The Republic from Columbus, Indiana (2025)

The Columbus. Wednesday. November JO. 1988 BV 1 Artktei Foible 42 Articles For Sale 54 Musical Instruments 44 Wood, Fuel 76 Houses For Sale (0 Mobile Homes For Sale Business Office Space R.OO Assooavs Rea Eswe S554 INDUSTRIAL AARECuSE space aa ab'e oca'eo 5000 50 JOC sq ava ate 'c -efe'e ck Cupa-C t'er a ca1 31? 3T 00 NW CORNER STATE RO 7 4 MARR RD Commercial retail Build-to suit Leasing for spring construction 304 WASHINGTON First A second floor Prime location PEMC PROPERTY NE corner 2nd A Sycamore Immediate occupancy NW CORNER 4th A WASHINGTON Going to be renovated 1st 4 2nd floor space available FARMER MARKETING Office space Immediate occupancy WOODRIOGE CENTER ST RD 4rV 4 5 Office retail space Currently under construction SALE LEASE 27W National Rd 2 6i sq ft Eiceiient visibility Sale price SW POO AAA BUILDING 8th BROWN 19O0 sq tt Immediate occupancy plenty ot parking DON SCHEIOT 4 CO INC 372 cffic esuiTES Asth 4 recep('on area Secre'a1, a T0 4 OVER 1900 sq ft space don'Ortn pa'W per men'" 3 464 100 Houses For Rent BEDROOM neme rTijrn vS es 3e 8e3 a'e' 3 BEDROOM ca" a-- room 'e centra- air qas ab'e derxiS'i 't 01 4 a 3 BEDROOM garage 'C nnnes oas' c' Co lumbLS $400 S3h' deposit r2 QWj aor 3 BEDROOMS bath stove 'e fr.gerator New'O'1 S30 month yi 848 or jt "30 4 BEDROOM qaraqe ba'hs carpet appuancos arqe vard stn Sf Tav '0'SviHe S450 month 4300 deposit 0484 days 6460 evehinqs AAA SELF-STORAGE AAA SELF 1 100 Houses For Rent BETRV MOVE a-'ac-ved garage i eas 0 Cc wmt.s Ux o' ae ecs' Accep sectiO" 8 Za VcC''e Rd 2 bedroom stoe wase' d'ye' ar storage shed C'ta" 4 nice So cn 'dren pes con'rac' ease depose oer mon- Ode' ad pre'e-'eo rs i'K afef 3 3C DUPE '3o! e-ociside bed'oo ca'n garage S345 '-es 3'e 638' NEl DECORATED de 2 bed roc" ca ag: bg va-0 Vi depes. i'2 2b2't a K-kse or arce shaded 'C partial sed "dtn i Varr Rcjd sr; depos- -eciv ea S2 i334 104 Mobile Home Lots Candlelight Village Mobile Home Park dev a jo cs a1 ia i wSec Or nq.

a.aab Cai ee 'en ne res S3 5 30 372-1932 poet L-vng1 Min tes trcn Co'umbuS For mere inters at (on viontac Mae a' 4' LARGE LOTS avanabie Waer sewage included rent $S0 rnont $S0 Security depose ose to laundromat S. fiv sop Modest ad Vob'-e Parx otf Middle Rd V2 vNHV PAS RENT' 0n voor oai 'o 'or a4- itue as $7 04 pot Ca" Brian 1 346 s3lV Nc'" Vfrnon 106 Other Rentals SELf BORAGE A. mer spe 1 .1 3M $K) mOfllh CO NEED THE SPACE AE GC TH PLACE 108 Out Of State 1 ICR IDA bearoom seaside 1 co'Taqe Soirner rates unlil STORAGE AAA SELF-STORAGE RES' vViTh Of 2 Apartments-Unfurnished 2 BEDROOMS 435 a' deposit ui i2O0 afte BRIA.RWOOD APARTMENTS another Gene Glick commu mty ottering only me best quality and service Spacious apartments and townhomes. Excellent location, beautiful landscape Open Monday through Friday 9 to and Sjturdiv 10 to 3 LoratMl An 4 Call 37 972? Equal hotisino, opportunity COLUMBUS VILLAGE TOWNHOMES 1 2 i 3 tollhouses Owiet a-ea PC ose to scoo sopc Ac-OSS trom Jr Pf'Ces Starting a $350 3'9 2043 '50 28'h Me f' 5 5 DOANTOWN APARTMENTS In O'der hordes Neiy revJe coraed cear 'atracte ji iies re'ge'-a'or 'c'toed 3 S4S0 a -ionr if VCu dre "abe purchase rei he hoe or apar vol, Aa because Ovr se 'ace raor-a or aces'r re ig'O" haifj cap or cc-Qr 'e Co1 Hman R'QMs CorniSS'O'" can hetp 3'e D'scnmi nation is ieodi Ad pad or bv HUD tundS Lincoln Vi'iage Cooperative Spaoous living for families of moderate -ncome Rd WE office nours 5 p1-" teedavs Open Sat 8 30338 EQua Housing Oppor'f Monroe Apartments 3 i bedroom tirep ace garage U2S and up 34: 3289 PlNEBROOK tonhouse bedroom Kitchen appliances Reference required 546 54' 3 QUAIL RUN APARTMENTS I 2 i 3 Bedrooms QUiET SINGLE Story pr.wa'e pa'Os beautify. iandscapmg stud bed'OCm 1 5.

bedrooms A.l'Cwvood Apartrnents be 'een Marr i Taylor on Roov Ford Rd 3T6 9'60 SEE AHAT e'M h'e Pe ao for your ad1 Jw'St -nes of space a' tie top ana boMom se vour ad apar' from the rfb SINGLE STORY' QUIET SINGLE story hvinq energy saving features built in bookcase attic storage washer dryer hookups more Extension 309 372 6004 STEINHURST MANOR Wa her Dryer in every apartment Call today AIlLIAMSBoRG APART VENTS ic Ea- b'os Nor- 0' Vor- T.os T-v's Avt Sa bv appc n'ntw' i't 94Busmess Office Space uth a California sq 0' ser i.e 0' ipace 3 pase ec ded 800 sq c-' space Reav J- li''J-- 4000 SQ ettice mAr utactunng, warehouse spate Commerce Park 14; SEASONED FIREWOOD $30 rick. $35 rick delivered Light hauling 374 6730 SEASONED HARD wood. 130 rick delivered I 511 UM REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 70 Building Sites 4 Lots 1 SIDE BY SIDE lots in Lowell Addn north of Columbus Beautiful building site (recent mobile home sitei. with well electric septic available $12 000 cash 3'7 415 7695 LARGE LOT Good tor home Take over payments 372 7843 ON CONTRACT Building lots 8 acreage Many sues locations Down payment as low as first monthly installment Negofi able terms Can Earl at 376 9666 Century 21 Advance Realty 72 Business Income Property 2 UNHT apartment house on contract, 134.500 $4000 down Central location, good condi lion 379 9455 CHURCH BUILDING with at tached parsonage tor sate in Edinburgh 526 6214. 376 7734 74 Farms, Lots Acreage 20 WOODED acres 600 front age on 170S ott Wtvtehorse Rd city water available Craig Rea'ty 376 9231 PIEPER FARM SERVICE Sales Management.

Appraisals Phone 8'2 376 7734 or can RlCHTEWIPEST evenings or weekends a 372 7Q02 River Grove Subdivision Lots For Sale Woods i. Grooms 372 9955 76 Houses For Sale $1000 DOWN PAYMENT Low interest rate Like new 3 bedroom 1': baths formal dinmg family room 2 car garage Hickory HiUs sub division. Jennings County acre lot with tan trees Owner will finance on land contract 1 346 3644 4 BEDROOM 1800 sq it miles west of Hope Imme diate possession 546 4530 A FAMILY MAN buys Hpuses mortgages contracts Can Jim, 376 6736 alter 6pm BROWN COUNTY properties KEY ASSOCIATES ABE MARTIN REALTY Nashville. IN 1 988 2992 Build on your lot New 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch fireplace vaulted ceil mg. skylight tan central heat air range, dishwasher, oak cabinets 1502 sq ft Only6 $42,000 Taylor Building Corp 18121 282 1119 or 15011 582 1800 BY OWNER 1805 Bittersweet Blvd in Carriage Estates 2200 sq ft 4 bedrooms.

J'i baths, family room, formal dining, fireplace with insert, much more 376 8595 CALLING US could be the best mcve you'll ever make Century 21 Stark S. 372 2525 CHESTNUT INC REALTORS 961 25th St 125th California) 378 3141 376 3141 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedroom brick, l'i bath. I car garage" acre fenced Was $48,500 now $43,500 firm 379 1217 NEW BRICK homes 3 bed room, beautiful country home sites in Hillview Estates, large lots, utilities, school, near to public lake No down payment, monthly payments based on income You need to quality 1 $500 tor closing insurance 2 Good credit standing 3 At least 6 months on Ob 4 A need tor FmHA assistance 24 hour answering service 372 2879 Patterson Construction PRIME LOCATION 3 bed room brick ranch. 1 separate garages, many extras, ex cellent condition 376 0498 CHRISTMAS TREES. Cohwt km ktkt Rom Bstotl.

hid St. Oury iml weit MocHi Muti Sclwol CLOTHES TREE llfh Sycamore Register lo win $100 in mer chandise No purchase necessary Drawing Dec 30 376 0900 COLUMBUS GUN PAWN Buy, sell trade IIW 16th St 378 5040 DELTA 14' metal cutting bandsa UX 376 7 til alter i pm DELUXE motor i led treadmill 1300 20" Schwmn to speed girl's bike. 160 26 girl 10 speed bike. H0 Sanyo ker osene neater. celt battery ignition.

US 3 ton heat pump electric lurnace. S9O0 Electric hot air paint stripper. 120 Toaster, ss Ar titicial Christmas tree. S2S 100 year old twin bed S7S Stereo, great Christmas pre sent. MS VI MPS or 37B 1323 EXERCISE BIKE.

I year old 102 miles S75" 372 30S8 be tween 9pm FOR SALE Action Man with 3 games I0 Bathtub ilO Dog lam HO 372 7843 FORCED AIR fuel oil lurnace 100.000 BTU J225. good con dition 579 5957 FORECLOSURE Personal Property ot Cathy Bridge water stored in unit 73 In eludes turniture. housewares weed eater, cooler misc Sealed bids accepted until 12 5 STORE IT 988 Marr Rd 372 4133 FRENCH RABBIT fur coat medium, never worn, good deal, great tor Christmas S75 372 5801 alter 5 pm FULL BED Vi Double dresser. J50 Lamps. $5 Kenmore heavy duty washer $100 Maytag dryer.

$40 weed eater SI5 Hedge trimmer. $15 376 6267 GUN CABINET, new great Christmas gilt Call 372 6867 alter 5 prtf HAND MADE wooden ligun nes, sweaters, sweat shirts, atghans $25 $35 Precious Moments dolls trom $19 50 to 2 5 50 Santa Claus Dec I 24 during store hours Master Card Visa Little Bethelem Variety Shop, Roads 9 8, 46 HANDMADE Quilts, baby large S8 $25. 372 4262 LINED BROOKS men leather lacket. Site 46. $100 376 0278 LOVELY IRON baby bed (1800 s) $200 Wrought iron glass top table 5 chairs $150 Wood child furniture $8 to $20 musical dolls others, reasonable Pictures Nice for gifts 342 4947 MEN'S GOLF CLUBS, new.

complete with Spaulding bag $150 376 6916 MORTON BUILDINGS Quality at big savings Winter dis counts now in effect For de tails call I 800 447 7436 NEW HOT TUB. 4 6 person lounge, cedar skirt. 4 iets Used 3 times Ask for Btll 376 8868 before 5 342 0040 at ter 5 $2350 PIOPPO WOOD tea cart, liquor cart, console table corner table $125 each 372 0630 RECONDITIONED Sewing Machine, guaranteed Low as $59 95 Singer. 2611 Central SCHMIDT KITCHEN cabinets sink counter top. bath counlerfop 342 0708 SHOP QUALITY SURPLUS Road 3IA South Our surplus is your savings SOFA SLEEPER queen size in good condition brown cream, $150 2 Huffy Dash men's 26' 10 speed bikes silver New, still in carton $65, each 372 9783.

9 5 SPENCER CRAFT HOBBY Discounted prices Open 7 days Seymour 522-7480 STORM SASH CO Storm Windows Siding 2211 Slale 372 2334 THE KETTLE Depression. Roseville much more Ideal tor gifts 1117 I6lh St 372 4561 THERMOPANES Custom made, any size, next day Kenny Glass. 713 Jackson TROY BILT Tillers and Garden Way products Financing available Parts service i 966 2916 shop or 966 2809 home. Hill's Workshop. Main Medora, IN PLANNING A GARAGE SALE? Tell us about it by Monday and your sale dates can also appear in THE EX TRA tor just SI.

Pre-Holiday Storage Special 503 OFF ac i AAA Self-Storage I 1 70 W. 1 5th Street 2 I (Next to Cardinal Communications) I Phone 372-241 1 I 'Limitations and availability Applicable Offer Expnes 12-24-88 AAA SELF-STORAGE AAA SELF-STORAGE AAA SELF-STORAGE Call 342-2310 Now For Winter Specials I 2 TRAIN SETS with ac cessories. $50 3710717 ATTRACTIVE UPRIGHT, PI A NO. $100 371 6276 AFTER 6 ELECTRONIC Keyboard Sale All sues shapes, and prices trom $99 95 up. We have the largest selection available tar your needs.

All accessories etc layeway plans, budget terms. GARY DAVIS MUSIC MAKERS STORE. INC. 119 Third, Columbus HAMMOND ORGAN good condition $415 371 0717 KIMBALL CONSOLE p.ano Excellent condition $2O0 Call 526 6366 after 5 PEAVEY FURY bass guitar (L case, eiceiient condition Asking $215 342 6596 VENTURA FLATTOP guitar case, good condition $200 S26 0244 58 Pets I Supplies AKC MINIATURE Schnauiers $175 ears cropped black salt pepper Cocker Span ieis. an colors.

$125 Bed'ora I 275 6196 I YEAR OLD registered female Cairn Terrier $225 Ca" 1 663 H392 betpre 3pm AKC REGISTERED Basset Hound puppies, $'25 I 346 7257 alter 5 pm AKC ROTTWEILER. 5 months female, all shots. $400 342 6941 AKC TOY Poodles. I black male $225. I black female $250 Ready Dec 2 1 591 2159 AKC Yorkie pups excellent Christmas gifts Phone 612 346 5940 or 812 873 6906 AKC YORKSHIRE Terrier puppies, shots wormed, vet checked.

Pedigree care pack included Ready date Dec 12 4 females 1 male $300 each 812 534 3710 BABY COCKATIELS tor Christmas $50 Finches $10 each Parakeets $10 372 2417 CF A PERSIAN male kitten, red white. $200 Must alter 18121 876 7008 FREE APRICOT POODLE to caring seniors 526 2077 FREE KITTENS 1 black male female calico 376 6217 FREE PUPPIES I male. 2 females, 6 weeks old 1 male. 3 months old Cute, adorable. needs good home 546 5875 FREE TO good home 4 ador able kittens, 1 black white.

3 Calico 372 8609 NOTICE TO ALL BELMAR FARMS CLIENTS Ail dogs are required to have a vaccine to prevent canine cough (Bordetellal before boarding with us The vac cine must be given at least one week before boarding and repeated annually in order to be effective Billie Marlin 376 3858 SEAL POINT Siamese kittens. 6 weeks $30 Large dog cage. $40 376 8816 TWO PART PERSIAN female cats I'i years old. spayed and declawed Free to loving home 372 5731 after 5 WANTED Lhasa Poodle cross puppy, temale 526 2192. keep trying 64 Wood, Fuel FIREWOOD FOR sale Bun dies ot slab wood, no bark Each bundle approximately one nek $6 00 per bundle Available at the office ot Seymour Manufacturing Company 500 Broadway.

Seymour. IN between 7 00 am 4 00 Mon through Fri FIREWOOD FOR sale. oak. hickory, beech, mixed $35 rick delivered not stacked 372 0690 evenings KING'S FIREWOOD SALES Firewood $25 a rick 579 5692 or 579 S69I PRIME SEASON firewood, split delivered $45 rick 372 5901 alter 5 pm SEASONED firewood tor sale. $35 rick delivered.

$30 on ground 376 3234 376 051) SEASONED FIREWOOD for sale $35 a rick, delivered 579 6462 or 379 9438 164 Aluminum Siding SUBURBAN EXTERIORS Aluminum or vinyl siding Replacemenl windows, trim Eaves, gutters, rooting Storms. nwe 372 690 172 Appliance Repair ARMSTRONG APPLIANCE SERVICE Service parts for most major brands in or out of warranty Laundry mator kitchen appliances 372 9459 179 Auctioneers ROGER KILGAS Auctioneer Real Estate 53? 4300 Seymour 181 Auto Repair RONNIE'S BODY SHOP Complete Auto Rebuilders Ford Twin I Beam Repair Alignment Wrecker Youth Camp Road TYREES AUTO Shop. Body work, mechanical, painting upholstery 37 6206 188 Bicycle Repair WE REPAIR ALL MAKES The Bike Shop Back side, Fashion Shop Center 373 3221 202 Carpet Cleaning CARPET KLEAN SERVtCtS Carpets Upholstery 378 2041 SERVICEMASTER Complete housecleanlng. carpet, furniture, walls floors. Call 373 7801 207 Chain Saws STIHL CHAIN SAWS.

Sales Service, sharpening S3 1 S4 SCHNEIDER IMPLEMENT 3475 Slate Street 379 4413 HUSOVARNA Chain Saws Trimmers Oregon Windsor Chains Chains sharpened. JOE'S Small Engine Repair. 540 4883 Hope. 214 Construction McCRAY CONSTRUCTION Custom remodeling, general construction. Jerry Lan caster, 373 6570.

RON STREVEL Masonry Con tractors. Block, stone, brick. patios, fireplaces, sidewalks. room additions, remodeling, drywall, deck. 343 2485 or (813) 333 4676.

NEED HELP AROUND THE MOUSE? Look in our Service Oirectory lor professional help. aybe your 11 HICKORY HILLS 675 new 3000 sq ft 4 bedroom, basement 3 baths 3 car garage fireplace 100 x100' tot targe trees, oak trim cabinets natural gas 6" exterior walls high etliciency gas furnace screened porch lott work Out room $165 000 Bob Monroe 3419289 342 6001 home PROSPECTIVE HOME BUYERS are most interested in location and the number ot bedrooms, so we suggest you start your ad with these tea lures Plan to run your ad tor at least ten days tq'o weeks you II getyrS'iowe' rate and you can always cancel your ap it you sen before the adexpires Town Country Realtors 1327 Marr Road Fred Risk 3T2 8436 UNIQUE COUNTRY home on 8 acres Rockcreek Town ship 3 bedrooms 2 tu" baths block tun base ment fully equipped kitchen with Carl Fox cabinets and Jenn Air 'stove 4irepiace in family room with cathedral ceiling and Carl Fox book shelves Super insulated wtih 6 exterior wails and An dersen double pane windows 6 panel doors attic tan cen tral air and heat pump cus torn drapes 579 5051 $129 900 00 78 Lake Resort CHOICE WATERFRONT lot on Schaeter Lake 260 lake frontage 1812 546 4248 80 Mobile Homes For Sale 14x70 WITH 6x12 tipout 3 bed room, 2 fuM baths many ex tras Priced to sen I 34t 7253 1979 OAKBROOK. I470 total electric. 3 bedroom, remod eled bath with 5 tub Large remodeled kitchen with lo's ot cabinets Appliances stav Huge 10x12 shed Possible contract 372 4381 alter 5 1987 PATRIOT 14 80 2 bed rooms Appliances Central air Garden tub Bookcase 2724 Rosewood Craig Realty 3'6 9731 2 BEDROOM mobile home all electric 1 346 6984 before 2 30 ask tor Connie $5,750 2 bedrooms Stove Re trigerator Central air Craig Realty 376 9231 AFFORDABLE LUXURY HOLLY PARK 1989 3 bedroom mobile home tor only $169 per month P'tce includes FREE central air Skirting delivery set up tie downs, washer dryer Steps Call 812 346 5055 Lim ited otter BURNSIDE MOBILE HOMES North of Columbus on 31 372 2335 BURNSIDE MOBILE HOMES FALL SPECIAL 14x70 3 BEDROOM, ALL CARPET PLUS" REFRIGERATOR STOVE ONLY $148.84 per month Total price. $12,995.

10 down at 12 30 APR BURNSIDE MOBILE HOMES 2 miles north of Columbus on 3t 372 2335 311 Photography ELLIOTT GRAPHICS Printing. 8, Photography 1861 Stale St 372 1944 334 Remodeling-Repair REMODELING Room addi tions. bathrooms, rotted sills 8. joists replacement. Randy McCorkle 376 9623.

Allen Mitchell 1 988 0613 SUSPENDED CEILINGS in stalled, repaired, insulated Commercial or residential 378 1930 DICK SCHOENBEIN Room additions, roofing, new homes, basement remodeling 526 6563 References REMODELING SPECIALISTS Room Additions Garages Kitchens Rooting Bathrooms Patios Porches. Plumbing and Armstrong Floor coverings Custom -Cabinets Free Estimates DUNN. INC Third and California 372 888S HOME Repairs Improve ments. Shane's Remodeling 372 8638 Estimates HANDYMAN, ALL PHASES OF ANY SIZE JOB MIKE 3720155 337 Rentals Tools, etc. MAYFIELO RENTALS Rent most anything anytime 1645 National Road Call 376 8013 RAMPART RENTAL CENTER Home Industrial Contractor 46 Under the water tower 372 7385 340 Replacement Windows UNIQUE WINDOW A Door Co Energy efficient replacement windows, siding, gutters 8, overhang Licensed, bonded, insured Estimates 373 4077 MIKE DANIELS Construction.

Free Estimates Financing available. Complete home improvements 343 4438 343 Rooting ROOFING, all types Roof leaks repaired Quality work References. Free Estimates Randy McCorkle 376 9633, Allen Mitchell 1988 0613 MIKE'S ROOFING Shingles, metal, tear oils, decking, leak repair 8. roof coating 378 3848 or 379 493, be listed too! We'll I ANMOUNCIXG 6AIRD SREPO CENTER Save movs4Mfe of dollar? on Irte new repossessed mobile home like these 14 Liberty I4i70. 3 bedroom 14 Mansion 14x70, 2 bedroom ins Redman t4iM.

3 bedroom 1H3 Cotomal Hkm. 2 bedroom 14 Liberty 1452 3 bedroom On me tot financing available to Quatttted buyers ftaird Homes ot Distinction Hwy ttest Salem 1 t3 1141 DIFTSIDE VOBiLE Home Par no has set stcxaoe re'ais s'0 '0i0 Ae otter moCi oe cs mott.e c.rr-e re" 'a Ta KXSn No- Sooo Ds nct S2e 6jQ' FREE GAS Lcmest pr.ces frte sa'e i pay tor vck' gas to p'o-e if P-js den ic interest as scrte rvomes no cye oxjia no payments yM, $0 you re cor-S'Oer a rte used Tiotjiie Nme pi ease caii Gary a' 3''a3j uiO and save Woci Home fraj-s porting and service Unoer ne mangeme, Ca1 T-i nrs Free estimates oei or 3j6 or 522 bt NOVEMBER SPECIAL '98-3 Fleetwood 2 bedroom toa cr-ape' ceng 18 88fl toiai price '6 Bo den S'U82 m.oMhi 'n months a' APR Baird Homes of Distinction H.ghwav West Saiem Indiana 1 883 1 OWNER TRANSFERRED must sell 1984 mooiie home th 1020 dec 2 storage tarns Large eat kitchen ith lots o' cabinets pantry breakfast bar CiOSet U'7 living room U12 mas'er bedroom ni' 2nd bedroom large ba'n itn garden tub Catnedra: kitchen uving -oom master bedroom re trigerator curta-ns s'av eN maintained Contract available 526 or 526 0043 SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA- ith a sect.onai home See us before you buy RlTCHiE Manufactured Housing Ne used homes just North of I 65 on US 31 Columbus IN 812 526 9793 800 527 883' VILLAGE MOBILE HOMES 8100 North 31 Singular double A'de modular homes aaiabie 526 976? YOU CAN be tn your 1989 home for Christmas at Rick Graham Homes No offer ng to'ai eiectnc U50 tor S8 868 and 1470 for Pre owned starting at S3 95 sectionals displayed 4 bed room avanabie Service 4 pars available a so miie north of 50 Or 3' fiW 82 Out Of State NEAR OCALA Fionda 3 bed room 2 bai ui' Ci no, on 'O's vSS C'O-i 84 Real Estate Wanted QUtC CA oa'3 'Or home-, noer S52 OOC ad anar'neS 2T of WANT TO SE.L 0v' 1 vCl. a'e reuse 0 "-e pro-qt 'e-ms can profcab make a dea V6 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 90 Apartments-Furnished 2 BEDROOM mobile homes chitd. no pets Pav weekly 379 379 4'33 V9 2609 EFFICIENCY WtTH bath 1 person, no pets or smoking, 1.195. utilities paid 379 9553 PRIVATE totally furnished apartments with utilities adults INKLE RE ALT 379 4859 or 342 4010 92 Apartments Unfurnished 1 2 bedroom apartments and townhouses available tor rent 372 9391 1 or 2 bedroom, range retng erator, carpet air deposit lease S250 3 72 8 5 59 343 Roofing CHARLEY ROOFING Shingles, wood shakes Hal roots, metal, tear oils, church steeples Rubberized rooting 379 9702 DOLLARHIDE EXTERIORS Tearotts.

decking shingles, cold process lap metal Free estimates 342 38 347 Septic Tank Service Cooper Septic Tank Service Septic tanks, dry wells out side toilets cleaned 372 3 36' 348 Sewing Machine Repair- CRAIG VAC 1 SEWING MACHINE SERVICE Repair all makes ot vacuum cleaners 8 sewing machines House calls made Pick up Ai delivery available 378 5211 Singer Approved Dealer Re pair all makes, guaranteed work Repair industrial ma chines 2611 Central 372 4496 350 Shoe Repair The Shoe Works Quality Shoes 8. Shoe Repair 405 Washington St 372 0030 369 Telephone Services JACK Installation Charlies Tele Service 30 years perience S25 for service. 15 each iack I S22 1250 370 Tree Service FRANK TREE SERVICE Complete and Professional topping, pruning removal, dead wooding, root feeding and cabling Trimming, shaping ot evergreens 8. shrubs Complete satisfaction assured Free estimates In sured Phone 372 6991 CONRAD'S STUMP REMOVAL Steve Conrad 546 4932 373 Trenching MERCI CUSTOM TRENCHING 4' to 6" 376 0007 Mon thru Fri HAYMAKER Trenching and back hoe 376 6880 546 5449 Dnirt'i Tpnrhinn CMuire I General trenching, water electric 379 9153 anytime 403 Window Washing WINDOW ONE LINERS from our customers "They are sooo Hi. I'm Brian.

373 3407 publish your TRIM LINE WINDOW TINT Auto. Business. Home 376 0330 800 888 9128 TV ANTENNA, tower rotor. $200 579 5931 after 5 pm USED WINDOWS $25 ea New doors $7 each 10 ft stuped cabinet top $40 New tire place insert $150 10 in radial arm saw. new motor $375 Portable heater fits Several used truck tires priced from $30 $60 Several truck parts transmission rearends tor Ford Chevy or International 3.

2 wheel utii ity trailers I 988 0528 WALL GAS oven I top stove $150 7 pine flock Christmas tree. $125 3'2 7492 WILD BIRD seed Sunflower thistle Wilson Lawn Equip ment Jet 9 X. 46 546 5800 WOOD FRONT door $50 Storm door Jasper Cabinet secretary Lamp 372 1759 WOOD STOVE Riteway 2000 with combuster kit. $275 342 3931 WOODBURNING INSERT WOOD included 372 6636 ZENITH AM FM cassette player recorder and turn table $100 3 72 6164 ZERO CLEARANCE fireplace $100 King size water bed. needs heater.

$75 S26 29O0 44 Articles Wanted OLD ORIENTAL RUGS Wanted any size or condition Call I 800 443 7740 6TATEWIDE CLASSIFIED PAYING UP to $2000 tor old lukebones also buying slot machines. Coke machines, neoo clocks gas pump globes, metal signs toys swords silver coins 13171 769 5009 or 1317) 769 3359 tican; WE BUY gold iclass rings.) wedding bands, lewelry. misc gold items' Diamonds, silver coins 1964 before SMITHS JEWELERS 408 Washington St 372 1849 48 Business Office Equipment Columbus Office Supply 17th Keller Hon Furniture Sale 376 9357 8 5 Won ri 8 noon Sat OFFICE SUPPLIES Machines Sales Service FAX Service Rubber stamps. Office furniture, notary seals 376 7548 Hull's (bffice Supply 50 Computers Electronics APPLE HE computer with Superior Serial card, mom tor dual disc drive, Image I printer 128K $1 200 342 9802 after 4PM COMPUTER DISC, PFS write, plan. tile, convert, report, sort work grafts manuals $75 342 9802 alter 4pm IBM PC SOFTWARE Hun dreds of programs, only 4 95 each For tree catalog call 1 402 466 3588 MACINTOSH 512k with ternal disk drive.

Imagwnter printer. Datadesk Mac lot extended keyboard, covers, carry cases Must sell $1200 David Walden 812 526 5922 or 378 0880 51 Crafts DOWNTOWN CRAFT MALL 372 6588 417 Washington St AUDREY MINI MALL 1851 State Street Mon Sat 10 5 ,376 0063 CRAFT BAZAAR Dec 1. 9 5 1944 Union St Homemade wooden gifts and cratts 52 Guns 22 WINCHESTER automatic rile, $160 Browning Sweet 16, $550 372 9640 II You Didn't Shop JOHN MOSTER'S GUN RACK You Paid Too Much 1938 State 376 6411 SURVIVAL PAINT GUNS FOR RENT We buy used guns and bows ESTATES COLLECTIONS INDIVIDUALS Steve Taxidermy 1,017 3rd St Columbus. Ind 376 2727 WINCHESTER 20 gauge pump with 3 Win chokes. 20 gauge bolt action 3 shot Western Field, automatic Remington rifle with scope, two bow and arrows plus equipment $730 tor all 342 4054 56 Musical Instruments ALVAREZ GUITAR case excellent condition $250 1 39 2286 investment in living.

ERA HOMES GALLERY 1015 3rd St Lawyers Plaia 1719115 Engelking Realty 101 5 Third Street 3769711 HoH Realty fit Uttl St. 17M177 HOUSE HOME REALTY Mtl 15th St. 171 144 TEL A VAC REALTY "We Cart About Yoy" 1750 State St. ITMW CALL THE REALTOR OF YOUR CHOICE Now offering short term leases on furnished and unfurnished apartments. Mini-blinds Furniture Features include A I uxurmus Out Hnuse with One rJ vi-'r Trree Bejoc" v-e A BtMutiful SurrounJirii Pe'wi Stv Drvr' 'A': 0 VI ''P 5 ArtAfsJ A APARTMENTS SERVICE DIRECTORY 10:0 ThuM-t Coiumbus STARTS PROMPTLY Sale conducted by Col BoatwfigW Everything will go under the Colonel swill hammer Nothing been held back It all up for grabs' Now For ('Mils' MasterCard Visa Checks with Proper I D.

In aU fairness, nothing wiH be sold at retail before or during auction Store will be open all day Thursday and daily during the sale so you may inspect goods Two and Three Bedroom Townhouses Located near schools, shopping centers and churches Features: Kitchen appliances Washerdryer hook-up Spacious closets 24 hour emergency maintenance Large yards. Gofumbus Village Downfiomes $50 off first month's rent Prices start at $350 379-2043 Rental off ice: 1560 28th St. 1 im mm-itm; 214 Construction Raft To Rafters New construction Remod eling Roofing, siding, re placement windows, decks, custom Soffit, guttering, concrete work, foundations. 373 1380 or 372 7983 BOWLING CONSTRUCTION New homes, garages, room additions, electric, service, concrete, custom kitchens Call 379 9098 223 Electric Shavers Repairs and parts for all Electric Shavers D. HURST COMPANY 1203 California Street 376 6593 22 Electrical Service RESIDENTIAL Commercial Sales Service 546 5891 Roscoe Wells.

Contractor 240 Furniture Repair 8. R-WOODS Build repair wooden furniture antiques included 373 1395 after 5pm 247 Glass Repair SCRfEN GLASS REPAIRS Same day service STORM SASH CO 3311 State Street 372 2334 253 Hauling HAULING Stone, gravel, till dirt Reasonable rates 376 8784, ask tor Roger HARLEY BENNETT Hauling Gravel, stone, dirt 379 2793 GARAGES. BASEMENTS cleaned Light hauling Call Mary 579 6475. 373 4139 277 Lawn Garden Equipment McGuire International CUB CADET SERVICE 546 4435 304 Painting PAINTING i Wallpapering Home repairs References Dean Shirley. 343 0633 AFFORDABLE Decorating Reliable, quality service.

At tordable rates, free es timates. 536 0373 after 5 30 WRIGHT ON Painting. Free estimates. Interior enterior References. 378 0769 CALL THE new painting pro lo beautify your home.

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The Republic from Columbus, Indiana (2025)


What was the original name of Columbus Indiana? ›

The town was known as Tiptona, named in honor of General Tipton. The town's name was changed to Columbus on March 20, 1821. Bartholomew County was named in 1821 for General Joseph Bartholomew, who fought in the Battle of Tippecanoe.

What makes Columbus Indiana special? ›

The city is known for its architectural significance, having commissioned noted works of modern architecture and public art since the mid-20th century; the annual program Exhibit Columbus celebrates this legacy.

Does Columbus, Indiana have a newspaper? ›

The Republic newspaper offices, Myron Goldsmith – Columbus, Indiana.

What is the black population in Columbus Indiana? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Two or more races2,7535.41%
Other race1,8323.6%
Black or African American1,0792.12%
Native American690.14%
3 more rows

What is the motto of Columbus Indiana? ›

Columbus, Indiana's motto is "Unexpected, Unforgettable." Our Town: Columbus tells the story of this truly surprising city, from its origins as a small agricultural community to its modern incarnation as a multicultural city, home to one of the world's most impressive collections of modern buildings, and one of the ...

Who owns the Republic newspaper Columbus Indiana? ›

It is owned by AIM Media Indiana, a subsidiary of AIM Media. It covers the city of Columbus and several nearby communities in Bartholomew and Jennings counties.

What is the largest Columbus newspaper? ›

The Columbus Dispatch is a daily newspaper based in Columbus, Ohio. Its first issue was published on July 1, 1871, and it has been the only mainstream daily newspaper in the city since The Columbus Citizen-Journal ceased publication in 1985.

Does the Columbus Dispatch still print newspapers? ›

Dispatch announces change in print delivery frequency

The new model means subscribers will get newspapers delivered to their home six days a week, with a digital newspaper available every day. “We are committed to covering local news in Greater Columbus, and that won't change,” said Interim Editor Kelly Lecker.

The Republic (Columbus, Ind.) 1967-Current ...Library of Congress (.gov) ›

Daily Jan. 3, 1967- Published: Home News Enterprises, Includes: "Progress edition" (June 11, 1968), Cleo Rogers Memorial Library special issue (Dec. 1...
The Republic, in partnership with, has had more than 700,000 local newspaper pages dating back to 1872 that are fully searchable and available fo...
This is a series of very short "articles" that appeared in the Columbus Republican and Evening Republican newspaper (now known as the Republic) from t...

What was Columbus originally called? ›

In Italian he is known as Cristoforo Colombo, which was long thought to be his birth name, and in Spanish as Cristóbal Colón. But he has also been referred to, by himself and others, as Christoual, Christovam, Christofferus de Colombo, and even Xpoual de Colón.

What is the real name of Columbus? ›

"Christopher Columbus" is the English version of Columbus's name. His real name in Italian was Cristoforo Colombo. He was the son of a weaver named Domenico Colombo and a seamstress named Susanna Fontanarossa. In 1492 Columbus landed on an island of the Bahamas, the first European to do so.

What were the original names of Columbus ships? ›

On August 3, 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew set sail from the port of Palos in southern Spain on three vessels: la Santa Clara (Niña), la Pinta and la Santa Gallega (Santa Maria).

What was the name of America before Christopher Columbus? ›

Before that time, there was no name that collectively identified the Western Hemisphere. The earlier Spanish explorers referred to the area as the Indies believing, as did Columbus, that it was a part of eastern Asia.


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.