pie pie’, is an ancient way of wishing bounty and good luck to newlyweds. It should be made of fine wheaten flour and as rich as possible to encourage wealth. Traditionally, the first slice is cut by the bride to guarantee children. The husband places his hand over hers, using his own knife or sword if he is a soldier.



From the Native American custom of burying their hatchets, knives and war clubs when making peace, to show that hostilities had ended.

When facing forwards along a ship, the right side is known as ‘starboard’, the left side as ‘larboard’ or ‘port’. Of these, it is port that is easiest to track. The word was adopted in the early 17th century by captains to avoid confusion between the similar-sounding words larboard and starboard when giving helm orders. In 1844, it was officially made the sole term for the left side of a ship in the Royal Navy. The older terms were in use from at least the 10th century. Starboard referred to t the h steering oar on that h side d of the shiip, secured to the top board of the hull a and used for steering before b rudders were inveented. d. Larboard appears to t ha ave referred to the sid de off the ship over whicch goods g were load ded when in dock. RM M



In 1295, Dunwich first sent two representatives to Parliament. Over the next 400 years, the port was engulfed by the sea.



little, Everyone should eat at least a lit because bad luck follows refusals. A young girl will dream of her future husband if she sleeps with a piece under her pillow, but the bride herself must keep her slice safe if she wishes her man to remain faithful. Over the years, the bride’s slice became the entire top tier, retained to eat at the baptism of the first child. SL

By 1830, the port had disappeared, and its electorate had shrunk to just 32. But Dunwich still retained the right to elect two MPs.


In 1832, Dunwich was one of the notorious ‘rotten boroughs’ abolished by the Great Reform Act of that year.


FREEMASONRY A secret, men-only organisation with its roots in the master craftsmen of the Middle Ages When and where did Freemasonry originate? There is still a great deal of speculation about how the fraternal organisation of Freemasonry originated. The earliest known texts relating to masonry date to 1390-1425, and state that the craft of masonry began with the Greek mathematician Euclid, in c300 BC Egypt, arriving in England during the reign of King Athelstan in the 10th century. The earliest English documents on Freemasonry also date to the 14th century and appear to refer to a worker in freestone – a type of sandstone or limestone that was used to create ornamental masonry. Some historians have interpreted the word ‘free’ to mean that the mason was not enslaved or bound to a master, but the truth of this is unclear. What was a Mason? Highly skilled, a Master Mason combined the skills of architect, builder, craftsman, designer and engineer, using a set of compasses, a marked rope or staff, ff and a set square to create the magnificent cathedrals and castles of the Middle Ages.

The size and scale of the projects undertaken and the scarcity of the tools used led many to believe that Masons possessed some sort of magical secret. How did groups of medieva al masons organise themselve es? Workshops based at the site of major building work were originally referred to as ‘lodges’, a word later used to refer to a community of masons in


People used to believ e that the designers of grand buildings had magic pow er

ANTIQUATED ART Greek mathematician Euclid first mentioned Masons

Grand Lodge – the world’s first first. The movement was designed to allow men to socialise together, avoiding the topics of religion and politics. The Grand Lodge of

“The scarcity of tools used led many to believe that Masons possessed a secret” one place. From the 1660s, we see gentleman joining nonoperative lodges and becoming ‘masons’ – it was this ‘speculative freemasonry’ that evolved into the organisation we see today. In 1717, the first Freemason Grand Lodge was formed, when four London lodges met at a tavern in St Paul’s churchyard and declared themselves to be a

Ireland was subsequently formed in 1725, followed by the Grand Lodge of Scotland in 1736. Mirroring the expansion of the British Empire, Freemasonry, too, expanded greatly overseas, and by 1900, some 2,800 Grand Lodges had been formed across the globe, including North America and Europe. Well known individuals such as George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, W Edward Jenner, Walter Scott and E William IV were all members of W the organisation. W What was the status of women in n Freemasonry? Masonic Lodges were, and still M are, restricted to men, as were the a sstonemason guilds of the Middle Ages, but during the 1740s, A Lodges of Adoption began to L appear in France, attached to the a traditional men-only lodges and operating under their direction. o

Th fi The first mixed i d Grand G dL Lodge, d Le L Droit Humain, was formed in France in 1893, open to women and men who were “just, upright and free, of mature age, sound judgment and strict morals”. Co-Masonry was brought to England in 1902 by social reformer and campaigner for women’s rights, Annie Besant, who was herself initiated in France. A women-only order was formed six years later, and by 1935, it was an exclusively female organisation. Have any women ever joined a men-only Lodge? There are some alleged cases. In the 18th century, Elizabeth Aldworth is said to have secretly watched the proceedings of a Lodge meeting. On discovering the breach of their secrecy, they were obliged to admit her and she was seen in public wearing her Masonic regalia. What about the conspiracy theories – are they real? Conspiracy theories have followed the Freemasons since the 18th century. Among them are claims that the organisation is a Jewish front for world domination; that Freemasons are connected to the Illuminati; that they worship the Devil; and even that they faked the Apollo Moon landings. Symbols, images and ritual remain an important part of the Freemason movement, the learning and performing of which takes place behind closed doors in member-only ceremonies. As to the truth behind the theories… that’s up to the reader to decide.


Female masons attend a meeting in London, wearing their regalia






PHARA Ramesses II led an inte OH rest life. In addi tion to wag ing successful in wars and ea g himself the rning epithet ‘the he had eigh G t official wiv reat’, es and 90 concub ines, along with about 100 children.

An ancient temple by Ramesses II, moved uphill to make way for a reservoir Known for its unique facade, featuring four enormous statues of Ramesses II, Abu Simbel was built during the 13th century BC in order to commemorate the Egyptian victory over the Hittites at the Battle of Kadesh, and in honour of the Pharaoh h himself. Carved out of the rock, it is located next to thee river Nile in Nubia, at the very end of southern Egy yptt.

FACADE Four colossal statues of Ramesses II guard the front of the temple. They measure up to 35 metres wide and 30 metres high.

RELOCATION In 1968, the temple was moved up a cliff, ff to prevent it from being submerged by Lake Nasser following the construction of the Aswan Dam.

Size compared to the height of a human.



8 84


The temple looks out onto Lake Nasser, a popular spot

No higher than the Pharaoh’s knees, smaller statues of his relatives and Nubian prisoners of war stand at the sides and feet of the large statues.


This forms part of the structure that supports the temple at its new location.

Scenes on the walls and the ceiling recall Ramesses’ glories

SECOND HALL Three aisles, separated by four pillars, show figures of the King with the gods, as well as the boat of Amun-Ra and a deified Ramesses in a procession.

MAIN HALL The impressive first corridor, sometimes called a pronaos, has eight pillars featuring images of Osiris (the god of the afterlife). They bear the physical features of the Pharaoh, to display his great power.



This was divided into three. The main part in the centre was only accessible to the Pharaoh. It contains statues of craft god Ptah, sun god Amun-Ra and Ramesses himself.

Contains paintings of Ramesses II making offerings to several gods.

SIDE ROOMS Barely decorated, they were possibly used for storage.

Battle scenes with religious undertones on the walls show the Egyptians defeating their enemies.

A TRICK OF THE LIGHT Twice a year in February and October, the Sun’s first rays shine through the main access of the temple. Th The light is projected through the pronaos, thee hall and the sanctuary, fully illuminating thee four statues of the gods in the sanctuary at thee rear.









An inspiratio ŠAN POPOV was Serbia n for James Bond n triple agen t Dušan Popov. Dur ing spied on th World War II, he e Nazis, info the US abou rming t the Pearl Harbor attacks, bu t due to his wild lifestyle, th ey didn’t believe him .

Many ancient civilisations had d a curious weakness for garum m or ‘liquamen’. Made from fermented fish blood and guts, the sauce was fundamental to Roman cookery. The entrails of large fish were pounded with whole bodies of smaller fish, such as anchovies, and heavily salted. The gooey mass was then allowed to rot for up to two months, after which the fluid was strained to make a condiment Romans splashed over pretty much all of their dishes. The sticky residue of the fish was also used for culinary purposes. Romans might have enjoyed the taste of garum, but the smell w was another thing. Garum factories were banned from town centres, and archaeologists can still smell the powerful remains in unearthed nearthed jugs. j

JOUST BECAUSE Aristocratic medieval pastimes shape our lives more than we might realise

Why do the British drive on the ‘wrong’ side of the road? Th origins of road etiquette, The who has right of way and w on which side of the road o t trans porrt should pass, are lost, al hough traditionally vehicles alth a ended to stick to the left-hand teen side si id in order to avoid collisions. It has h a as been suggested that this may have h a av v been due to the need to keep ur sword arm facing a potential you pponent travelling in the opposite opp ppo d rrecction, as in jousting. In Western dire u pe, this all changed following the Eu urop r ch Revolution, when those keen Frrenc to o oveerthrow the old order abolished



When did the Korean War end? Strictly speaking, it never has. On 27 July 1953, US army general William Harrison Jr and North Korean general Nam Il signed an Armistice Agreement which brought about a ceasefire. The aim of the armistice was to “ensure a complete cessation of hostilities and of all acts of armed force in Korea until a final peaceful settlement is achieved”. But that “peaceful settlement” never came. No peace treaty has ever been signed, and today, the border between the two Koreas remains the most militarised frontier in the world, with nearly 30,000 US troops stationed in South Korea and over a million Korean troops facing each other across the border. JH




A US soldier snaps a North Korean one at Panmu njom, North Korean ‘peace’ town

the h b off the h aristocracy y to travell on e habit thee lleft. f By y 1794, an official ffic l ‘keep k gh right’ ord db d something h der h had been imposed, wh h extended d d to other h countries hich ass both b h revolutionary l f d fervour, and the p l he armies of Emperor Napoleon, spread across Europe. Needless to say, the British stubbornly stayed on the left-hand side of the road, extending this practice around their empire. Following independence, a number of territories, the USA included, switched to the right as a way of escaping their colonial past, but Singapore, India and Australia still drive on the left. MR




Who is the prolific physicist found in this sequence of pictures? WHAT


Actor Reg Varney us uses the first cashpoint to wiithd raw a maximum of £10 £

Systems for writing on papyrus were used in Ancient Egypt as early as 3000 BC, and it was the primary writing material in literary circles in Ancient Greece. Archive records were also kept on stone, lead, wooden tablets or precious metals, with the chosen material often representing its contents. In both Athens and Rome, bronzee tablets generally held an association with religion, and tho hose intended as public reminders were put in the ‘stone arch hives’ for permanence. However, documentation was minimal, and even during the prominence of Rome, the city’s early records were simple lists of important officials, priestly records and copies of treaties. Nothing for the ordinary folk. EB


This Roman bron nze military diploma was awarded d in AD 146

The number of f ox o en the Ottomans used d to drag a 20-tonne ca nnon to Constantinople e iin 1453.

NOW O SEND D US YOUR O QUES Q STIONS S O S Want to know wh ho invented the wheel? Or ho how many peo ople are descended from Genghis his K Khan? A Ask away!

@Historyrev ev vmag#askhistrevmag v m www.facebo ook.com/ om/HistoryRevealed editor@histtoryrev evealed.com




How did people in the Classical world keep records?



Answers: Hidden Historicals Isaac Newton (Eye, Sack, Newt, Ton) What is it? Seismic intruder detection devices ess

Although previous out-of-hours depo osit and loan machines had been experimenteed with across the world, TV actor Reg Varney y, of On the Buses fame, was the first ‘customer’ off a bank-linked cash-dispensing machine. After inserting a voucher into a drawer outside a branch of Barclays bank in Enfield, North London, on 27 June 1967, Varney withdrew a crisp £10 note and history was made. Initially viewed with suspicion, the machines took some time to catch on. A special card was required, which was eventually also used to provide extra validation n for cheques, before morphing into the debit ca ards we know today. There are nearly three million Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) worldwide.. SL



Want to enjoy more history? Our monthly guide to activities and resources is a great place to start


ON OUR RADAR What’s caught our attention this month… TOUR

Victoria: Queen Behind the Screen


Osborne House, Isle of Wight. Weekends, 2 January – 12 February. www.bit.ly/2gVZj8i Queen Victoria’s favourite residence, Osborne House (her beachside, Italianstyle palace on the Isle of Wight), invites its visitors to learn who the real Queen Vic actually was – aside from all the television portrayals. Your expert tour guide will take you around the palace and gardens, divulging details of her life and her favourite hobbies, plus the wonderful story of Victoria and Albert, divided by nationality but united by family ties and their love for one another.

Osborne House was built by the royal couple, so it reflects the personal tastes of Victoria and Albert


Revel with Rabbie Stirling Castle, 22 January. See www.bit.ly/2gIMBdO Come in from the cold and celebrate the life and work of Scotland’s Bard, with a tipple and a bite of haggis. Take a look at the words that Burns engraved into the window of a local tavern, known as the ‘Stirling lines’, giving his lessthan-favourable opinion of the town. Robert Burns got into trouble for the words he drunkenly scrawled



Lipstick pen Imperial War Museum Shop, £1.50. www.bit.ly/1OQaNIK You may have heard of the lipstick gun (aptly named the Kiss of Deatth), but now get ready for its more legal version, the lipstick pen. Make like a Russian spy and secrettly jot down what you see e, all while maintaining th hat glamorous, femme fata ale crimson look. Lipstick pistols werre used by the KGB iin the Cold Wa ar

Rachel Weisz plays the Jewish professor challenged by Holocaust denier David Irving (Timothy Spall, below)

EVENT Mummy Wrapping World Museum Liverpool, 28 January. Visit www.bit.ly/2hl4e5N Scientists and Egyptologists from the University of Manchester and its museum convene on Liverpool to show you how the Ancient Egyptians preserved their dead for the afterlife. Based on the findings in the catacombs at Saqqara, they attempt to recreate the wrappings of an ibis bird. Don’t worry though – they won’t be wrapping any real creatures.

EVENT Pirate Ship’s Surgeon National Waterfront Museum, Cardiff, ff Wales, 28-29 January. www.bit.ly/2gW7y3W As part of Wales’s 2017 Year of Legends, get down to Cardiff to hear some gruesome tales from a pirate surgeon, and get your hands on some o so e ye olde o de surgical su g ca equipment. equ q p e t

Find Fi d out o how o this strange g tooll w put was p to u on a use pirate i ship hi



In cinemas 27 January 2017

Based on a true story, Rachel Weisz portrays a respected Jewish academic in the USA, who is forced to confront her worst fears when prolific Holocaust denier David Irving starts targeting her. To prove what she knows to be true in court, she travels to Auschwitz,

coming face to face with the horrors of the past. Hopefully, her efforts mean the truth will – eventually – out.


Fairy Tales and Fantasy Abbey House Museum, Leeds, begins 21 January. Find out more at www.bit.ly/2hB9IKk People love stories, especially fairy tales. Come to the enchanting, picturesque Abbey House Museum in Leeds to learn about the history of these enchanting tales, and how tthey’ve ey ve bee been used u and abused t throughout hisstory. Explore the o i i off the origins these classic, beloved y yarns from f acrross the globe, and see ee how ho adv advertisers ve have taken a of this escapism to advantage eo ssellll mund dan ne, everyday objects.

Fa airy tales have h a inspired art, craft, even ar ad dvertising, plus children’s pl im maginations

ALS SO LOOK OUT FOR Wild Westt Exhibition E – Commemorate the 100th anniversary of Buffalo Bill’s death with artefac cts from his Wild West Show. Leeds Museums. Opens 28 January 2017. w c Katherrin r ne of Aragon Festival – Join Tudor-themed activities and learn about the life l f off He enry VIII’s first wife. Peterborough, 26-29 January.



HERE & NOW HOW TO VISIT… BRITAIN’S TREASURES GLASS HOUSES The Palm House, designed by Decimus Burton, has 16,000 panes of glass. The ironwork used techniques from shipbuilding, so it may resemble an upturned hull.



Kew, Richmond, West London

A haven of green serenity in the capital, home to historic buildings and over 30,000 plant species, this World Heritage Site is a must-visit GETTING THERE: Kew Gardens has its own station, easily reached via the Overground or District Line. They are close to the South Circular.


TIMES AND PRICES: Tickets can be bought online for £8. In winter, certain buildings are closed, and the last entry is at 3.45pm. Opening hours are extended in spring/summer. FIND OUT MORE: Call 020 8332 5655 or visit www.kew.org




ondon’s greatest escape from the concrete jungle sits on a meander of the Thames, at Kew Botanical Gardens. Deeply entrenched in history, its greenhouses have become iconic – and not just to garden enthusiasts – the world over. These 300 acres of peaceful parkland officially date back to 1759, but the area had actually been known for horticulture centuries beforehand. Henry VII built a magnificent palace in nearby Richmond, with impressive hunting grounds to boot, but it was English politician

Henry Capel of Tewkesbury who first saw Kew’s potential as a place to enjoy unusual flora. To surround his palace, he established an exotic garden in the 17th century, and visitors to the site (including prolific diarist John Evelyn) noted how his collection of tropical fruits flourished. The estate soon came into the hands of royalty when Frederick, the young Prince of Wales, rented the house in 1728. As an escape from his troubled family life and the drama of politics, he took up gardening as a hobby. Disproving

the phrase ‘a bit of rain never hurt anyone’, his obsession with perfecting his patch proved fatal, as he developed a chill from being outdoors too long. He died in 1751, but his widow Augusta continued the Royal Gardens’ development.

GARDEN CITY After recruiting the help of gardener William Aiton in 1759, already renowned for his work on the Chelsea Physic Garden, the Kew area was transformed into an oasis of foreign foliage and Orientalist buildings. As well as







T The 18th-century craze for all tthings China hit Kew hard, but the locals were convinced that this ttowering 50-metre structure would ffall over in a strong gust of wind.

Though the only part that remains of the original palace is the Georgian ‘Dutch House’, this radiant red building and its garden are still worth seeing.

A beautiful, pioneering glass structure that resembles the Grand Palais in Paris, the humid interior incubates an array of tall palm and fruit trees.




BIG LILY LILY, SMALL POND These gigantic Amazon waterlilies are kept in the Waterlily House, the hottest and most humid environment. They were a fad of Victorian gardening, with wealthy hobbyists competing to be the first to successfully grow them in chilly Britain.



Another of Kew’s glass buildings houses useful flora, including the world’s oldest pot plant, which has lived there since 1775.

More modern than the other attractions, breeze over the tree canopy and get a closer look at the amazing biodiversity.

“Kew even played a role in the Industrial Revolution” the Great Pagoda, one of the park’s top attractions, there once stood an Ottoman-style mosque right next door. It thrived as a place for respected gardeners to experiment with design and cultivating non-native plants. The bar was set so high that when Capability Brown – Britain’s top landscape architect – applied for the position of Chief Gardener, he was rejected. Unfortunately, Kew became a victim of its own success. In the early 19th century, the Botanical Gardens started to decline. That is, until the Royal Horticultural Society began a campaign of restoration in the Victorian era. This rejuvenation included the construction of some of Kew’s most iconic landmarks, for example, the Temperate House,

the largest remaining Victorian glasshouse. However, Kew was not just a place of leisure. It was also an important research centre, supplying the rapidly expanding British Empire with plant resources and information. It even played a role in the Industrial Revolution by being the first place to successfully grow rubber trees.

TROUBLING TIMES To make sure it was safe for everyone to enjoy, the gardens were given their very own police force in the 1840s, the Kew Constabulary. First comprised of part-time gardeners, 17 officers and a van still patrol the park today, making it one of the smallest forces in the whole world. But that doesn’t mean the gardens

were totally crime-free – in 1913, a group of suffragettes ff burnt down the Tea Pavilion. One was sentenced to 18 months in jail, but she was released just 30 days later following a hunger strike. Thankfully, the Botanical Gardens have seen calmer times over the last century, except for a storm in 1987, which destroyed hundreds of trees. Not to be defeated, the resilient staff ff turned this freak weather into a scientific breakthrough, discovering the secrets of tree roots. Then, in 2003, Kew was recognised by UNESCO, designating it a World Heritage Site. The site contains the world’s largest living plant collection, and it’s great for all seasons – a place to see all the planet’s weird and wonderful natural life. d

QUEEN CHARLOTTE’S COTTAGE Only open on weekends, the idyllic country retreat of Queen Charlotte includes a beautiful bluebell wood.

WHY NOT VISIT... What else can the area offer the budding historian/gardener?

THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES Adjacent to the gardens is the largest collection of records in Britain, where you can explore your own family history or marvel at the Domesday Book. www.nationalarchives.gov.uk

RICHMOND PARK The largest of the Royal Parks, this stunning area of rolling hills includes King Henry’s mound, a stretch of ten miles with a clear view of St Paul’s Cathedral. www.bit.ly/14XzH4u

HAMPTON COURT PALACE Just half an hour’s drive from Kew Gardens, have a look around Henry VIII’s Tudor masterpiece, one of only two of his surviving palaces. www.bit.ly/2fZ72om




BOOK REVIEWS This month’s best historical books Mansions of Misery: A Biography of the Marshalsea Debtors’ Prison


By Jerry White Bodley Head, £20, 384 pages, hardback

It may focus on themes of poverty and debt – it even has ‘misery’ in the title! – but this is a vibrant look at a community of colourful characters who, thanks to incurring the ire of their creditors, were thrown into one of London’s most infamous prisons. And what a prison; throughout the 18th and into the 19th century, Marshalsea was home to men and women – both innocent and guilty – from right across society. Fighters, musicians, celebrities, prostitutes: all were here. Of course, some of their stories are bleak, yet this remains a multi-faceted, compassionate look at an extraordinary microcosm of human life.

“Marshalsea was home to men and women – both innocent and guilty – from across society”

LEFT: A debtor in the Marshalsea Prison, wearing a weighted iron collar ABOVE: A L painting from Hogarth’s series, A Rake’s Progress, depicting the arrest of a spendthrift p



MEET THE AUTHOR Jerry White explains what it was that drew him to the Marshalsea, and how it was so different from the prisons that we know today… Why did you write a book on this specific prison? I’ve long been interested in the history of the London poor, and so imprisonment for debt and the lives that debtors led have always been a part of that story. I wrote a lecture that was turned into an article about the deliberate starving to death of prisoners in Marshalsea in the late 1720s – and, after that, it wouldn’t leave me alone.

What misconceptions would you like this book to correct? This was not a prison as we think of prisons now. The Marshalsea was a little hamlet locked away behind high walls in the giant city, where the prisoners tried to construct a microcosm of London – receiving visitors, buying from street sellers, bedding prostitutes, and borrowing and trading between one another. It was a prison with its own pub, shops and rules of conduct enforced by the prisoners themselves. This was a place where money was king, for a debtor who came in with nothing risked sickness, degradation, hunger and even starvation unless someone outside came to his or her aid.

Mary I: The Daughter of Time By John Edwards Allen Lane, £12.99, 112 pages, hardback

The ongoing Penguin Monarchs series reaches Mary Tudor, whose short reign is often defined by her devout Catholicism and apparently bloody approach to those with a different faith. But how much of how we now see her is shaped by later propaganda? This concise, incisive guide separates the truth from the fiction.

“The prisoners tried to construct a microcosm of London”

Your book is full of vividly drawn individuals. Which stood out for you? There were many fascinating cheats and fraudsters, as well as innocent victims, who were in and out of the prison. My favourite is Joshua Reeve Lowe: he performed a citizen’s arrest on the would-be assassin of Queen Victoria in 1840 and became a celebrity overnight. But he overreached himself in business as a consequence, was ruined and ended as a debtor in the Marshalsea, dying soon after release. It is a Victorian morality tale like no other. This is obviously a subject immortalised in literature, particularly Dickens. How has that shaped how we see it? Dickens is crucial here. Who would be interested in the Marshalsea without him?

What do you think this story tells us about London in the period? It tells us just how fragile the economic plight of the poorer sort of Londoner was until comparatively recent times; of the risk run by anyone in debt (and everyone was at some point) of arrest, imprisonment and financial ruin; and of how the Marshalsea walls cast a deep shadow over the lives of even the respectable poor right up to the early years of Victoria’s reign.

Four Princes By John Julius Norwich John Murray, £25, 304 pages, hardback

Blessed with possibly the longest title of any book of the past year (see the cover above for the full title), this book is also packed with extraordinary figures – not just the four princes, but artists and emperors too. It’s a warm, witty and fascinating look at how such dynamic individuals shaped the Renaissance and the Reformation right across Europe throughout the 16th century.



What do we know about the origins of the Marshalsea? They are buried in obscurity, but were connected to the establishment of the Marshalsea Court – which resolved disputes between the vast numbers of servants of the royal court – sometime in the 13th century. They were accountable to the knight marshal of the king’s household, and the Marshalsea was the marshal’s prison. It can be dated in Southwark from the 1370s, but was probably there before.

The King’s Bench and the Fleet were bigger and more prestigious debtors’ prisons, and the Marshalsea was the smallest and poorest, but it remains in the culture through Dickens, the supreme chronicler of London life. He was a truthful chronicler too, bringing the Marshalsea alive through his characters. I’ve tried to do the same for the old Marshalsea, demolished before Dickens was born, and for later real-life characters that Dickens knew nothing about.



Jonathan Swift: The Reluctant Rebel By John Stubbs Viking, £25, 752 pages, hardback

Perhaps most famous today for his early 18thcentury book Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift was many things, including a cleric, satirist and political thinker. His strong convictions often led him to refuse to toe the line, and this biography explores those battles – as well as the world around him that he hoped so fervently to change.

By Laurence Rees Viking, £25, 528 pages, hardback

More than 70 years on, the Holocaust remains one of the most inconceivably horrific episodes in a century littered with brutality and bloodshed. Laurence Rees’s major new account combines expert research with first-hand testimony – from all sides of the story. Authoritative and accessible, this is an important, sobering overview of why and how the genocide unfolded.

Gotham Rising: New York in the 1930s By Jules Stewart IB Tauris, £20, 336 pages, hardback

The glamour and the squalor of the Big Apple in the 1930s is vividly captured in this tour of the city’s streets. From the heights of the Empire State Building – completed in 1931 – to the depths of the poverty wrought by the Great Depression, this is a decade that still influences how we see New York today. Jules Stewart tells its story in a time of change.


The book features 160 different maps, from campaign maps through to World War II propaganda

Maps of War: Mapping Conflictt through the Centuries By Jeremy Black Conway, £30, 224 pages, hardback

Fascinated by the way in which military minds put together their grand d plans? This is the book for you. Featuring maps from a wide range of conflicts, including the Napoleonic wars and the American Civil War, it’s a great way to understand how battles were shaped by the landscapes on which they were fought.







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Queen Victoria and the European Empires

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by John Van der Kiste A fascinating and thorough exploration of Victoria’s BOOK professional 19 WORTH £ (and personal) REE H T R O F relationships with the WINNERS leaders of the major European powers of the 19th century. Published by Fonthill Media, £19. HOW TO ENTER Post entries to History Revealed, January 2017 Crossword, PO Box 501, Leicester LE94 0AA or email them to january2017@ historyrevealedcomps.co.uk by noon on 1 February 2017. By entering, participants agree to be bound by the terms and conditions shown in the box below. Immediate Media Co Ltd, publishers of History Revealed, d would love to keep you informed by post or telephone of special offers and promotions from the Immediate Media Co Group. Please write ‘Do Not Contact IMC’ if you prefer not to receive such information by post or phone. If you would like to receive this information by email, please write your email address on the entry. You may unsubscribe from receiving these messages at any time. For more about the Immediate Privacy Policy, see the box below.


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BLOODIEST TUDOR? Has history been unfair to Queen Mary I?






Neil Armstrong smiles for a rare photo after completing the very first moonwalk. As Commander of Apollo 11, Armstrong had control of the camera, so most of the photos from the mission are of Lunar Module Pilot Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin. Upon arrival back on Earth, the crew had to go through US customs, filling out standard forms with the flight number ‘Apollo 11’ and their place of origin ‘The Moon’.



Celebrate history and feel liberated in Guernsey!

Welcome to a place with heritage at its very heart, immerse yourself in centuries of history spanning 5 glorious islands and create memories that will last a lifetime. There’s no better time to visit than during our Channel Islands Heritage Festival from 8th April - 10th May and Liberation Day on May 9th, a day of celebrations to commemorate the Island’s freedom from German Occupation during World War II. So bring out the bunting, explore our heritage sites and join us to celebrate a group of small islands with a big history.

History Revealed 2017-01 - PDF Free Download (2025)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.