43 STAR end NtWi Quick Action wan I AuS, ii i CP fh 43 Hcusm fcrSsfe Seuth40 -n for suburban, ii Do-bles. DubIcxcs fCR 7 00 to 3505 cr rrort on trrrnt ai low oi" cum A A A i 0 C- 1 ff.DfiT EfiD ALIGNMENT HAH 1 BODY MAN 1 A-1 MECHANIC i' ir TT RED CAB, INC. i STATION ATTENDANT EXPER A St SH 0 PP 0 tie nor and re ob Twm- sc-r Shop, 3159 Engl.sh Ave. lorn LA UL LOANS AT LOW COST Phone Torn Colby sprcial del ME 11 3 cry irjrrc ADDITION 4IC0 S. EMERSON "THE ADDRESS WITH A FUTURE" OPEN DAILY 2 TO 8 P.M.
featuring "THE OLYMPIAN" to off.ee. Or PARK FREE across itrect whrn making loin. 1 HB" Ii t.m'i'nnm mil muni jp Jtuminm timmm MJrove -S645 DOWN FHA j.re'srfEilS SHE' interviews For Rapidly Expanding Electronic Component Manufacturer ARE YOU A Gmeijfi't "ri rttr ao or wt fiper-eift in ot MECHANICAL ENGINEER Ecer ence rrahine to ao eng-neermg on production MECHANICAL OR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER With experience High volume small parts production to improve manufacturing productivity, qualit and cost. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER With experience in component or product engineering to work as application or product engineer with customers. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER With experience in quality control to direct the operation of on environmental testing laboratory.
ELECTRONIC ENGINEER With industrial experience in instruments and R. F. measuring to do engineering troubleshooting ond modification work on production equipment. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER OR PHYSICS GRADUATE With experience in R.F. or acoustic component assemblies to make productivity, quality ond cost improvements In manufacturing process.
South on New Madison Ave Expressway to Troy Ave. East on Troy to Emerson, South on Emerson to 4100. Built by SPARKS RUSSELL Soles by ABRAMS REALTY CO. Ofc. ST 6-1483 Model, ST 4-4463 FITTERS For Structural Fabricating Shop Must Be Experienced HETHERINGTON BERNER, INC.
FEDERAL 2-7355 4- A' AN A iltU a K31N BOSART-DUPLEX i(r L. f.3S7 n-sbeil f. tl in. wr Ma so VILl A-JiOOO ON 4 fj 1r g-v-rl r- I pr rip T.yoi $77jO i i SCHILLING REALTY, FL 9-5561 DUPLEX NEAR RIVERSIDE IH 1 Umt Duplex, eorh (wis 1 iv. level kitchen, beout.ful t.ie both.
AH in eceiient otd hns new 2 enr on-roie An excellent value at t' dnwn. Horry Knight, CL 5 2tl or re-, AT F. Kmoht Riy Reoltors LOW PRICE GOOD INCOME-306 Gale 4 de. Lns. or contr $1500 dn.
Mike otter. 3716-3718 ROBSON ST. $1000 DN. Good financing avail. Good frame 1 story dbl.
6 rms, aside. 3 bdrms. osirte. 2 tull baths, auto, qas heater, stoker 1 1 1 investment. PLATT REALTY A 5-6424 ATTENTION INVESTORS Block 3 rms.
ond bath each side. l'j-C. gor. Loon Bal. approx.
V44O0 Want cash to loan otter. 2349-51 Hovey. OLGA KRAUSE, RLTR. CL 5-3216 4 ROOM A SIDE CASH OR CONTRACT Mod. dble.
$2500 Dn. oil ht. 810-32 S. Sheffield. Appt.
only. SCALES Rlty. Co. Rltrs ME 2 5351 POSSIBLE TRADE (D 3) Neor Tech-6-Rm. a side dble.
modern, divided qor. End. front porch. TU 1-3530. ST 6-4364.
WARPJN R. GREGORY CO INC. CONTRACT TERMS Near Riverside Dr. Pert. side dbl, 2 Car gar.
$12,500. AT 3-5552 R. L. Young Co. LI 7-5285 ATTENTION INVESTORS 3 Dbls.
near Ft. Square, 5 Rents $37.50 side. $6500, $650 down. FL 6-3453. POST RD.
ond 13th-Lovely 3-woy stone ronch. 2 Bdrms. side. Rents $115 a side. A real buy.
Belleau, FL 7-4776, WA 3-9590. VACANT 5-Rm. aside. $500 dn. Total price $5500.
Newly dec. In, out. ME 7-8441. 1 DOUBLES EACH $500 DOWN Located east, 0 terrific buy. Agent LI 5 0 767, FL 9-1968 eves.
N.E. DOUBLE; 4 rms. 1 side, 3 rms. 1 side. Mod.
$750 For equity. Bal $65 mo. ME 8-9408 after 3:30. GOOD DUPLEX 340 FASTFPN. APPT.
FL 69555 44 Income Property HOME $150 MO. INCOME Or $305 mo. income 5-apts. or 3 opts, and five Iqe. rms.
for owner. 4 Apts. furnished, oil furnace. Very qood cond. $2000 Dn.
$115 Mo. 2410 N. Central. Dick Schriever, WA 3-9124. JUUER RLTY.C0.CL 1-920 PRICE ON.
2536-38 Colleqe, 6 units, 6 baths. All rented. Live In part. Let rest pay for property. N.
EMERSON-E-Z TERMS 2 Rentals plus owner's quarters. 2 Houses on 1 lot. PLATT REALTY WA 5-6424 $1100 DN. 4-APT. BLDG.
NORTH 4 1-Bdrm. all have oriv. baths, entrances. Well loc. Shows good net return.
Owner leaving state. Bal. reas. mo. terms.
Crone Rlty. LI 7-1351. Res. CL 1-4290 1961 N. PARK.
Inc. could be $300 a mo. 11 2 baths (5 2 Hot water ht. Gar. Price below market.
Make offer. Mrs. Barnes, WA 6 1875. OLGA KRAUSE, RLTR. CL 5-2316 SALE OR TRADE FOR BUS.
property. Dble. with small house In rear. 2322-24 W. Walnut.
Good buy at $10,000. SCHNFIDER REALTY WA 6-4806 1330 BROAOWAY-4 APTS. Excel, income Irom 5 furn. plus 5 rms. for owner.
5 New baths, qas furn. Mrs. Barnes, WA 6-1875. OLGA KRAUSE, RLTR. CL 5-3216.
$750 DOWN-3 APTS. 54 N. Hamilton-Nice opt. for owner plus $100 month. Inc.
Immediate possession. FL 6-3629. ME 5-4000. 2606 CENTRAL-Extra nice 3 unit opt. bldg.
$120 Mo. Inc. plus 4-rm. apt. for owner.
FL 9-6265. Browns Real Estate Co. WA 5-9227 64 N. 6TH-BEECH GROVE 1-6 2-3 rms. Contract.
FL 7-5836 FL 7-7634 1919 RUCKLE, 4rms. 4-rm. apt. up. Excel, cond.
Eve. CL 1-4290 28-UNIT APT. ond 13 unit apt. Rental $2857 Mo. located N.
Sell 1 or both. Burkhart, AT 3-2222. 8 APTS -t BATHS Brick apt N. Inc. over $5000 year.
Priced $16,000. $2500 dn. AT 3-3173. 45 Business Property For Sale or Lease FOR LEASE BUSINESS SPACE NORTH MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST CO. 19 WEST 38TH ST.
25553 SQUARE FT. CALL ME 7-1624. MR. APPLEGATE FCR SALE In Fortvillc, Ind. 15 miles N.
E. of Indipls. on Highway 67 and New York Central R.R. 13,000 sq. ft.
plant for light industry. Heavily wired, gd. loading and parking facilities. Immed. poss.
$37,500. Write or phone Mason J. Thomas, 1146 Nelson St. Indianapolis, Ind. ST 7-1321.
129 FT. ON E. 38TH Across from Ind. National Bank. Zoned offices.
Imm. poss. Plenty pnrkino. FREDERICK B. CLINE, REALTOR ME 7-3174 CL 5-4334 NEW BUILDING 10,000 Sq.
ft. off-street parking. 1800 Ft. storeroom, air cond. Suitable for Insurance office, finance furniture store, mfgrs.
agent, display storage, retail store, etc. 3501 N. Arlington. LI 5-1373. BUSINESS OR INDUSTRIAL 8,300 Sq.
ft. on Highway 40, W. Indpls. 1-Story bldg. Hiqh ceiling tor truck drive in.
No posts. Mod. offices. Ample parking. Box 2570 Star and News.
54TH AND COLLEGE 1600 So. ft. Excellent office or business location. Reasonable rental. G.
W. KING, CL 5-9481, ME 6-3938 BUSINESS DOUBLE $8500 Total price. Good condition. 4400 North, off Keystone. Mary CL 3 6096 TOWN COUNTRY CL 3 2751 Good 4-rn.
hse. on corner. Ideal for office in front, workshop In the rear. ST 4-2804. STUDEBAKER RLTY.
ME 2 9443 FOR LEASE-BROAD RIPPLE 1500 Sq. ft. of floor space. 80x120 lot. Just E.
of Colleqe on 65th. tiuu mo. tor ist yr. CL 1-4513. 75TH-RD.
431; 4-rm. house, bsmt. suit, tor offices. Off st. parking.
$5000. Needs some repr. Sell on con tract, owner, CL 5 9873 130,000 SQ Brick 18c per ft. Sorinklered; Iqe. parkinq lot tor lease.
MF CL 5 5667. CENTER OF CARMEL; residence toned lor business. C. F. BAILEY, MF 8 1591, TR 8 8681 1 OPER.
beauty shoo, ant nttnrh" rent or sell. Mr. white, FL 6 RIKINFS CITFC Ini- i.l. Call ME 5 7154 KEMPER CL 1-4072 EAST-Bldq. 30x30-140-ft.
lot. Good 'DC. tor aruastore. t-L 6-3208 WE BUILD-Where ond what you wnnt f-m r- 1.0441 46 Lots for Sale WANAMAKER VILLAGE Lovely S.E., suburban area. Nice choice of lots.
110x180 and larger. REPASS REALTY UN 2 6614 CHOICE LOTS NORTH HOOVER CREST RESTRICTED. City wofer. CL 1-4625 40 AC. city wofer, 1J mi.
S. Will divide Into 10 A. trocts. HA5, A. SANDERS, ST 7-1 698 3951 N.
MOLLER RD. 100x4oT Wooded; west of Rd. 52; ME 2 6411, FL 6 3140. LOTS. South tide suburban.
$1200 up. CHAS. A. SANDERS, ST 7-1698 SCHMIDT REALTY CO. ME 2 2555 Re-llors Tl 9 0877 1iT-ACRE WOODED LOT, beautiful Jumpers Woods Addition, 96th and Moore Rd, CL.S-8623.
Restricted A. U'4- A. 3300 GUION RD. for resi" dential development. MERRILLS AGENCY, WA 3-8006 BUILDING LOTS ME 5-7154 KEMPER CL 1 4072 DEVON WOODS: Beautiful wooded 1 ocre lot.
Call LI 7-7368. COD thu nmm S': 16 6 16 54 23 63 0S0 33 89 4 35 55 5fe 6171C3 83 33 V.r) 84 H8 37 f.fi st 11. Vonny can often be Hoy th.Tjt your comim LOANS SNCE 1915 Borrow thr rnsh vou rwi hee. EQUITABLE! SECURITIES CO. 152-4 N.
DELAWARE ME 2-3361 CAR PAYMtNTS TOO HIGH? AUTO LOANS UP TO $2500 We can reduce your payments ana give you additional cash in most cases. Call Homjr Stone, ME 5-6401 CONSOLIDATED FINANCE CO. Inc 111 N. Penn. Ist nConsohaoted Bldg.
CASH LOANS-S20 10' E. Washington ME 6-5414 Lemcke 2d tlr ME 2-7567 7150 E. Wash. (Mam Fir.) FL 7-1144 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP III. Bldq.
(3d Fir.) Ph. ME 5-5403 LOANS UP TO 'SSOO GAC FINANCE CORP 38 N. PENN. ME 8-6418 5533 E. WASH.
FL 9-5446 LOANS COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO Pnnm 418 rjt R'rft MF 5 "507 58 Firjsiciof. Etc. First Mortgage Money Avail. WABASH LIFE INS. CO.
Mr. Greig-WA 4-2631 FINANCIAL Bockmg for quality residential construction. 8 yrs. exp. Refs.
exchanged. Box 2569 Star and News. WANT TO BORROW $10,000 For business purposes. Give real estate as security. Repay 5 yrs.
at 7'-, Bnx 2524 Mnr and Nnws 52 WantedReal Estate WE PAY CASH for your property or equity. NO EXPENSE TO YOU. Get your "no obligation" offer today! Prefer only Marion County. For reliable courteous service call ME 2-1345, CL 1-0146, C0R0NAD0 CORPORATION GET READY TO MOVE IN ii you list witn lannan nave people wanting suburban as tar cs 15 miles out Call day or niaht tor MR. LANNAN, CH 4-9571 EVES AFTER I UL 6-5787 2- BDRM.
$8000 pay $2000 dn. Viicnity of Tibbs and 161h. ALSO 3- Bdrm. must be A-1. Within 1 blk.
of transp. Vicinity of 2000 blk. W. Wash. $12,000 to Cash.
EDW. HECHT RLTR. LI 5-1336 A FOR YOUR HOME OR EQUITY EVES. WA 6-5875, LI 7-3197 JUSTUS REALTY FL 9-5457 SUDDEN SERVICE We need your home or Income property. Call ME 5-3312 or LI 6-2939.
ACRO REALTY CO. WANTED FOR COLORED Cash otter or sell quick tor you. I A iF RFALTY TO LI S1PS A il Loans WE MAKE REAL ESTATE LOANS We buy real, estate contracts EARL NELSON ME 5-3312 Aero Realty Co. 225 N. Del.
A. BRENNAN INC. ME 5-2315 62 Positions Wanted: Men 11 YRS. bldq. exp.
as contractor and superintendent. Con design homes, estimate iob costs, sell allied materials. VI 6-8850, ST 6-3322. BOOKKEEPER-Of ice Manaqer. Bondable, full time or part lime.
Box 153, Star and News. HONEST hondy man, work of any kind, fireman, lanitor, watchman. Day-niqht. ME 1-9365. Recent Gen.
Ofc. Consolidated Bus. Schl. ME 5-9537. CO-OPERATIVE-Part Time.
Middle oged-Sernl retired. Executive ability. Herbert F. Mitchell AT 3-5977. HANDY service, gen.
wall paint, floor low winter rates. WA 6-5950. RELIABLE MAN for custodian work. White, good reference. Some church experience.
ME 7-1779. PAPERHANGING, plaster, steam- Ing, painting, wall wash. ME 5-8151. WALL wash, ovg. rm.
$5. Paper cln $3. Quick serv. CL 5-7348. TYPING IN ii home.
Can pick up ond deliver. ME 8-9932. EXPER. WALL WASHERS-S5 UP WA 3-4214, WA 4-J745 WHITE man, oqe 26, desperate for work. FL 7-4252.
QUICK SERVICE-Gen. trans, haul moving, pickup, del. WA 6-5950. EXP, painter, inside work, linoleum layer. ST 7-0673.
WHITE FAMILY man, mechani- cnllv inclined, new car MF I-2RR2. 63 Positions Wanted: Women FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER-SECRETARY desires permanent responsible position with reliable firm. Available March 28, 1960. Reply to Box 874, Star ond News, EXEC. ASST.
top exp. graphic arts gen. bus. Including sales relations, office mgm't. Int.
cnonqing. vuuu up, wa 4-ubuo eve EXP. LADY emp. In med. rec.
of fice hosp. wants work weekends, good ot figures, good penman. ST 4-1502. PRACT. NURSE light cooking, light one floor, board, room, medium wages.
P.O. Box 303, Greencastle, Ind. FORMER 10 yrs. exceplionolly good secretary Con-sol idated Biis. Schl ME5 9537.
EXP. housekeeper. Cook ond daughter 12 need home, exchanqe work, some wage. ME 7-7113. OFFICE denning by wk.
or wk. by the dny. A-1 refs. ME 8-3334 YOUNG Col. woman wants hsewk.
or baby sitting. ME 5 0374. DEPEND. COL GIRL wants nurse oid or any kind work. WA 6-8235 or WA 6 0403.
TYPING-Gen. olf. shorthand bkpg. exp. Downtown pref.
ME 5-29 58 LAUNDRY, ironing my home 2411 CENTRAL AVE. WA 5-1115 NURSING PRACTICAL WA 3-2094 PART TIME JOB EVES. WA4-15J7 TYPING, DICTATION to do In my home. FL 7-6806. IF YOU NEED clean reliable housekeeper, call UN 7-4089.
DAY OR WEEK WORK. WA 3-1244. WASHING, ironings, curtains. Fast serv. Pickup, del.
WA 4-2W4. NURSTAVAOrT-3635 WHHfc-E o-rtl. housj nrk. 2 days or more week. ME 7-7776.
COL. WOMAN wants office furmtu'e store clean or willing to learn stock rm. work In dept. store dntn. ME 8 7757.
HONEST COL, woman 60, light hsewk. or day work, 6 hrs. $5. Iron, real neat. C.L.M.
P.O. Box 764, Indpls. 6, Ind. COL. woman wants ironing cleaning, 6 hours.
AT 3-6943. or EXP. COL. lady wonts wall wash- Ing, house cleaning, Ref. ME 5-991 1 COL.
LADY WANTS DAY WORK. CH 1-0412 EXPER. COL. girl wants baby- sitting nr rtnywork WA 3-4086. 65 Employment: Men ACCOUNTANT-FULL CHARGE Refunded TOP opportunity with a TOP Co.
Many other fine positions avail. Mail resumes given prompt attn. "TOP" Emol. ME 5-3405 Lie. 17 Wet Mnr' -el t' 3rd Floor ADJUSTER Lending fire company needs exper.
adiuster in fire and allied line to work Indpls, ond vicinity. Give resume ot exper. ond qualifications. Box 2562, Star ond News. Our employees know of this ad.
CASUALlYlllirTADJUSTER" Aae 25-35. Exper. pref. Apply In person. FOSTER MESSICK 456 N.
MERIDIAN sw at soutHDAif: aoon Nrv I -i 2 in- '-y fi f'K l'nor I in a 4 NFW OFFERING TWINBROOKS ltl, All rjnS fill nshy n-ie a p- t. f-o' eo h. $1 6 I r-f BETTER THAN NEW (SS 10! i Bdrm ijor 'n tun bvi' i brum, ir' m51. PI. ST A 0 ST 6 4uV4 SMITH VALLEY CS21) Just cn'i I ludse 'Ns oe from on'Sirlp, 1 go in tn see 3 W'n p'us torn gnr.
'b nf ST 6 IDEAL FOR RETIRED COUPLE (SS 1 Pdrtn anno rnnd lop. lot. 7811 LORETTA DR. (SS 36) 3 Brlmis 1 bolts, no'io full printed hsmt 2or gor. FL 5 V39.
ST li 4364 503 9TH BEECH GROVE (SS4HI Pmnl wth htiiiw RrirkPm m' 1 --'m' tii i fui. ST4iA4 R. GREGORY INC. 71 E. SO'ITHPORT RD.
Rertrm. Ennlirntv'o s'onc on 4 acre Thf fni't ii'h Anot. 3711 MCLAUGHLIN DRIVE Mormon Hemhts, nw 3hdroom slnn on 'j arre, full bsmt. We ll trade. Onen i3Sl MARBURN DRIVE Perrv Manor, 1 yr old 3 Bdrm.
brk full bsmt. Owner sovs Sell." Aool. tM R05EDALE DRIVE Brick and slone ronrh, full owner tronsf A houty. 717 MARKWOOD 3-Brfrm. frame, exreil.
tond Prcd. to sell. Cash or terms. Anot. 11 Acrej on old Shelbyville Rd near Emerson, No bldns 45 Acres $.
Franklin Rd. No bldqs. Irtenl tor rrany nu no- MARKER LI 1083 EDSEL REALTY IF YOU NEED A nice smoll home with 1 liv. rm bia bath, 2-c. gar.
See 5425 Maraate Rd. Cash or Contract. FL 9-7285. SCHILLING REALTY, FL 9-5561 3-BEDROOM STONE BUILT '57 Beaut, carpeted liv. rm, and din.
nice kitchen, tile bath, 2-car heated paved drive, outo. aas Ig. landscaped lot. Only $18,500. I k- RFAI TV TO ST 7 77R4 42 Suburban, South VARIETY OF NEW 1- and 3-bed-room homes In Suburban Acres.
Also nice selection ot older home Phone TU 1-2544 Greenwood PEAl ESTATE INS. LOCATED EDGEWOOO-570O0 3 Bedrm. bath. gar. Aonrox.
ocre. Trnnsp front. ST 6-8ri41 GENTRY REALTY ST 6 04 43 S850 DN. 10-Rm. 2 baths, oil ht.
Vncant. In Be hany Park on Rd. 67. Paul Jones, ST 4-6582. HOME REALTY Inc.
ME 2-8813 SMITH VALLEY RD. E. OF MERIDIAN Brick front, 3 1 acre. FL 9-1135 FL 7-7634 SMITH'S Valley. Lovely 2-Bedrm.
tull end. gar. CHA5. A. SANDERS ST 7-1698 HAVE good selection of 2- and 3- Darm.
nomes. wiae price range. TU 1-1439, FL 6-9444. FOR COMPLETE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE SERVICE, CALL MAYME MOORE ST 6-0283 4-BDRM. I'i baths, 10 closets, bit.
-in range, gar. Lot 100x135. $400 assume loan. FL 7-1340. EDGE OF CITY $500 dn.
contract. Nice 7-bdrm. well built, hd. wd. floors, low tax rate.
TU 1-2257. 3-BDRM brk. ranch, attach, fnm rm 14 y7S'. Owner ST 4-4W. Syjrbnn.
West MODEL HOME OPEN DAILY 1 TO 7 HORNADAY HEIGHTS BROWNSBURG, INDIANA Located at east side of Browns-burg. Just 1 block south of Road 136 on Hornaday Road. Eight miles northwest of Speedway. Take dual lane from Speedway at Georgetown Road. Watch for sign with large arrow of Hornaday Road.
PRICE RANGE $13,750 TO $16,980. Quick poss. some models. City water and sewers. FHA financing.
BUILDERS, INC. JOHN MclNTIRE, SALES UL 2-2730 AT 2-3072 MURPHY MEADOWS BROWNSBURG Immedlote possession. New 3-bedrm. brick home. att.
garaqe, oil city utilities. $1000 Will handle. Assume FHA 5' 4 mortgage. Phone UL 2-2251. Eves, and Sun.
CL 3-0097. WEST SIDE RLTY. INC. 433 MURPHY LANE It's fun to live in MAYFLOWER VILLAGE KING SIZE LOTS-Pplenty of space for outdoor fireplace, gardening, etc. A safe place for the children to ploy.
All city 3-bedrm. model homes, open 11 a.m. -8 p.m. As low as $400 FHA. CH 1-9303.
BROWNSBURG 2- 3- 4 Bedrm. homes Low As $550 Down 2''? 2-bcdrm. home $14,500. 52''j A. farm, consider contr.
HENDERSON i REALTORS 2 W. Main Brownburg Office UL 2-2245 Eves. UL 2 4710 MinilRAAM livinn with ritv Hord to find but we have it. New ranch, corner lot. Lovely kitchen, fireplace; 2-car att.
gar. Excellent financing. Let's take a look, LI 7-7395, CL 5 6481. HAYNES REALTY SERICE. Rlfr.
1 MODELS-OPEN DAILY 'TIL 8 3 ott. gar. As low as $450 dn and $78.18 per mo. FHA. Broadmoor Manor, E.
edge of Plaintield on N. side of U.S. 40. HOME BUILDERS Rlty. FL 9-9211 2-BDRM.
BUNG. Alum siding, gas 2-car gar. 1 bik. to school. SALLEE REALTY CO.
Odell, Brownsburg UL 2-4582 After 5. CH 4 or Ql. 2 2114 42 Suburban, West NEAT 2-BDRM. -12x24 unfm. fom.
rm carpet, Custom made cabinets and 2-car detached gor. JOE FORD, REALTOR 541 E. Main, Brownsburg, UL 2-4790 AMer 5, UL 2-2525or CH 4-4480 BROWNSBURG -S950 DN. Lg. 3-bdrm.
home, iv3 baths, qood cond. Immsd. poss. Assume 4Vj In. No oqe or earning req.
207 W. Tilden. CH 3-0150, Tl 9-2068. HOLLIDAY PARK REALTY CORP. LOV.
4-RM. BUNG. ON WD A. Has full qas 3 full din. 2-rnr city bus ot door.
Sac. for $13,250. PORTER REALTY UL 6-5250 PURCHASING POWER of your dollar is qreatest today when applied to real estate. See RALPH NORMAN Aacy. TE 9 6421.
3 BDRM. MOD. Hobby room, qaraqe. shady yard. GENE HOPPER, Realtor CH 1-3737 What do YOU need West? RENT APPLY ON PURCHASE l'j BATH.
S. RIPBERGER, BUILDFR CH 1-0203 CH 1 3160 "TOPS IN SERV." Lge. 100x420 lot W. 1 Car. Frpl.
In yd. UL 2-5077. TOPMILLER RLTY TE 9-0145 FOR FARMS AND SUBURBANS SEE COLEMAN P'nmtieia TF 9 3157 Monresviiie 1 5 1 NEW 4 many extras, nice ne.nh. $13,700. CH 1-5187.
CI FMPlFMFN PFAI TV MF 6-1111 42 Suburban Out-of-City for Sale Ml OFF Rd. 421. 18 Ml. S. Ot Indpls.
city limits. Like new Ige. liv. cab. 15 ft.
of cabs. In ulil. rm. FA oil ht. Chain link fed.
bark yd. $500 $70 mo. CH 4 8754. ME 6 0109. MrfONNFl I rt ARK 4 1SS 43 Doubles, Duplexes 925-27 N.
ALABAMA ST. $495 mod. newly dec. 5 rms. 1 side, 4 other side: bal.
$60 mo. Varant. Will trade. ME 8 4066, ME 2 7027. DOUBLES, 3106-1 Colleqe, and 3002-4 N.
Del. 3 harms. -a side. Cash or Contract. WA 5 4630 29-31 dbl.
Coal furnoce. new kit. cabinets, ne 2-car cement blork gar Nr grode, Howe Hinti Srhl. Cosh or contr. Quirk poss.
Owner. FL 9 5251 1701 COLORADO Corner J-way dbie part brick; 5 very re rms tile both, gas heat. Built the best, 2 yr -olrj $21,000. CL 1-3369. 606-608 DORMAN $400 Down $52 50 nio.
buys thu side, semi-modern double DIAMOND REALTY CO. LI 7 5406 3000 N. PENN. $16,900 Roomy 3 2 story dble Frpl oil 3-cor gar. mo WA 5-3765, CL 1 458).
Barber 902 English Ave. BAKER Apply 1017 noon only. 7105 E. 10th BARTENDER-E penenceo7 Nigh tsT No dnnk -nq. 745 Moss Ave EXPERIENCED BENCH MTN FOR CABINET SHOP Lyon Lumber Supply Co.
3535 Roosevelt BUS BOY Contort Mrs Fon'eman HARRISON HOTEL BRICKLAYER 1st class only. Call alter 6:30 p.m. LI 7-9419 CARPENTERS Apply between 8 and 9 a.m. PAUL B. WHITE CO.
1124 Timberlone, no phone calls please. 0 CARD PASSERS 0 Prefer over 40. Steady employment. TU 1-1665 after 8 p.m. STOCK CLERK Experienced In grocery work.
Basket Grocery, 143 W. 16th St. CREDIT TEACHER 1 Night a wk. ME 5-9537 COOitS EXPERIENCED Must be neat and clean In appearance. PAID COMPANY INSURANCE SICK LEAVE VACATION MERCHANDISE DISCOUNTS Apply in Person Only Personnel Office HUDDLE RESTAURANT 531 N.
FULTON 1 Blk. East of College Vi Block North of Michigan Parts Counter Man Only those with recent dealership exper. need apply. Opportunity for advancement to ambi man with foresight. APPLY MR.
MUNZ INDIANAPOLIS RAMBLER INC. 342 East Market St. CREDIT AND COLLECTIONS Inside. Excel, opportunity of advancement to manoger. Moskins, 131 W.
Washington. 5 DRAFTSMEN $1 2S-S1 75 WK. Potential is the big word on these lobs. Mechanicol aptitude Is Important, too. You will be groomed for top-flight positions In design and development of controls and machinery.
Lighter men who show promise will be welcome and they will meet ony figure for heavier experience ASK FOR DICK FRENCH Business Men's Clearing House 17 W. Market ME 9-5252 Lie. Aqcy. DnfT5MAN WILCO CORP. 546 DROVER TAXI DRIVERS MEN FULL OR PART-TIME WOMEN OVER 25, FULL TIME Apply 8 A.M.
to 4 P.M. RED CAB, INC. 2020 N. ILLINOIS Regular Drivers for Wk. Days Part-Time Drivers Sundays Safety Cab 614 Ind.
Ave. DRIVERS FOR THURSDAY ONLY APPLY THURSDAY 89 A.M. 203 W. MORRIS ST. Electrician-ll Must be oble to do minor motor repair, relay ond lighting circuits, conduit lobs and motor controls.
Must read blue prints and assist higher class employers In his craft. Will accept applicants with schooling In lieu of exper. 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. shift.
Call or apply In person. BRIDGEPORT BRASS CO. SOUTH HOLT RD. CH 4-2461 PLANT ENGINEER Graduate Engineer to direct plant engineering functions, with a minimum of 13 yrs. exper.
in boilers, refrigeration, air conditioning, maintenance of equipment and buildings, utilities and construction. Registered professional engineer preferred. Age 45-50. Call Personnel Office, ME 8-2521. 1220 MADISON AVE.
PITMAN-MOORE CO. MECHANICAL ENGINEER for heating, ventilating, and air condi Honing design, and maintenance proiects for these systems plus central hentina plant, steam distribu tion, and petroleum systems. Civil Service, GS-U, $7030 base. Degree plus 4 years experience required. Submit letter of application and resume fo Chief Engineer, Bunker Hill Air Force Base, Peru, Indiana, for consideration.
EXTERMINATOR Rapidly expanding local firm needs 2 more Sales-Service men. Top pay, no layoffs. Route exper. helpful. Must have qood cor and be dependable.
FARM MAN, married. qood pay, house furn. Steady work. Refs. rriu'rerl.
WA 6 4200. MARRIED "form hand with smoll fnmilv. exo in dairy and form machinery. Greenfield HO 2-5754. GRILL MAN Apply Steak Slop 4640 E.
10th r.oii I MAM Apply 1012 noon only. 2105 E. 10th JANITOR for 16 apt. bldg. Must live on premises, oe clean, sooer exp.
Refs. req. Over 65. WA 6-4200. LATHE MAN With toolroom experience to work night shift.
E-W MOLD I TOOL (13 EAST MARKET STREET LUBRICATION EXPERT for Shell station, Soulhside. Evening hours. Must be dependable. Box 2535, Star and News. TOOLROOM MACHINISTS Only qualified men need apply I o.m,-5 pm.
UNITED ENGINEERING 1923 S. DELAWARE 46 Lots tor Sole DESIRABLE LOTS We have several choice lots available tor new homes in onv section ot tne counitv it vou are planning lo build a new home, see us before you buy a lot We dov construction bills while vou build BUILDERS LOAN CO. ME 6 2491 READY TO SUBDIVIDE 93 Acres, frontoge. good N.W. oreo.
Near 3 new industrial developments. Cash or terms. John Eastwood CL 1 451 3 BEAUT. WOODED lots in Westchester Estotes. 7900 N.W.
with cone, curbs ond sewers. Call Bob Mathews. MARSH PFAITY CO ft 19284 48 Exchange Real Estate TALK TO ut about Irodmg your home on a new one nortn or N.E. A. E.
THOMPSON ME 2-1428 IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR TRAOF CALL ACFNT FL 9-5107 49 Farms, Acreage 602 ACRES located in Montqomery Co. on State Road. 300 Acres qood tillable land producing extra qood crops. Balance in blue grass posture, some timber, sprinq-fed streoms. Driven well, 3 metal cribs, double corn crib, lorge barn.
1000-Ton trench silo with cement floor. Fenced for cattle, partly for hoas. This farm is golnq to sell riaht oway. The price is very reosonoble-a money maker at a rock-bottom, bargoin price. Call us for more details.
We also hove many smoll and well improved farms. Paul Sayler, phone ME 2-5405, or Kenneth Milligan, phone EM 2-7608 Crowfordsville, Ind. Brown County Many mod. 3- ond 4-bedrm. homes priced from $15X00 to $35,000.
Chef Carmichael, Realtor NASHVILLE, L.0 8-2873, LO 8-4840 INDIANAPOLIS, ME 2-5327 136 A S. of Greensburg. Trade. 80 A. nr.
Westport. Mod. home, private oas well. Real farm. 60 mod.
home. N.W. of Danville. 40 Boone Co. Fine farm.
20 30 ml. east. Terms. WM. C.
KISSLING AGENCY 3026 Guilford WA 3-7610 GOOD 80 AC. farm. 18 Mi. E. of Indpls.
Shelby Co. Good house and barn. Well fenced, 3 wells, 8 Ac. wood posture. Priced right.
Rofferty Williams, New Palestine, TO 1-4652. COMPLETELY sold out of farmi ond surburban acreage. Have buyers. Free appraisal. Lee Orman.
KARNES REALTY ST 4 441 2 235-A. BOONE CO. Excellent livestock farm. Good bldqs. JOHN D.
CASE "The Farm Man" 1418 Fletcher Trust Bldg. ME 1-6269 120 ACRE FARM, Vi cultivated, 2 barns, 2 dwellings. Barq. $100 per ocre. 45 Mi.
W. WA 6-6779. 12-ACRE WELL-STOCKED LAKE 43 A. I1'? mi Nashville Mod cabin. Chet Carmlrhael, ME 9 5337.
50 Out-State Property FLORIDA FLORIDA. Like-new 5-rm. house. On waterway. Completely furn.
$17,900 or unfurn. $16,900. I. Hei-denreich, 2424 Key Larqo Lane, LU 3-1741, Fort Lauderdale. ST.
PETE. Lovely 2-bolh. Near Tampa Bay. Trade for Indpls. JBopfrJiMFBTT 51 Resorts, Cottages MOVE right in.
Easy to care for home. 1-Acre lot. $750 Dn. Taylor Rlty. Nineveh, Ind.
Yellowstone 3-2500. 3-RM. COTTAGE on Princes East Loke Sell on contract. TU 1 0661. 52 WantedReal Estate CALL US NOW FOR SPRING LISTINGS 40 YRS.
Will pay cash tor your home equity or contract. Courteous service. ME 6-6446, AT 3-4274, Mr. Earl. FORECLOSURES OUT! Don't lose your home in a torecloi-ure.
See us for a quick solution to your problem. D. F. Ritterskamp. ME 6-6447 FL 6-6744 FL 9-1961 I PAY CASH CASH FOR YOUR HOME TODAY LI 7-2232 KENDALL ME 9-5204 BUY SELL TRADE Got a real estate problem MR.
DEWITT, LI 7-2709 DEWITT REALTY CO. AT 3-1381 RETIRED businessman will pay cash tor inc. property or real estate contract. Any loc. Chas.
Crane, LI 7-1351; eve. CL 1-4290. OWNERS I pay cash for equities In homes under $7,000. Will assume your Mtg. No closing costs.
Ed. Johnson Rltr. LI 5-1681, FL 9-7560. BUILDER NEEDS LAND Approximately 25 lots, all adiacent, needed by residential builder. Write Box 974, Star and News.
WANTED! LISTING! I For Results Call AJAMIE REALTY ME 9-2127 I WILL BUY YOUR HOME Equity or contract. Quick action. No obligation. WA 5-9826, ME 4-3806. INTERESTED IN SELLING For quick sale coll C.
Mansfield, WA 3-8214 ME 4-8451 GET RESULTS-lf you wish to sell vour real estate contract or equity, B. M. RALSTON Aqcy. ME 4-4364 WE BUY REAL ESTATE Contracts, O'CONNOR REALTY RLTRS WA 5-4264 AT 3-8752 WA 6-2356 SPOT CASH for deed equities, tracts, small homes. ST 4 1725 or ST 6-0703 con LISTINGS NEEDED EAST BILL BOYER RLTR.
3701 E. 10th ME 2-4381 VDCDICurc finri hnnAtt offnrt sells homes. Have buyers. List now. RAY CASHON AT 3-4483, CL 1-0039 "List with Carr Start Packinq" JACK C.
CARR FL 6 2438 NEED DOUBLES-ANY LOCATION FL 614 LUTZ FL 61468 NEED HOMES EAST-HAVE BUYERS ED WOLFF, REALTOR, FL 9-0838 RUNYAN REALTY FL 6-2476 FL 6-2483 10-DAY selling service at highest price. Why worry? Address COL FOLAND, Noblesville. Ind. QUICK CASH tor moderately priced property. Prompt attention given.
L. K. FINCH LI 7 0807 I'LL PAY CASH lor your home or contr equity. No obhqation. WA 5-2787 VALENTINE ME 9-5704 WILL buy or sell your equity If you live Northeast Mr Pavey LI 7-2626.
LEE MOODY CO Rltrs LI 6 1593 NEED SPEEDWAY PROPERTY HAVE BUYERS Call D. B. McKee Rltr. FL 9-5770 I'M INTERESTED In houses for sale, eso. Northeast or East.
Geo. Rltr LI 71182 BOB GRAVES, REALTOR ME 2 8C86 WILL PAY cash for 2 or 3-bedrm. single or double. CL 1-4619 WA 5-0384 Need South-Side Listinat Nouv! C. G.
DIPPEL REALTY, ST 4 4833 WE HAVE BUYERS FOR OLDER HOMES IN GOOD COND. CALL FOR FREE APPRAISAL. LI 7-5406. WILL PAY CASH FOR home under $7000. Any size, any location ME 8 8834 ME 6-6446 CASH FOR G.I.
OR FHA EQUITY JOE BAILARD. LI 6JI04, FL 6 7098 CASH FOR HOMES-Will assume your mortooge. No closing costs. Coll Slutsky. ME 6 4514.
CL 1-46C0. URGENT need for qood bldq lots ond moneroiely priced homes ANDREWS RFALTV rL 1-5968 IF YOU WANT TO SELL OR TRAPE CALL AGENT FL 9 5107 HAVE BUER for 3-4 east. Aqent FL 9-3946 Fl. 9 -950 I Buy Contracts. Ilk 3 6309 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR REAL ESTATE WA 56424 HAVE CASH for homes up to $8000.
Cannadav. ME 6-2813. PAY CASH FOR DOUBLE. FL 7 5782 42 Suburban, South 1014 t. BANTA RD.
3 Bedrm. stone ronch; dm. rm carpeting, air 2-car large lot. ST 4 3383. A GOOD BUY IN JOHNSON CO.
3 Bedrm. ronch, 3 years old, 1040 sq. ft. living orea. Tiled bam, shower, all hdwd.
floors, oil heat, att. sealed alum, siding, 'j ocre, fenced rear yard ST 4-2904 NEW COLONIAL RANCH 3 12x18 paneled fomily Ig. kitchen, bit. -in range and oven. Lot 80x176 with trees.
City water, sewer. $17,950. TU 1-3114 S800 DOWN GREENWOOD Almost new 3-bedrm. ranch, city water, sewer, fenced yd. Nicely landscaped ST 4-8122.
PENNINGTON REALTORS, ST 6 9223 LAKE SITE NEAR MOORESVILLE Wooded 13 ocres with natural gorge, 4 Large B.R., stone ond frame, 2'-'? baths, recreation room. Over 2,000 sq, ft. 2'jar oarage, less than Walter Beineke, TU 1-1016. DON SHINE REALTY ST 6 0408 RANCH HOME alt. 2-car garaae, larqe lot with plenty of trees.
Just west ot U.S. 31 and south of Southport Rd. at 7225 South East St. Mr. Barnard.
MARSHALL HAWTHORNE AGCY. Realtors MR 4-4457 ON TRANS. 3-BDRM. BRICK Firepl. in nice-sized liv.
well-planned full, dry enclosed breereway. att. Iqe. well-landscoped lot. loc.
6455 Madison Ave. By appt. please. L. K.
REALTY CO. ST 7-7284 BEECH GROVE frame bung. 2 Fireplaces, full lVj-car gar. Only $12,900. ST 4-0269.
Bill Brockman Rlty. ST 7-1 387 6530 DERBYSHIRE RD. 4-Bdrm. Cape Cod Colonial. Approx.
1,700 sq. ft. living orea, 2 full baths, attach. 2-car. full divided bsmt.
$73,200. Quality const. TU 1-2410. BEST BUY SOUTH New 6-rm, stone; ott. tile baths, cor.
lot. $13,900. assume $10,500 loon. ST 6-1121. MM WFBB PFALTY ST 7-1M7 EVERYBODY LIKES THE RESULTS THEY GET from STAR AND NEWS QUICK ylCTON Want Ads 1,000,000 Satisfied Advertisers CAN'T BE WRONG WHY NOT JOIN THEM? PHONE YOUR AD IN NOW ME 0-2411 4iJ Veit 3 Bedrooms A STEAL 4608 THRUSH DRIVE EAGLEDALE 3 corner lot, 3 yrs.
old, essume G.I. loan, S73 per mo. ond buy CeauiHul furniture, everything tompiete with carpets, air conditioner, power mower, etc. Don't deiav. Immed.
possession. Call Sam Proiheroe CL 5 0478. HALL HOTTEL CO. ME 2 8581 IF YOU CAN PAY 2 300 DOWN. You con assume 0 short term mortgage.
Balance lust J9752. Save closing costs and save money in Interest, years old, home exceptionally well cared tor, corner lot, fenced yard, garbage disposal, drapes, olum, awning over picture window. See 3171 Donald Ave. Phone Vale Harless, CH 12884 or Fes. LI 7-0056.
AGENCY, REALTORS ASSUME -S74 MO. IMMED. POSS. 5108 WEST 33RD STREET Reasonable down payment, buys vet equity, no requirements or closing costs. 4' 7 Loan, exception-el 3-bdrm.
home, many extras. Fenced yard. Tremendous savings. Phone Vole Harless, CH 1-2884 or Res. LI 7 005.
i AGENCY, REALTORS TRY 1650 DN. FHA 50I Deiores Dr. -Rolling Meadows Owner transferred. Exceptional 1'j bath home, larqe kitchen, panelled den, dining room, carport-Walking distance to shopping ond transportation. Phone Vole Horless, CH 1-7884 or Res.
Assume loan. S1495 Is oil cash needed. No closing costs, no earning or eg req. 3-Br. with Ige.
liv. Ige. kit. Good condition. 3229 Welch.
CH 3-0150, AT 3-1027. HOLLIDAY PARK REALTY CORP. FURNISHED HOME I29S0 Dn. will give you a very nice urn. home with a 4, G.I.
mtg. S75 Mo. Lg. gas lit. Quick poss.
WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE (WE 6-9753 BRENNAN Rltr. CH 4-9404 CAPE COD ATTACH. GAR. Beoutiful 3-br. home.
Excellent cond. Assume $1475 Is all cash needed. No closing costs, no aqe or earning req. 3531 Welch Dr. CH 3-0150, CL 1-7630.
HOLLIDAY PARK REALTY CORP. IMMED. POSS. NEW 4 new oiuminum ond brick 3 B.R. Nationals at S45O-S550 Dn.
Including closing costs. Circular floor plans. Move tomorrow. CH 3-0150, AT 3-8827. HOLLIDAY PARK REALTY CORP.
SUBURBAN YET CLOSE IN Lovely brk with attch. 2-car qor. ond full dry bsmt. 5040 N. High Sen.
Rd. Din. 1-ocre lot. Pony barnl $19,900. Mary Wells, TR I-8242.
CARRIAGE ESTATES CL 1-9588 WELL KEPT J-BDRM. BRICK IN SPEEDWAY-QUICK POSS. Tiled baths, large disposal, full oil side drive, oaroae. fenced vd. Nr.
trnnsp. JOHN BUNCH Rltrs. CH 4-330l EAGLEDALE NEW LISTING 14x22 Garage Fenced Or assume 4' G. I. TR 1 2023 E.
B. DAVIS VVA 3-4602 (750 DOWN EAGLEDALE Vacant. Contract. No qualifications necessary. Huge fenced yard, l'j BlkS.
'O school NO. 61. WAft ni; SWEENEY RLTY. CL 1 9594 42 Suburban, North PLAN NOW FOR SPRING BUILDING tots on sewer and water. Complete design service.
Financing. $18,000 Up. CL5 0378 SchoenMorgan CL1 0598 10818 BROADWAY Will consider $500 dn. on contract or will trade equity tor smoller home. 3-Bdrm.
mod. stone front, ell heat, olum. windows thruout; call owner ME 9-5204, LI 7-2232. SPAC. 4-BDRM.
home, plus liv. rm. ond din. rm. 2 baths, oil good storage.
34 Wooded ocre. S22.500. Evelyn Davis, VI 6-2374. SHERMAN WILSON CO. VI 6-2554 CARMEL new frame and brick fom.
2-c. ottch. gor. Cor. lot.
$1500 Dn. FHA. VI 6 8437, VI 6-5271. SHERMAN WILSON CO VI 6-2554 IN CARMEL, Ige. home.
Ideol for family, aos Ig. lot, excell. loc. $13,800. KAISER REAL ESTATE VI 6-2108 CARMEL-New I'i baths, paneled fomily 2-c.
gar. R. Howard Hockett, VI 6-1078. $5600. Carmel.
7-Rm. house on fronsp. Lot 66 xl80'. Eves. VI 6 8437.
FHA, $14,250 TOTAL PRICE. BLEYINS REALTY CO. FL 6 8932 SNOWED IN-SO ARE WE But call us on this 3-bdrm. mod. stone with liv.
bit, -ins, eating oreo. porch, full with 1 ocre excel, for pony or garden. JUST LISTED-J-BDRM. Mod. carport, 1 ocre.
Well fenced. ST 4 7474 GIBBS UN 2 6730 NEW MOD. Brick; gor. otl. on Ige.
corner lot In new subdivision along Rd. 67 near Oaklondon School. 11627 Peacock Dr. Consider smoll dn. pymt.
or your equity in older property. Fronk N. Padget, Inc. ME PADGET, CL 1-0238 sOUTkcitr New 3-bdrm. stone on wooded lot In orea of new homes.
Hdwd. ceramic tile bath, 2-car gar. Storm windows ond doors. $17,200. Chas.
Rains, FL 9 4916. PAINS RLTY RLTRS. ME 9-2536 PRIVATE I Aire cinuiice Spoc. 4 bedroom 2-level. 2 full baths.
2-cor gor. Immed. occupancy tve Whistler, CL 1 0777 BETTY MULLINS CO CL 5-8554 701 HARBISON OWNER RETIRING Cor lot, garage. Make oner. FL 7-5U6 FL 7-74 SADLIER, eoeve Bedroom one.
Itv O.n., carport. FL 7-7157. M'HNEY Pity. FL 7 3747, FL 7-8339 I JIST ACRE WOODED Loe 2 beijrm Beqiord stone 2-Cor -l trpr). 7 mi Want-Adt, Mf 8-2411 MACHINISTS Join i leader in the electronics and metallurgical field.
Current openings on 2d shift for all-around MACHINISTS. Must be able to operate and perform on set ups on both engine lathes mills and shapers. Required to have own tools. Excellent benefits, good starting wages. APPLY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE A.M.-4:30 P.M.
P. R. MALLORY CO. 3029 East Washington MAGAZINE MAN If you can sell you are executive material. Immediate opening os field manager.
Full cooperation from the office plus attractive salary, over-write, tull comm. on sales, car allowance, Insurance, etc. See R. H. Hurley, 1021 Peoples Bank Bldg.
MAINTENANCE MAN Must be exper. In mechanical, electrical welding and tool ond die fields of work. Preferably olum. fabrication background. Send re-plies to Star ond News, Box 2454.
MAINTENANCE MAN Exper. on laundry equip. Under 50. Bex 2555 Stor ond News. AUTO BODY METAL MAN Good shop.
Plenty work. ME 9-6541. FINANCE MANAGER ASST. MANAGER 8. TRAINEES Several excellent opportunities with reputable financial organization.
Ii-imediate oneninqs. I I iCts-v I ua N. Meridian Lie. WA 3-1583 TRAIN FOR MANAGEMENT Up to $650 per mo. plus lucrative bonus.
Home every night, Immediate earnings. Interview between 9 ond 1 only. For oppt. FL 6-3970, Mr. Harris.
MANAGEMENT TRAINEES We need on aggressive man to train tor office management in a nation-wide llnonce company. 21-30 yrs. old. High School grod. Must have cor.
Good salary. Vacation. Excellent employe benefits. Public Finance Corp. 30 W.
Indianapolis. ACT KB MAP t.l AIM nn Sales-lndst'l. exp $500 Plus uem. ottice, some comp. jjuo AMERICAN, II N.
Pa. Lie. 607 MULTILITH OPERATOR Must be experienced. Good opportunity for right man. ADVERTISING LETTER SERVICE 632 E.
North Room 408 Ask for Mr. John Couch, ME 6-3527, call for appointment. MULTILITH OPER. Experience on 1250 required. Age 21-35.
Good benefits ond working conditions. JEFFERSON NATL. LIFE INS. CO. 241 N.
PENNSYLVANIA ir MULTILITH OPR. Terrific opportunity with yonderful $70 depending on exp. Got 3 openinqs with top firms. Apply ESQUIRE," 120 E. Market, Suite 708, Lie.
ME 9-1551 MULTILITH OPERATOR Thoro, exp. on No, 1750 Mach. Age 21-35 Start $70.00. O'Shea Employment System 108 No. Penn.
909 Rm. Lie. Aqy. AUTO MECHANICS Several openings for 1st class mechanics with brake experience. High earnings ond rapid advancement for the right men.
Apply In person. Sofewoy Brake Shop, 951 Southeastern. AUTO METAL MEN EXPERIENCED ONLY Indiana's largest body shops need 2 experienced body men. Good salary plus commission, paid vacations Steady. Apply In person.
GLOBE AUTO PAINTING 535 N. Capitol Ave. METAL MAN Be Ist class with tools 50-50 comm. Ask tor Slim Long or Bud Nelson. Slick's Body Shop 3551 Mass Ave.
AUTO METAL man, exper. Must hove hand tools. Comm. basis. Doyle's Auto Service, 3534 E.
10th, PARTS MAN Must have jxperience In General Molors parts. Give aqe, past experience In reply, Address Box 2557 Star and News. PLATERS HELPER Experienced In precious metal plating. Good starting salary. Fringe benefits.
DA.GE ELECTRIC CO. 67 N. St. Beech Grovt PRESSMAN for small offset Lltho, Multi) full or part time. Stripping, plate making and camera work avail, port lime.
Younq man to operate lob-kluqe press. Must have exper. Good workinq conditions. State exper. and rets.
In reply to Box 2516, Star and News. POLISHERS POLISHERS AND BUFFERS Must be lourneymen. Top wages, CITY PLATING CO. 1026 Shelby St. PRINTER-OPERATOR Steady, mostly floor.
No beginners, drunks. Open shop. Tolk salary, ME 7-6697. PRINTING FOREMAN Medium sije LP. off set plont.
Future. Box 2529, Star ond News. EXPER. PLUMBER Helpers need not apply. Must hove own hand tools.
FL 9-1051. FIELD REPRESENTATIVE National finance company, hot training position open for youngi man, 21-28. College training preferred. Many employee benefits. Write to P.O.
Box 1677, Indianapolis 6, Ind. WONDER BREAD 1 Wholesale bread route trainees, aqe 24-30, high school graduates, morried, with good work references. Apply 9-12 a.m. WONDER BREAD 2929 SHADELAND Route Man For Indianapolis orea. Must be neaf ond able to meet people.
Married. Aqe 22 to 40, S. Grad. $105 Guar. while training.
Call ME 7-9704 ROUTE MAN 55 60 stops per day. Morried man with cor. Age 21 to 35. H. S.
grod, $105 per wk. plus expenses to start. Full time hours, 9:00 am. Itj 6 p.m. Port lime hrs 5:00 m.
fo 8 m. Call CL 3-6535 Eves only. ROUTEMAN Exper. qood established route. Apply in person before :30 a.m.
Ask for Mr. Hinklev. GREGG CLEANERS, 1004 Madison ROUTE SALESMAN Man for Jump beverage route. Age 21-30. H.S.
graduate. Apply 1030 E. New York St. ROUTEMAN Must have truck. Good proposition.
Phone CH 3 0106 eves. OMAR ROUTE SALESMEN Age 21-35. Married. H.S. Ed.
Apply 3155 Shodelond. ESTAB. WATKINS Rts. Full, part-time. Av.
$2.50 hr. 814 E. Georgia, ROUTE Salesman. Full or part time. Avg.
$2.50 hr, FL 6-6622 otter 6 p.m. NEWSPAPER SALES OPPORTUNITY IN INDIANA The Indianapolis Star and The Indianapolis News have openings In the Circulation Department for men supervising our corrier organization In towns outside ot Marion County. Applicants must be neat appearing, 23 to 35 years of oge, high school graduates and must own an automobile. Good starting salary plus car expenses If you can qualify. Contact Mr.
Peterson, 307 N. Indiananpolls, Ph, ME 8-2411, Ex. 524. WE NEED 4 PIANO AND ORGAN SALESPEOPLE 2 agqressive super- salesmen and 2 younq men who con close a sole Hours noon till 10. Sunday 1 till 6.
We will top any deal if you are the right person. Inquire Robert Flsk, 2306 N. Meridian, COLLECTOR SALESMAN Men exper. In meeflng public. Sell notional odverf.
mdst. and furn. on smoll wkly. pymts. $100 wk.
guar, while training. Must have car. Age 25-35, married, H.S. ed. UNITED HOME SUPPLIES CO.
204 N. Illinois FORD SALESMAN Must have tales ability. No automtv hv experience necessary, mii DOTri nA inH I li.H mrm DraUe U. Side resident. Salary and comrrw wjr iui titsiiflo, aee joe ivnop.
JOE KNOP FORD SALES W. Moln, Plaintield, Ind. OFFICE Young man to work In wholesale grocery Co. 3 yrs. high school minimum.
Must be accurate typist. Opportunity lo leorn office work Incl. counter sales, billing, some bookkeeping, day wk. Write Box 2571 Star and News. 3 SALESMEN NEEDED Nation's largest distributor of rr kind needs 3 hard punching salesmen.
We have the world's best seller. Let us show you. Mlddleagerl or retired men welcome. Call 9-12, 3017 Washington Blvd. LEARN STEEL SALES $85 WEEK START Call on Industrial accounts, lust, ness Men's Clearing House, Ith 17 W.
Market. Lie. Agcy..